Thursday, June 04, 2020

JJack’s Winning Words 6/4/20
“The church has left the building!”  (Protester’s T-shirt)  When it was announced that the churches would be opened on Easter, my Bishop responded, “The Church has never been closed!”  “Church” has a double-meaning…a building or, the people of God.  In some instances, “people of God” were among those protesting the ab-use (sic) of people for any reason.  From the Bible…“Love your neighbor as you love yourself.”  My church tries to do that.  How about yours?  ;-)  Jack

FROM WILLMAR REV:  Our published term here in Willmar at the AG Church-- "We are 're-gathering' this Sunday, as we were never closed." 0;-)===JACK:  Non-church people sometimes have difficulty understanding church nomenclature..."Jesus", for example.===REV: Obviously had a difficult time understanding Jesus 2000 years ago when they dealt with Him physically, no wonder the same is found today w/o His physical presence.   "The Big Man upstairs . . . doesn't fit too well either with "every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess" Not thinking there will be many family pictures being taking at the occasion?! 0;-)

FROM STYLIST SM:  Amen===JACK:  In all of the turmoil…worldwide (and even personal), a hymn-line says: “O, let me n’er forget, God is the ruler, yet.”

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  The protests in  Springfield, IL have been mostly peaceful and pretty orderly. My have joined them. Still ongoing at this point, but not violent. Some graffiti on walls.   Our churches will be eligible to re-open soon; we'll see how that goes.===JACK:  Does it bring back memories your actions in the 60's?===BO:  These were massive marches led by a very strong leader...No one (that I saw) reacted to the angry bystanders who threw, urine, stones, (even a knife, which hit a catholic chaplain walking right behind Dr. King) hateful taunts, spit ,etc. We marched, sang, chanted, with linked arms, black and white together,  ignoring the hate, or shouting "God Bless you!".  Non-violent! It was effective.===JACK:  The change that you were marching for, seemed to happen gradually, but the racism lingered.  New times and new circumstances have brought things to a boil.  America is not great if there ever was a time when it was "heaven on earth."

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