Monday, June 22, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words 6/22/20)
“This world is not given by our fathers, but borrowed from our children.”  (James Audubon)  James was more than a painter of bird pictures.  He was an environmentalist and sounded an alarm about the destruction of animal habitats.  He loved wandering through woods and fields and recording what he saw.  A  Lutheran pastor helped with some of his writing.  He was a vegetarian, too.  I like his thought that our world is borrowed from our children.   ;-)  Jack

FROM TRIHARDER:  I'm afraid of what we are leaving for our children. ===JACK:  I remember how hopeful I was when you took a group of boys to Cuba to play soccer with boys there.  Doors were opening.  And, I remember how proud you were that your son was going to be working with diplomatic issues worldwide.  Was it all a turned into a nightmare?  Let's not give up hope.  Let's not stop sounding the alarm.  The battle is lost when fear erases hope!===JACK:  Focus non the negative, and you see negatives.  While it seems as tho we have passed the tipping point, I'm not ready to give in...As the commander of Allied forces said the the Nazis when asked to surrender..."NUTS!"  Audubon was discouraged during his day, but did not give up.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I think we are hard-put these days to see the positive in our world situations, and our country's future, but our children and "grands" will probably be as adaptable as our ancestors had to be in  tough times. There are always some very deep and creative minds that forge new ways and inventions to cope with challenges!  I pray this will continue, God leading!!!  ==JACK:  I'm preaching in Minnesota on 4th of July weekend...using Job 42:1 as the text: "God, I know that you can do all things."

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  We have all enjoyed the Audubon house in Key West! He certainly made that very interesting!===JACK:  So, Tampa is more than a place where they just make cigars....
Did you ever smoke a cigar? ===SHIRL:  No! I never smoked a cigarette either! My mother smoked for 45 years and Les smoked for 25 years! They both stopped cold turkey!===JACK:  Scientific studies probably scared the tar out of them>  Do you remember that expression, "Scared the tar out of" someone?

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