Friday, October 28, 2022

 Jack’s Winning Words 10/28/22

“RULES OF LIFE: Let it be – Ignore them – Give it time – Don’t complain – Stay calm – Smile”  (Meriam Bellina)  I sometimes find surprises when I search for information about WWs.  For example, Who is Meriam Bellina?  She was born in West Java and dropped out of high school to become a model and singer.  Look at today’s Rules of Life!  Can you imagine them as being written by a “Sex Bomb,” But they were – and one of her most famous songs is: One Day at a Time Sweet Jesus.”  I’ll add another rule: Don’t be so quick to judge.”  OOPS!  Meriam already has listed that:  “Give it time.”  How about you?  Do you have any rules to add-- rules that have made your life better?  ;-)  Jack

FROM JOE ANN:  Just relax! Listen first-talk second. Sing everyday!Laugh everyday! =-==JACK:  Those are good rules, too.  Meriam would like...Sing every day.  I always try to begin the day with a song.  One that I especially like is: Roll out of bed in the mornin' with a great bog smile and a good, good mormin'......

FROM MAGGIE:  A rule I’ve learned is be willing to apologize…===JACK:  Do you ever apologize when you know that you are right and "they" are wrong?

FROM SHARIN'  SHARON:  A psychiatrist advised me 25 years ago—try to stay around positive people and get some exercise every day, it will help you sleep better.  Enjoyed Meriam’s advice too.===JACK:  Do you remember the character from L'le Abner, Joe Btfsplk, the guy with a black cloud over his head?  Stay away from people like that.

FROM DAZ IN COLORADO:   Don't Complain is interesting advice. I keep getting a card on the Dining room table here that says +tell us about the dining experience which includes rating the food. Do they really want to know when the meat is tough  and the vegetables cold. Is that complaining or feedback. ===JACK:  Just for fun, try writing something about the the food.  "Were those potatoes Idaho Russets, or were they from Maine?  The meatloaf you served was just like mom used to make.  She'd get her hamburger especially ground at Wenzel's Butcher Shop. in Milwaukee.  Have you ever been to Milwaukee and seen  and bought meat at Wenzel's?  Milwaukee is famous for beer, but I don't think that they'd let you serve it here.  If they did, I give the meal a 5 star rating."  How do y0ou thing the people in the kitchen wouyld like what you wrote?  

Thursday, October 27, 2022

 Jack’s Wnning Words  10/27/22

Every positive thought that has passed between us makes room for more light.”  (John Lewis)  O, how I long for John Lewis or someone like him!  He served 17 terms in Congress representing Georgians.  As the saying goes: We are who we were.  Raised “dirt poor’,  John was fortunate to have a teacher who advised him to read, read, read.  He did!  He wanted to become a preacher and was inspired by Billy Graham.  He was inspired by MLK Jr, met him, walked with him, was there on Bloody Sunday.  Lewis  never became a preacher – but maybe he did.  We each have our opportunities to share positive thoughts with words and actions..  All preachers don’t necessarily wear robes.  ;-)  Jack

FROM SK IN SJ:  Being Positive gives us hope and courage to face the future day by day. We know the Lord will not let us down. So we March on in hopes of good things to happen. Love to you and Joan. Skfsj ( aka Sharon)===JACK:  Each day presents a battle to be positive among negativity and a battle to remain faithful to God amidst so many situations to entice us to lose our faith.  With God's help, we will win the battle.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  That is true.  My son John is one of them! Son Fred is a preacher; They both have spheres of influence!! Both are asked to pray at public functions often and give invocations at meals.===JACK:  The world changes.  I find that during these pandemic days (and even before) that people have3 become less "religious" and more "spiritual."  That goes for my family, too.  ....and I'm not necessarily sad over that - just aware that God's world includes not only the church.  For me, the Church becomes is a gathering place, a school, a "holy" place and much more.  We each find God in our own way.

FROM DR J:  I love this post… and John Lewis. Both bring me hope and peace! ===JACK:  Sometimes we don't really appreciate someone until they're gone.

FROM SAN DEE BEE:   Have you read Jon Meacham’s book, “His Truth Is Marching On: John Lewis and the Power of Hope?” I was fortunate to meet  Congressman Lewis at a campaign rally for a candidate here in Michigan about four years ago and was inspired by his speech about how he rose from deep poverty to become a powerful public servant dedicated to causing “good trouble” to reform our society.===JACK:  No, I have not read the book nor met Johmn Leis in person.  You're two up on me.



Wednesday, October 26, 2022

 Jack’s Winning Words  10/26/22

(Linus writing to The Great PumpkinL  “Everyone tells me you are a fake, but I believe in you.  P.S. If you are a fake, don’t tell me.  I don’t want to know.”  Cartoonist Charles Schulz never hid the fact that he was a church member and it often showed that in some of his strips (like today’s).  Just because someone is a church member doesn’t mean that they sometimes have their doubts.  I remember the time when a father brought his son to Jesus for healing.  Jesus asked him if he believed, and he responded, “I believe.  Help my unbelief.”  As Linus says, while writing to the Great Pumpkin, “I believe.  Help my unbelief.”  Do you ever feel that way sometimes?  You’re not alone.  ;-)  Jack

FROM WILLMAR REV:  think the words of Linus can be helpful but should i feel guilty eating a ===JACK:   piece of Pumpkin Pie??  ===JACK:  ALL have sinned and fallen join the crows and enjoy your pie.

FROM DR J:  I do have that feeling sometimes… I’m glad to know I’m not alone! ===JACK:  What costume are you wearing this year?  Margery Taylor Greene?

FROM  CPA MIKE:  Hispanic congresswoman from Texas "we believe in  God more than government"===JACK:  "Render to Caesar that which is Caesar's and to God that which is God's.  The Texas Congressman got it right.

FROM DAZ IN COLORADO:  A lot of philosophy there. So True. ===JACK:  Could it be that there is as much philosophy and theology in Halloween as there is in Christmas and Easter?  Please don't notify the "Religious Police" about what I wrote. 


Tuesday, October 25, 2022

 Jack’s Winning Words  10/25/22

“Without music life would be a mistake.”  (Friedrich Nietzsche)   Nietzsche, like most of us, was a self-taught musician.  He did have the advantage of being friends with Richard Wagner. God was having a good day when He invented music.  I love the soft sound of a harp when it plays a Christmas lullaby, or the rousing sound of trumpets at Eastertime.  Bach’s  Toccata and Fugue in D Minor being played on a pipe organ brings me into another world.  I like the Beatles, and I like Hank Williams.  My hearing has diminished, but not my love for the language if music.  How about you?  What kinds of music make your world a happy place?  ;-)  Jack

FROM ME IN NEWPORT BEACH:  : Chuck Berry’s Nadine.  John Fogarty’s Centerfield.  Anne Murray’s Tennessee Waltz.  John Denver’s Rocky Mountain High and almost any Bocelli song are a start===JACK:  We attended a Bocelli Concert in Detroit last Christmas.  OUTSTANDIND!  By contrast, I like Tina Turner, too..

FROM WILLMAR REV:  I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever,  I will sing, I will sing, I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever,  I will sing of the mercies of the Lord.   With my mouth will I make known   Thy faithfulness, Thy faithfulness,   With my mouth will I make known   Thy faithfulness to all generations,   I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever,   I will sing of the mercies of the Lord.  (I Will Sing Of The Mercies Of The Lord, James H. Fillmore, Public Domain) 0;-) ===JACK: Do you sing songs other than religious ones?  Not that there's anything wrong with that, but there is just so many kinds of music and so little time.  I can imagine that one of your favorites is: HOW GRETA THOU ART.===REV:  I have become so embedded with church hymns, choruses, and southern gospel quartet over the years, they naturally pop up to memory when thinking of a corresponding song for what might be called for or for a moment or two wanting to be consoled by prayerful song or praise song for any reason. I also have a little bit country appreciation for the CMA popular songs, old and new. 0;-)===JACK:  How about Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah?  Is there room in your mind for a Jewish person to sing a song such as that?  My mother-in-law was music director at a large church.  On an Easter Sunday they had a Jewish guest soloist sing, "I Know that My Redeemer Lives.  She wondered to me about that.===REV:  I believe I would be open somewhat to those kinds of opportunities . . . I remember using many prayers out of an old, discarded prayer book at Temple Kol Ami. 0;-(===JACK:  My point, exactly.  Our faith is a combination of beliefs.  It may not be perfect, but it gives a snapshot of where we are in search to know the unknowable.  You are a better person for where you have been and what you have experienced.

 FROM KK:  The harmonies of barbershop===JACK:  I imagine that you not only like the singing, but the social interaction, too.  Are you part of a quartet or just a member of the larger group?

FROM ST PAUL:  i like this phrase:  he who sings prays twice.===JACK:  The sermon hymn one Sunday was, I LOVE TO TELL THE STORY, and the congregation sang it as they usually sing old favorites.  There was a stranger in church that Sunday.  At the door, after the service, he introduced himself and said that he was so glad that we had sung, I LOVE TO TELL THE STORY, because it was written by his great grandmother,, Katherine Hankey.  What are the chances of that?===SP:  Fred N. was also an atheist.  i wonder how he "processed" all this marvelous Christian music over his lifetime?   a curiosity question for sure:):===JACK:  Don't be so hard on Fred.  He was an atheist toward way that religion was being presented in his time.  Perhaps he (and not the religious experts in his day) the right was of interpreting God. ===SP:  indeed,  God loves atheists every bit as much as he loves you and me...===JACK:  Perhaps you missed my point.  Everyone who calls himself an atheist or is labeled one is not necessarily one.  Given the kind of interpretation of God that those people received, you and I might be atheists, too.  Atheist is a term given by others, not necessarily by God.===SP:  i can accept your premise.   surely the human race has come up with all kinds of understandings of God over the centuries and many are not helpful at all. ===JACK:  I've talked with people who claim to be atheists who, upon deeper conversation, are not ungodly.  They simply reject the way that the Church presents God. 

FROM SR RD:  I didn't review what I had sent to you earlier today when I sent the little song as a response to someone's having sent me an inspiring quote of John Lewis and a tree full of light!, so let me try again  🙃  You are all we have;  You give us all we need;  Our lives are in your hands, Oh Lord;  Our lives are in your hands.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I like 30's and 40's Big band music, and most classical pieces. Schehazade is a particular favorite, maybe because it tells a story. Not a rap or jazz fan.===JACK:  I like soft piano jazz combo.  BTW, whatever happened Rogers and Hart (style)...and people who can compose and play like George Gershwin?  Sooooo much good music in the past!

FROM GUSTIE: I agree with him.  I like all kinds of music but not the stuff they sing now that sounds like they are hoarse from the beginning—can’t understand the words or the tune.  ===JACK:  Not even Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen?

FROM SALON SUZY:  Amen to that! Just did the Grand old Opry tour🎶 ===JACK:  I'm an old, old Op'ry fan....even when it was held in the old Ryman Auditorium and Cousin Minnie Pearl was there.  When I was a teen I would listen to it every Saturday night on the radio.

FROM EMT SINGS IN TC:  You may recall that a harpist played at our wedding.  In fact we had a CD of hers.  I will have to find that.  So many  nice memories!===JACK:  You might look up Christa Grix.

FROM SNOWBIRD SUE:  I also love all types of music! Country, jazz, Pop, classic rock, new age, R&B, etc. (but maybe not opera).  Music makes me happy.  Sorry I didn’t get to say good bye. We left on the 20th and went to Nicole’s in Charlotte NC for 4 nights. So good to see our grandkids.  Hope you and Joan have a happy and healthy winter!===JACK:  I'd like to have a Hoe-Down Day sometime at the church....when we could play religious songs in the "country style."  Maybe it could be arranged when you fly north again.===FROM SBS:  That sounds like fun.===JACK:  It's not a sin to have fun in church.  Starts making a list of some sings.


. . . .



Monday, October 24, 2022


Jack’s Winning Words  10/24/22
“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.”  (Stephen Covey)  I was curious to learn what it was that made Stephen Covey such a successful writer, lecturer and businessman.  I wasn’t surprised to discover that he was influenced by Peter Drucker, but I hadn’t realized that Mormon Church values played such a role in his life..  Covey’s success also came, because he was such a good listener, being alert to pick up good ideas,  He was also good at developing worthwhile habits.  Take some advice from Stephen - as you listen to people -  instead of trying to formulate a reply, try to understand what’s being said.  ;-)  Jack

FROM ER IN SJ:  Very wise words that cause one to stop and mull them over.===JACK:  Covey wrote a best-seller...I think that the titl was 7 Habits, or something like that.  Perhaps you've read it.

FROM GUSTIE:  Clem listened like that.  I have to concentrate to do that.===JACK:  Most  successful people have listening skills like thst. 

FROM TRIHARDER:  Ironically, I would like to consider that more carefully while listening to others.===JACK:  We should seek to be discimination both in hearing and speaking.  It's surprising how much I've learned by really listening. ===TH:  I've had to learn to distinguish between those looking for a response and those who weren't, most often friends. It's annoying when those listening to me want to inject their response when I'm merely looking for an ear. JACK:  I've found that true friends are not looking for an argument, bu nt are listening to understand.  At least, that's been my experience.

FROM SR RD:  AMAZING WOD FOR TODAY.      You are all we need  You give us all we need  Our lives in in your hands, Oh Lord  Our lives are in your hands. ===JACK:  The hymn, Amazing Grace,  comes to mind. ===RD:  .A wonderful response, dear Jack!  Of course, it's a new day and God is with us!

FROM BB IN CHGO:  So true and I had no id4ea he was Mormon. ===JACK:  You must have referred to Covey a time or two in your work...or in your work's preparation.  I've discovered that Mormons are often very moralistic a different way than other church members.






Friday, October 21, 2022

 Jack’s Winning Words 10/21/22

“If I didn’t drink or smoke, I’d win twenty games every year.  It’s easy when you don’t drink or smoke or horse around.”  (Whitey Ford)  One of the first questions asked when the doctor gives a physical exam is: “Do you drink or smoke?” –now adding, “or use drugs?”  Evidence shows that “horsing around” also affects your health.  Whitey Ford was a great pitcher, but what might he have been?  Are there ways in which your performance in life might have been enhanced?  I could have eaten more balanced meals.  I could have spent more time with homework instead of “my type of horsing around.  I truly wish that I had paid better attention to what my professors had to say.  C’est la vie!  ;-)  Jack

FROM KK:  Thanks so much!===JACK:  The song, Wishing on a Star, says that "We can be better than we are>"

FROM CPA MIKE:   I often think about whether the past, present or future is of most importance in looking at one's life satisfaction.   There are always could'ves and should've but we knew back then how our actions might result and chose the moment. Looking back I never regret and looking forward I never worry.===JACK:  Looking back, I'm able to put mistakes and successes into perspective.  Looking ahead, I'm able to ac, having learned from the past.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON:  Is asking what could have been productive? It reminds me of the Proverb about a dog returning to its vomit. I suppose it is the lowest form of learning. When my doctor asks if I am on drugs, I respond only to the stuff you’ve hooked me up with.===JACK:  Looking at the vomit doesn't mean that I have to re-eat it.  The recovering alcoholic said that God had performed a miracle in his life.  He had turned beer into furniture..  For each of us: We may not be perfect, but by comparison, we can be better than we were.  I wonder if your doctor understands your sense of humor...unless he/she is a psychiatrist.===GDJ:  My M.D. is a very sarcastic young man.  He understands.  Eating the vomit is another level; my point is even looking at it (often) is unproductive.===JACK:  I'll bet you generate some in-house comment after your appt is  over and you've walked out the door.  You are one-of-a-kind!

 FROM JU IN NC:  I am enjoying more of what I don't do by seeking what I can do.  Focus on God and quote scriptures throughout the day. It is simply amazing what a difference that makes.===JACK:  Challenges are good, too -challenges that can be accomplished.  To strive for unreachable goals is frustrating.  It's like with exercising...You start with what you can do, gaining strength to do what you once were unable to do.  What Bible verse inspires you today?  How about: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"?

FROM R LEEN:MG:   Thank you for winning words they help me through each day as I go on without Joe.===JACK:  Those were good old days when I was your temporary pastor.  Time passes and that bring change with it.  But, the God who cared for you then, is the same God who cares for you now. 

FROM ST PAUL;:  i surely resonate with your comment about all your profs.  if i was back in college today,  i would be 3X the student i was back in the 1960s.===JACK:  More horsing around, or less?===SP:  the older we get,  less.....sometimes much less:):):)===JACK:  Now they seek out the old stallions for advice.  Luther Sem still calls on you once in a while, don't they?===JACK:  once in a great while.   usually when they need a donation $$$  ===JACK:  Is your book required reading?  I'm sure that they could get some good pastoral advice from it.===SP:  sorry to hear about your vision issues.   i have noticed that my vision has also changed as of late and not for the better.   its remarkable how well you do with WWs.  i will now appreciate them more than ever.   have a good weekend,  Jack.  our weather today is amazing.  in the mid 70s this afternoon with lots of sunshine. ===JACK:  Things could always be worse.  I've found that, with the right attitude, bad things can have a way of turning into good.  Of, course we have to "push ourselves" to see that.

FROM SR RD:  ?????  I can't quite imagine your NOT paying attention to your professors, dear Jack. .===JACK:  You should have known me in my "horsing around" days.'s better that you didn't.  In The Souind of Music movie it appears that all of the sisters weren't "goody-two-shoes."  Is that correct?. ===RD:  You are absolutely correct, Jack.  Not then and not now!

FROM ME IN NEWPORT BEACH:  Amen to that.  But the horsing around was a lot of fun too.===JACK: Billy Martin and Ford were pals, so you can imagine what horsing around they did..  BTW, few people know that Whitey's first name is Edward.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Well I don't drink or smoke, and not much chance to -horse around, so what*s me excuse=.===JACK:  Maybe your halo gets in the way.  Did you think that, as a pastor's wife, you had to act differently?  Did you know that Whitey was only 5' 7"tall?..

FROM BB IN CHGO:  I am smiling.  We now have theories of knowledge or giftedness (outside of the church) i.e. you may have been gifted with superior intellectual skills or insight or “emotional intelligence”; people now see Michael Jordan or leBron James as having giftedness too – beyond their physical prowess, they’re able to “read plays” or quickly see and respond things on the court that others simply do not.  From my perspective, you have a gift of compassion and communication as well as insight.  I don’t know if more academic “work” would’ve enhanced your abilities or not.  These days we’re talking often about how much a. we don’t remember from school and b. how much we simply were not taught.  I learned almost nothing about the struggle for civil rights, the indignities suffered in the 20th century by indigenous people, etc.  I’m linking (below) an article I enjoyed by Jamelle Bouie.  I should read the book he cites, Walter Stahr’s biography of Salmon Chase but doubt I’ll find/make the time.  I had no idea how many subgroups and theories there were about abolition and anti-slavery during the 19th century or that women’s suffrage was in any way paired with or tied to these ideals (the “Garrison” group).  I truly don’t think I slept through these classes although I may have. mayhave?  ttps://    ===JACK:  I happen to think that more time in the classroom would have spoiled me....or led me in another direction.




Thursday, October 20, 2022

 *Jack’s Winning Words 10/20/22

“The more I learn, the less I realize I know.”  (Socrates)  These words are also attributed to Albert Einstein, Tony Bennett and Sgt Schultz (Schultz’s translation - without the accent: “I know nothing.”) Socrates was likely the first to say that learning is an ongoing process.  I’m proud of my college and seminary degrees, but there’s so much more to an education.  It’s a never-ending process.  A friend is now teaching me how to listen to a podcast.  I remember how to use a floppy disc.  Beware of those people who have all the answers about God, too.  It’s as one of my professors said about that: “You can’t unscrew the inscrutable.”  What more would you like to learn?  ;-)  Jack

FROM HONEST JOHN:  Whatever happened to floppy discs?===JACK:  Just the fate for each of us....we are not irreplaceable.  We rest in a cemetery.  They rest in a museum.

FROM SMILIN' TERI:  🌻When someone shows you who they are, believe them:  the first time!”  (Maya Angelou)  Sooooooo true!===JACK:  Soooo Teri! ===T: You made me smile.  You are such an amazing person even if I hardly know you!  Here’s my latest quote I’ve been reflecting upon about life:  
🌻"Nothing always stays the same. You don’t stay happy forever; you don’t stay sad forever.  (Cat Zingano)===JACK:  I know ot Cat Stevens and Krazy Kat, but I'll have to Google Zingao.  And, I know enough about you through others, through our conversations, through being aware of your work as school principal...and knowing that Ledge liked you.  Any friend of Ledge's is a friend of mine (usually).===T:  I never hear of Zingamo, but loved how he captured the Life Idea.  Ledge meant so much to me…yes, was a friend but also a mentor.  His death was difficult.  I still miss him.  I still quote him.  I am still inspired by him.  Yes, I know you the same way…Ledge, Paul and more people that have said amazing things about you.  We seem to respect one another without even knowing the details of one another’s life.  I wanted to “change the world.”  You had a quote about that a while back.  I was sad about not accomplishing that.  Then my husband, Ron, told me he had watched/heard me and said….”you have changed the world…by influencing/changing one person at a time.”  Most of my efforts have been with kids.  If you like, tell me about what have driven you in your life.===JACK:  First of all, Cat is a she and is a Mixed Martial Arts champion.  I, too, like her quote.  Secondly, we each have a reputation that follows us.  Like it, or not, you have set a high bar for a successful middle school principal.  Thirdly, Ledge was "One of a kind."  Only a few people "really" knew him, and you were one of those. 4thly, as for me... I choose to be a private person.  My life was changed when I contracted polio at age 16.  Looking back, that influenced my thinking that the bad can turn into the good if you look for it (in many ways).  I am proud of the fact that I never got an A in any course during college and seminary...and I am proud that I worked 20 hours a week during those years.  I'm getting too personal, so I think I'll quit writing.

FROM SHALOM JAN:  Love the saying about the inscrutable!!===JACK:  He also said: "You can't find God at the end of a logical syllogism."  I learned a lot from him about the philosophy of religion.

FROM DR K:  This is so true. As a child of God, it’s important to always be willing and open to learn more. You can’t teach the unteachable and a “know it’s all” is certainly unteachable. I recall about 7 years ago, my former boss shared with me to never get comfortable because that’s when you stop growing. I love to learn and I love to surround myself around lifelong learners and “smart” people .  
Have a great day===JACK:  I always felt uncomfortable around a pedant.  As I age I feel that I am still in the learning process and have yet to receive my final diploma. 

FROM SR RD:  .to experience greater intimacy with our Lord   . . .to play a violin  . . . to love more deeply===JACK:  Mmmmmm.  Learning to play the violin might be the hardest for me.  Intimacy and love are already feelings that I've experienced, and, in the process of deepening, they are never fulfilled. ===RD:  You are right, dear Jack!  thanks for your response : always  differentiating, of course!===JACK:  Looking forward to hearing you play the violin in December.  Maybe Silent Night.

 FROM EMT SINGS IN TC:  I would like to know more about my computer!===JACK:  I can usually call my son when I have a computer problem.  That's the way it works with God, too.  I can usually call Him when life presents me with difficult situations.

FROM CPA MIKE:  Do you want to be right or do you want to learn something?" Jordan Peterson.   I look at this as advice to those who are too biased and or too stubborn to learn anew.   I also think in terms of those we could or should learn from  Who might eventually stop "casting their pearls."===JACK:  "Learning" involves a capable and trustworthy teacher.  While there is such a thing as negative-learning from mistakes and incompetent teachers, I'd much rather learn in a positive way.  I learn by observing, too, and making judgments.  That's why I like to read history, too.  It puts things into perspective..===M:    I totally agree. My  point is that learning comes hard for those who have preconditions. We need to eliminate biases and our  egos to absorb  what education offers. Lessons do  not have to be delivered by a college professor we learn from anyone if we truly listen and hold our thoughts until we absorb and understand that which is conveyed.===JACK:  So many variables: our personal desires; which professor we have; the chosen school (or no school).  You could have become a pastor and I a CPA, but we are what we are by choice.



Wednesday, October 19, 2022

 Jack’s Winning Words  10/19/22

“How we handle what’s ahead of us will be determined by what we learned from everything that’s behind us.”  (Craig Lounsbrough)  I once had a church member who regularly went to a fortune teller.  How about you?  Would you like to know the future before it happens?  Many of our worries are based on what might happen to us, We set up savings programs.  I remember the insurance man stopping weekly at our house to pick up the 25 cents payment on my life insurance policy.  What experiences have you taken from the past that have helped you become who you are today?  Often, on the first Sunday of the new year, we’d sing the hymn: “I know not what the future holds of marvel or surprise…Assured that God’s mercy underlies.”  ;-)  Jack.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON:  I believe with age, we (hopefully) learn that quick emotional reactions are not always the best. When we can focus on our life's purpose, we less often confuse the seemingly urgent with the most important things. In 2004 I wrote, "treat your past like a reference library, not a place to live." Once we have a few years behind us, we understand slow kindness lubricated with gratitude makes the journey magnificent. ===JACK:  With time, there's a change in each of us, because of the experiences we've had, what we've read, who comes into our life and who becomes a memory.  As there have been changes in me, I've noticed the same in you.  Life goes on.  That's who we are.  I always appreciate your insights. 

FROM THE SCIENTIST:  to tame anxiety, I’m trying to train myself to recognize and stop what-if thinking. I don’t think I’d do well with fortune tellers. I’d likely over analyze anything they said. How about you? ===JACK:  In KH there's a sign on a fortune teller's house, reading: "Going Ou of Business."  I've never been to fortune teller, and I don't intend to.  I like the Doris Daay song: "Whatever will be, will be."

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

 Jack’s Winning Words  10/18/22

“My dad and my mom always told me, ‘Be who you are.’”  (Brittney Griner)  Before reading this quote I thought that Griner was simply a woman’s basketball player being held in a Russian jail.  Now, I know more about her family life and the values taught her by her parents.  In my “dessert years” I’ve come to appreciate more the values taught to me by my parents. While I never spent a night in jail, I did get a perfect attendance award for attending Sunday School.  I look forward to reading more about Brittney, and may if reflect the influence that her parents had on her.  As you reflect on your life, is there someone, or some experience that caused you to be who you are?  ;-)  Jack 

FROM EDUCATOR PAUL:   it’s interesting for me to observe that the people who promote “perfect attendance awards” are the same people who lament the “participation trophy” given to our kids for just showing up at a competion or event.  As per your end question… my new three friends are people I would put       it’s interesting for me to observe that the people who promote “perfect attendance awards” are the same people who lament the “participation trophy” given to our kids for just showing up at a competion or event.  As per your end question… my new three friends are people I would put in that influence category!===JACK:  Being a competetive person means that I was the one promting the award. 

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Most of us would credit parents and grandparents for our nurturing. My mom always urged us to be nice, and kind to everyone, not just to the ones in our gang...I think we tried hard to do that .===JACK:  I think that it helped that you were twins.  You were out of the ordinary...and people gravitated toward you.  

FROM SR RD:  I think so: positively, my Mom and Dad's generosity and love.   . Negatively, my dad's saying to me as a child when I wanted to "show off" my new dress, and that in church, "what will people think?"===JACK:  "What will people think?"  often reflects some of our behavior.  I sometimes misbehaved just to "get their goat."


 in  that influence category!

Monday, October 17, 2022

 Jack’s Winning Words 10/17/22

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.” (Robert Louis Stevenson)  Joan’s son is a farmer.  Last year’s crop was drought-stricken and pretty much a failure.  This year’s harvest, now in progress,  seems to be much, much better.  Hallelujah!  As we wake up each morning,, who knows what the day will bring?  It’s like spring planting,  except that many of us  have a feeling that there is a God watching over us.  Faith is not measurable.  I’ve been told that farmers are among the most faithful of church people.  I can believe it, because they live it each day.  What is it that causes you to believe in a God who watches over you?  ;-)  Jack 

FROM WILLMAR REV:  I care not today what the morrow may bring,  If shadow or sunshine or rain,  The Lord I know ruleth o’er everything,  And all of my worries are vain.  [Refrain]: Living by faith in Jesus above,  Trusting, confiding in His great love;  From all harm safe in His sheltering arm,  I’m living by faith and feel no alarm.  Though tempests may blow and the storm clouds arise,  Obscuring the brightness of life,  I’m never alarmed at the overcast skies—   The Master looks on at the strife. [Refrain]  I know that He safely will carry me through,  No matter what evils betide;  Why should I then care though the tempest may blow,  If Jesus walks close to my side. [Refrain]  Our Lord will return for His loved ones some day,  Our troubles will then all be o’er;  The Master so gently will lead us away,   beyond that blest heavenly shore. [Refrain]  (Living by Faith, James Wells & R. E. Winsett, 1918) ===JACK:  FINALLY a chorus that I don't know, but many of the things you send are favorites of mine.  BTW, did you know that the founder of Dairy Queen was "Grandpa McCullough" from Iowa?  Google him.===REV:  Being an appointed chaplain by the owner of the three here in our area, I am awarded all the ice cream I would want to eat, but I try to be discreet about it . . . They are always bringing me all their mistakes when I’m there. 0;-) ===JACK:  All you can eat?  MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

FROM SR RD:  AS what happened this a.m.. . .when I can ask forgiveness when I perceive  I have hurt someone.===JACK:  I thought that you were perfect, or close to it.  I guess that there's truth in the verse: "All have sinned and fallen short ..."  And, God's promise of forgiveness is for all, too. .

FROM BLAZING OAKS:   I picture being united with loved ones who have crossed over!!===JACK:  If there's anyone who's made the best of her life, it's you....and that's a compliment, in case you missed it.

FROM DR J:  This is another great quote… I love it. Hard to focus on the long term impact small individual actions can have… but we must!  Enjoy the day… ===JACK:  There's more going on (all the time) with our body and mind than we can ever imagine. 

FROM EMT SINGS IN TC:  The blessings that I wake up to every day! Good health, wonderful, supportive family and friends.  And speaking of farming--I am from MN and last weekend my daughter and I drove to MN., went to cemetery (my folks are buried there), the small town of Echo was where I lived those many years ago. Several years on a farm, We drove back on Monday and she had to go back to work(is a PA in Canton). We had a wonderful time!  ===JACK:  The blessings that I wake up to every day! Good health, wonderful, supportive family and friends.  And speaking of farming--I am from MN and last weekend my daughter and I drove to MN., went to cemetery (my folks are buried there), the small town of Echo was where I lived those many years ago. Several years on a farm, We drove back on Monday and she had to go back to work(is a PA in Canton). We had a wonderful time!  

FROM ST PAUL:  the fact that i am still here and can think of about 2 dozen reasons why i should not be here!:):):)  truely!===JACK:  I saw a great segment on 60 Minutes about Deion Sanders.  At point point he said that so much of our life is based on the "What ifs."  What if "this" happened in Paul's life instead of the "that."  Think about ot....and give a prayer of thanks to to God. 

 FROM GR7:  That each day is a blessing!===JACK:  ...and sometimes it's a blessing in disguise - just taking it for granted. 



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Friday, October 14, 2022


Jack’s Winning Words 10/14/22

“Anyone can love a rose, but it takes a lot to love a leaf.  It’s ordinary to love the beautiful, but it’s beautiful to love the ordinary.”  (Unknown)  SR RD appreciates Dom Camara as I do.  Although I’m not thrilled with red ants, Camara likes them - their shape, their bright red color and, especially their work ethic.  Consider the dandelion!  Most  of us see it as a weed, but try looking it as a beautiful yellow flower.  That’s seeing the beautiful in the ordinary.  Or,look at that disheveled homeless person on the corner holding a cardboard sign.  What do you see? What would Camara see?  What would he do?  Do you see a leaf, or a flower? ;-)  Jack

FROM TRIHARDER:  I always comment that cartoons portray good looking people as heroes, good people and ugly as evil.===JACK:  I happen to like the cartooning on the Opinion Page of the newspaper.  I appreciate cleverness.

FROM JOE ANN:  I think a child believes a dandelion is a beautiful flower until some adult tells them it is an ugly weed, never listen to an adult!===JACK:  Do you suppose that's how children learn to be predjuced toward other people...or to be predjucoed in general?

FROM HONEST JOHN:  Have you ever noticed that little children seem to love dandelions?===JACK:  I like the children's song from The Sound of Music: These Are My Favorite Things - raindrops on the whiskers of a kitten, warm mittens, doorbells, flying geese and snowflakes - simple, ordinary things.

FROM ST PAUL:  a very good one today,  Jack!   thanks...   i like the line,   Do you curse the rose bush for having thorns or bless the thorn bush for having roses??     it's all a matter of perspective.===JACK:  Even when we fall in love with someone, falling in love means taking the while package.  Roses have beauty, a sweet aroma....and thorns.

FROM WILLMAR REV:  Jesus loves the little children  All the children of the world  Red, brown, yellow Black and white They are precious in His sight Jesus loves the little children Of the world 0;-)  ===JACK:  Jesus love the little red ants, all the red ants in the world.  Jesus ;oves homeless and poor person, all the homeless and poor people in the world.  Do we mean what we sing?, 

FROM JU IN NC:  One time in Vietnam I backed against a tree and instantly I was completely covered with large biting red ants.  I believe I may still be in the process of trying to love them.===JACK:  I can imagine that Camara has not been bitten by red ants, or been in Viet Nam under the conditions you experience.  We write our own "history" books.===J:  So true.===JACK:   Where (and how) did you learn your writing skills?  Your mom was Joan's English teacher.

FROM BB IN CHGO:  What great food for thought.  Entering this into my journal for further reflection in the future.===JACK:  Many of Camara's writings are worthy of more thought...and so is his life story.  He's one of my Christian heroes.===BB:  Thanks for the author tip; I have so much to read right now but will put his name in my journal for future reference. Enjoy the autumn weekend; beautiful in Chicago today.===JACK:  You can find snippets of his words thast are for quick reading.  Google him.

FROM SR RD:  😌  I'm not sure how to answer your questions, Jack! I can  see  beauty in  so many things and I'm grateful. . .===JACK:  Look around you.....I'm looking around my room right now.  There's a clock that was presented to me on the 5oth Anniversary of my ordination.  There's a picture of Joan.  There's the desk that I used when I was in high school, in college, in seminary...the same desk and so many memories and so much which to be thankful.  Look around you.===R:   I just finished reading the wonderful first story in Dom Helder's book to a sister who had hip surgery and returned to us! The story is about the little boy who was giving his friend , ant her first bus ride!  she was absolutely delighted!  I have read i the story at least 10 or 15 times to different people!  All of them love Dom Helder. . .and I tell them about your gift of the book to me, in appreciation of our friendship!  Thank you, my friend!===JACK:  That book (one of my favorites) was given to a friend.

FROM JOE ANN:  Research shows children become aware of race and racial inequality at a very early age. By the ages 3 to 5 a child may have already developed a racial biases. They watch us and listen to us and copy us. Be so very careful!===JACK:  Racism is all around us: in the home, the neighborhood, the school, the playground, the TV, Is it any wonder that it rubs off on the child?

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  It's all in the attitude, which feeds the eye!! And sometimes the sense of smell is more powerful than ! Sight; ===JACK:  The body acts as one.  The brain cannot say that I am more important than the eye, nor the eye more important than the ear.  At this point in my life, with failing sight and diminished hearing, I give special thanks for my brain.  I can opine.  God knows. to see my blog 

Thursday, October 13, 2022

 *Jack’s Winning Words 10/13/22

“To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is right here and now.”
(Mister Rogers)  One of the great things about the Mr. Rogers TV Show was that host, Fred Rogers taught basic social skills to children (as well as to adults) if they were listening.  Are you aware that Mr. Rogers was a minister?  He taught religion without naming it.  A basic Bible lesson is: “Love your neighbor! “  Not many neighbors are changed by “words.”  As the saying goes, “Actions speak louder than words.”  Mr. Rogers theme song was, “It’s a Beautiful day in the neighborhood, and will be even more beautiful when neighborliness is practiced.  ;-)  Jack 

FROM SMILIN' TERI:   Love, love this quote.  My husband’s philosophy his whole life.===JACK:  When did the two of you first fall in love?===ST:  This is second marriage.  You?===JACK:  My 2nd, too.  First was ended by death.  Love can be the same, and at the same time, different.  Love is an interesting word, with a variety of meanings.===ST:  What a sweet question. In the 1980’s & married in 1989.  I took your quote & added it to a PowerPoint presentation we are doing in a few weeks.  I will send you a screenshot. 

FROM BS IN ENGLAND:  That song is played every morning after the 7am news on Virgin Radio and it always makes me pause and think! ===JACK:  Anything that causes us to think is something good, IMO!

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

 Jack’s Winning Words  10/12/22

“One of the happiest moments in life is when you have the courage to let go of what you can’t change.”  (Lessons Learned in Life, Inc)  Over 18 ½ million people follow the site, “Lessons Learned In Life.”  How come I’ve never hear of it?  One of the lessons: “You have no idea what people are dealing with in their personal lives, so just be nice.  It’s that simple.”  It will also make you happier.  And another: “Whatever you want to do, do it.  You only have so many tomorrows.”  Isn’t it strange how we take our tomorrows for granted?  How many of our worries are based on tomorrow?  How much happiness if we only seek to be done today and tomorrow?  I’m going to thank God today for my tomorrows.  ;-) Jack

FROM SAN DEE BEE:  Thank you for your “Winning Words” and dedication to continuing with these God-filled, inspirational messages day by day.  P.S. Last week during an eye exam, I was informed that I’ll need cataract surgery on both eyes early in 2023. Would appreciate prayers not only for me but also for the health professionals who will be performing the procedures.===JACK:  Cataract surgery makes a difference.  In my case, it worked.  God sometimes works miracles using the hands of others.

FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  Me too, Pastor Freed.  I thank God for all my yesterdays, my today and my tomorrow. Best wishes to you and Joan for a pleasant autumn day,===JACK:  It's raining here....but I guess that goes with autumn, too.

FROM SR RD:  Hurrah for this truth, Jack!===JACK:  "Jesus said, 'I am the way, the truth and the life."  Do you think He said, "No one comes to the Father, but by Me?"


Tuesday, October 11, 2022

 Jack’s Winning Words  10/11/22

“Life is a series of moments.”  (Cecelia Ahern)   Blog reader, Joe Ann, introduce me to  Cecelia, who authored the novel, “How To Fall in Love.”  Not that it’s a commentary on the book, but I see falling in love as a series of moments.  Maybe it’s the moment you catch a glimpse of someone.  A friend of mine, at age 16, told his mom that he had seen  the girl he was going to marry someday, and it turned out to be a true- one of those moments.  There was a moment when I decided to become a pastor.  I recall it vividly.  Have you had a “moment” in your life when something out of the ordinary happened?  Call it it what you like.  Call it God..  I think that there’s truth in the hymn, “Our times are in Thy, O Lord.”  ;-)  Jack 

FROM ST PAUL:  Those moments refreshed many times when 'Shut In With God!" 0;-)  Shut in with God  in a secret place;  There in the Spirit  beholding His face;   Gaining more Power  to run in the race,  I love to be  shut in with God.===JACK:  Remembering back....there were several times when it was just "My God and I."===SP:  i was 99% sure i wanted to marry Margaret after just one date!===JACK:  I wonder what her feeling was after that first date?===SP:  she was going with some other guy named Doug at the time but i must have talked her into "dumping Doug".   i think we were both bitten rather badly by the Love Bug by our 3rd or 4th date:):)   we were engaged 6 weeks after we met.   wowsers!===JACK:  In high school we had a word for people like you..."Watch out for him.  He's FAST>"===SP:  well,  i wasn't "fast" with my hands;  only with my heart!:):)===JACK:  ...and with your mouth (voice), too.===SP:  well,  i did do some "sweet talking" to convince her that i was the ONE and the ONLY for her!:):)===JACK:  You rascal, you!

   FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  yes! a series of moments.===JACK:  IMO, there's a softer side of you that, for one reason or another, is not publicly seen. ..===LIZ:  it's seen often when you know where to look.bbmy seemingly hardline stances are based in true kindness... i believe in giving every human being the gift of worth and self-pride. i am even friends w/RICH PEOPLE, whom are loathed bc of what they have, not for anything they've done, necessarily.  when we quit seeing color and money, we'll have arrived! 🍸===JACK:  You get to the rea; banana when you remove the peeling.

FROM DAZ IN COLORADO:  Some of those moments that I remember were miracles.===JACK:  Miracles are not  confined to the pages of the Bible.  Life has certainly been active in your life....and mine. 


Monday, October 10, 2022


*Jack’s Winning Words 10/10/22
“We do the best we can until we can do better.”  (Helen Koester)  Helen is the mother of a friend of Katie’s - and Katie is a friend of mine.  One of the ways in which I accumulate Winning Words is with the help of friends.  It’s a challenge to make the next Winning Words better than the last, but it helps that I feel the presence of God looking over my shoulder.  There’s a song: “My God and I.”  When you are facing a challenge (whatever that might be, imagine), My God and I - Together, we can handle most problems that appear before us.  Together, My God and I can do better. There’s nothing better than to have  God as your dependable friend.  Am I right? or, am I right?  ;-)  Jack

FROM ST PAUL:  you are right!!===JACK:  I'm not perfect, but each time I strive to be better.

FROM SHALOM JAN:  You are right about the necessity of the presence of God!

There was a retired pastor who drove from Baltimore to Arlington, VA to do "supply" at Faith Lutheran when I was a kid.  That had to be a rigorous journey in the late '40s, when it was difficult to find a new pastor in the post-WW2 era.  He would stand on the chancel steps and talk to the children (me!) and often said, "Do your best; angels can do no better!"  That has encouraged me through many, many moments of my life!  I remain grateful to Dr. Wolfe these many years later!!===JACK:  I hope that someone can remember you (or me) in the same way.  Prang Crayons used to have the picture of a geyser on the front of the box and the words, "Old Faithful."  Could they have been referring to you?===JAN:  I don't think so.  I just so much needed those words of encouragement and I think they've stuck with me for at least seven decades because they were important to remember.  Otherwise I have a memory like a steel . . . sieve! ===JACK: God will be the Judge.  

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  You are 👍 right! ;-)===JACK:  I try to be around the bullseye.

FROM RAACH:  I love it too!

FROM SR RD:  Oh, you are right, Jack!  You are so right! and it shows. . .every day I read your Winning Words! 🙂===JACK:  I try!

FROM EMT SINGS IN TC:  You re right!

Friday, October 07, 2022

 Jack’s Winning Words  10/7/22

“We’re told that ’You can’t change the world!’, but the world is changing every day.  The only question is….Who’s changing it?  You…or someone else?”  (Michael Straczynski)  Straczynski, the creator of Spider Man, has also come up with another novel idea – “Have a rehearsal for your own hear what people say about you, so you know who to invite and who not to invite."  But, time marches on, however it wants to.  But there are some things we CAN change about the future:  Choices we make that change the course of life; the friends we associate with.  God has a way of introducing the unexpected to us, to see our reaction.  Have you seen God directing your life lately?  ;-) Jack  

FROM DAZ IN COLORADO:  A lot of people mistakenly  think it’s a change therefore good. ===JACK:  I see God changing my life each day.  Surprise after surprise!

FROM ST PAUL:  almost all the time, in small ways and in large ways.  i think i realize this now more than ever before in my life.   just too many coincidences to NOT be God-incidences:):):)    have a good weekend, Jack.  we are off to Concordia College for my 55th Homecoming class reunion.  should be fun. ===JACK:  One reason I like the friendship that we have is that we can share remembrances, things that bug us, things that inspire us and things that we will only share between ourselves.  I appreciate our frienship.

FROM SMILIN' TERI:  WOW…powerful quote/insight.===JACK:  It takes a special way to "see" things in order to have insight.  God gave you such a mind, and you've used it well.

FROM SR RD:  Oh, yes! Today was an unexpected and such an uplifting day for us sisters, when, after our noon prayer, as we went to the dining room, our EMPLOYEES, each with a poster that they had made with messages and images of their  gratitude to us,  stood along the way clapping and smiling (while some of us more emotional ones wiped tears from our eyes!) Then, during lunch we were each given a flower; again more tears! and now they will display their 40 or 50 posters in a designated place for our closer reading! I either smiled or wiped my tears the rest of the day! The more we and our employees do so many such actions, the happier I am to be here at St. Scholastica!===JACK:  My mother's funeral service was held in the Catholic Chapel of the nursing home where she was being cared for.  Her church undergoing renovation, so the chapel was offered for our use.  After the service, as her body was being carried out, the entire staff, including the nuns, lined the walls of the narthex, and they all were singing softly, "Lord, remember me, when You come into Your Kingdom."  I'll never forget it and will always appreciate it.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Yeah: Doing what I can in my little corner which at 92 isn't much!! :-)===JACK:  Age is just a number.  Add up the things you've been able to do in your lifetime.  That's why so many people love and respect you.