Friday, June 05, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words 6/5/20
 “You and me, we’re in this together now.”  (Nine Inch Nails)  That song lyric has been used to describe the needed response to the Coronavirus pandemic…and also used to express solidarity within the social protests.  Today’s lack of togetherness among Americans bothers me.   We need something or someone to bring us together.  The “Nails” song concludes, “We’ll make it through somehow.”  I’m an optimist and a person of faith.  I know it will happen; I believe it will happen.  ;-)  Jack     

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  Yes I believe it will too!=== JACK:  In=between it looks like we've got some rough patches to contend with.

FROM CZB IN NH:  I went to a Black Lives Matter protest last night. It was good to be among all sorts of different people. ❤️===JACK:  What the diversity picture look like where you live?  What was most inspiring about "last night?"

FROM WILLMAR REV:  It has happened before, why wouldn't we think it will happen again . . . I would certainly welcome a little more "kinder and gentler" time to go with it! 0;-)===JACK:  When "kinder and gentler" doesn't work, then what?  What do you think of the expression, "Spare the rod and spoil the child?"

FROM DR J:  Wow… who would have thought YOU would be the one to get me to play a song from Nine Inch Nails. Intense and timely.  Thanks for sharing.===JACK:  In life, there's a place for peaceful hymns, and, then, there's a time for "heavy metal."

FROM ST PAUL:  Arthur Schlesinger has noted  that America today has too much pluribus and not enough unum. ===JACK:  Also...too much narcissism and not enough humility.  We need a cap that reads: Bring  America Together Again!.

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