Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words 6/9/20
“Surprise!  Surprise!  Surprise!”  (Gomer Pyle USMC)  Do any of you remember the sitcom  with Jim Nabors as Gomer?  Really funny!  Pink Floyd even used the “surprise” quote in one of their songs…and it appeared in the Forrest Gump movie.  I like good surprises…friends showing up unexpectedly.  Any surprise events” in your life lately?  A pleasant surprise for me: hearing of a Michigan community where yard signs have sprung up, bearing M L King Jr “peace” quotes.  ;-)  Jack    

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I didn't catch that in the Forrest Gump movie! That sounds like
a great idea, having yard signs with MLK quotes!  I had a surprise drive-by "Happy Birthday parade" by friends and relatives on the morning of my 90th birthday! Caught me in my jammies and housecoat, but what fun, with a police car leading the procession playing "It's Your Birthday" over the Loudspseaker!! They all stood at the end of the yard, with me and my son and daughter visiting from the front stoop.Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! HA! An April shower of loving wishes and singing of the Happy Birthday to You song.! :-)===JACK:  If that's what they did for your 90th...think what's in store for your 100th.  You have a great family!

FROM ST PAUL:  i am surprised that you have lived so long but i sure am glad that you have!   and i recall Gomer Pyle like it was yesterday.  and were we not all surprised that he could sing so beautifully?.  have a surprising day,===JACK:  Jim was born in Indiana and always sang, "Back Home In Indiana" at the start of the Indy 500 Race....and then lots of balloons were released into the air.  I was there once.  You can Youtube it. ===SP:  i also attended the Indy 500 when i was in high school and living in Livonia.  my neighbor worked for FORD  and was a high ranking engineer involved with one of their cars in the race that year. (was it called the Ford Lotus?  not sure)   he got me a ticket and he even took me into the pits the night before the race.  you could have cut the tension with a knife.  i also stood in a group with Parnelli Jones and A J Foyt for a few minutes.  i thot i had died and gone to heaven.===JACK:  David and I had a similar experience, but with the Penske Chevrolet Team. 

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