Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words 6/10/20
“Don’t bother me, I know what I’m doing!”  (Kimi Raikkonen)  I wouldn’t know what I was doing if I drove a Formula One race car like Kimi, but like “Iceman” Kimi, when I’m focused on something I think I know about…..don’t bother me!  Are you like that?  However, sometimes we think we know what we’re doing….but we really don’t.  What this world needs are people who are willing admit they don’t know everything, and are open to learn…and change, if necessary.  ;-)  Jack

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  In these times, CHANGE is the name of the game! We've seen so much change in our lifetimes, and anyone who has had to master the computer, IPad, Smart Phone, etc. when over 65, has no qualms about admitting they don't know everything, and have a LOT to learn! Thank goodness for helpful kids and grandkids!! HA!===JACK:  I'm surprised about how much I have been able to learn.  Thank God for our wonderful brains.   As RLS wrote... “The world is so full of a number of things, I ’m sure we should all be as happy as kings.”

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  What the world needs now is love love love!===JACK: Continuing on... "No not just for some but for everyone."

FROM ANDOVER:  Thank you.===JACK:  i "think" I know what I'm doing.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Can’t say enough know everything or even a little bit of what should know.===JACK:  Never let your mind be closed to learning, Judy.

FROM SK IN SJ:  I think the older I get, the less I know. I loved it when I thought I knew everything, ha! Now, I TRY  to listen and learn and know that indeed, I don’t know everything. ===JACK:  There's an old Pennsylvania Dutch saying: "Ve get too soon oldt undt too late schmart."

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