Thursday, June 11, 2020

JJack’s Winning Words 6/11/20
“…waking up in the laundromat and praying to the machine.”  (Mike Corrao)  Are you sometimes frustrated by unanswered prayers.  Jesus says, “Call on me in the day of trouble, and I will answer you.”  …and we wait, and we wait!  Corraro writes that it’s almost like praying to the Maytag.  In Confirmation class I taught that God answers all of our requests like a good parent.  Sometimes with a Yes or a No, or, We’ll see!  God loves you and wants the best for you.  ;-)  Jack   

FROM WILLMAR REV:  Always!===JACK:  Yes, God is like that.  "Come, you sinners, poor and needy, weak and wounded, sick and sore."  Have you sung that one?===REV:  A "Sunday Night Service" special . . . the Sunday evening services were most generally evangelistic in my earlier days growing up in church! 0;-)===JACK:  Do you still sing, "Washed in the Blood," or has the imagery caused it to be replaced by more modern songs?===REV:  I still sing it when refreshed in n memory...but it has gone by the way of many of the old hymns...had a funeral awhile back and asked the young minister of music if he could play “In the Garden”...wasn’t familiar with it.?.? 0;-/ ===JACK:  If you look at the words of In the Garden, it tells the story of Mary meeting the resurrected Jesus personally in the garden where she thought that He was the gardener.  BTW, as a railroad chaplain, have you ever used the hymn, Life's Railway to Heaven?  (You can Youtube it) ===REV:  My memory may be failing me, but I believe that song was used at one of the funerals I officiated with a retired railroad gentleman. There is also the racer's prayer I have used on occasion at the track. 0;-)  Lord I Pray as I race today  Keep me safe along the way  Not only me but the others too as they perform the jobs they do  I know God that in a race  I the driver Must set the pace  But in this race of life I pray  Help me lord along the way  Although I know I am a sinner help me to believe  that with GOD  You’re always a Winner.===JACK:  "Gentlemen (and ladies) start your prayers!"

FROM LBP:  I remember that lesson :)===JACK:  Have you ever felt as tho you were praying to the Maytag?  I mean, have you ever been frustrated by unanswered prayers?===LBP:  Nothing that stands out, actually. I know I have been very fortunate in many ways in my life. I also never saw prayer as a magic wand... not my will, but thy will be done... right?===JACK:  At least in your case, my teaching was not in vain.  Of course, you had other teachers at home...and the Holy Spirit was involved, too.

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