Monday, June 15, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words 6/19/20
“Against the wind.  We were runnin’ against the wind.”  (Bob Seger song)  This week the wind was really blowing hard in Minnesota.  As I did my daily walk, Seger’s song kept playing in my head.  Many people are struggling against the wind these days.  Lotsa problems out there, and maybe some are facing you.  God’s voice from the Bible says, Call on me in the day of trouble.  Answers will come, although not always in ways that we expect.  I felt invigorated after that walk.  ;-)  Jack

FROM JM IN FH:  Thank you for today’s winning words! This one happens to fit exactly what I need right now. A great reminder about prayer during a challenging time.  Thanks, and take good care of yourself! Keep up with your walks!.===JACK:  After I faced the wind, the next steps were easier, because the wind was at my back. .God promises, "Be faithful, and I will give you a crown of life."  I don't know what that crown of life might be, but if it's from God it's got to be good.  Hang in there!

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:   We’re always in the winds of life.  Sometimes it’s a gentle breeze and sometimes a tornado.  But while we’re against the wind, God is in front.  Our barrier! ===JACK:  In the midst of his troubles, God spoke to Job out of a whirlwind.  That must have been scary.  (Job 38:1)

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  Blowing in the wind is another catchy tune - in more than one way! ===JACK:  I've often wondered about "blowin' in the wind."  Does that mean that there is no answer.?  Is there ans answer to the pandemic beyond a vaccine?  Is there an answer to today's social unrest beyond an election or more blood on the streets.  "The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind."===SHIRL:  We will soon have the answer!===JACK:  ...and I hope we're satisfied with the answer we get.

FROM NORM'S BLOG:    At the root of our worries is something that I’ve opined her about in the past – our need to solve the unsolvable. Our minds are always trying to find the answer, to solve the problem, to see a way out of the situation. In many cases there is no solution, things just have to happen. In those cases, the “solution” is to let go and stop trying to find the solution. The prayer phrase, “Not my will, but Thy will be done” is the solution in those situations. Putting your trust in God’s hands and accepting that whatever happens He will be there with you to get you through it is the key to stopping the worrying.===JACK:  It’s interesting that the George Floyd death happened on a street in Minneapolis.  Also on a street in Minneapolis is a statue of Mary Tyler Moore.  Juxtaposition 

fROM sALON sUZY:  The wind is very significant. I feel it is the Holy Spirit washing us. ===JACK:  Washing?  Or, watching?  In either case, God is with us to care for us wherever we go.  Because God is an invisible Spirit, we have to "trust" that He is there.  Let the breeze remind you of the presence of God today.  I'm going to try and do that today.

FROM INDY GENIE:  I love the wind. A few years ago when I was troubled about something, I had an angel whisper in my ear, “Genie, don’t you know... the wind has ALWAYS been at your back.” The answer came.===JACK: I heard of a charity group in South Africa that calls itself, Angels Wihout Wings.  That might be a good name for a church, but people might be disparaging of the members..."What makes you think that you're an angel?"

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