Friday, June 12, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words 6/12/20
“In spite of everything, I still believe that people are good at heart.”  (Anne Frank)  If Anne  were still living she’d be 91 today.  What is still living is her belief that there is worth in each person.  Mob psychology can “demonize” ordinarily decent people, as happened with the Nazis in WW2. It can happen in anytime.  Anne’s story needs retelling.  “In spite of everything,” don’t give up on people or on working for the good.  ;-)  Jack 

FROM HUMBUG JOHN:  Amen===JACK:  It's true, but sometimes beyond understanding.  

FROM SALON SUZY:  I believe that too!===JACK:  Like Anne, it can take just one person to make a difference.  Let's (you and I) try to do that today! 

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Her statement is as relevant today as it was in her day.  People are generally kind-hearted.===JACK:  Good or bad...It takes just one to be a leader.  Choose to be a leader for good today.

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:    as is happening right now in our country. innocent people are being ostracized, demonized by domestic terrorists... after sixty years of mostly worthless social programs, what we need to do is stop the victimization that keeps political parties afloat, and just go about living. jobs are the answer. all people need the fulfillment and esteem that come from an “honest day’s work.”  my dad would be 93 today. i can only imagine what he would think of the goings on... ===JACK:  If I were put in a position of need, I'd be grateful for someone who recognized my plight and stood up for me.  That's the true spirit of America, and that's what your father stood for.

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  Of course! Accentuate the positive!===JACK:  What I'm looking for is leadership that works to eliminate the negative.

FROM THE SHARK:  Amen to that my friend.===JACK:  As I see it...we are in need of more friends and fewer enemies.  Friendship begins by reaching mout and saying, "PEACE!"

FROM WILLMAR REV:  Most generally "undesirable and challenging experiences, even devasting at times" do settle down and clearer heads prevail to help bring us back into a negotiable balance. 0;-) ===JACK:  It must be challenging for you to be "the chaplain" for your community...serving people of both sides of divisive issues.  May God go with you!

FROM HONEST JOHN:  I disagree....I don’t think that “people are good at heart”.... I think the service book accurately reflects the biblical belief that we are “by nature, sinful and unclean”.....and that because of that and that God’s very nature calls for Justice and Mercy, God sent his only Anselm===JACK:  The "religious" element seems to be missing in today's situation, unlike during MLK jr's marches.  As a theologian-observer you can talk and write about sin-justice-mercy, but until it takes root in the movement, it remains for God to say, "ENOUGH!"

FROM CL:  I have thought of the words of Anne Frank so often as we go through these hard times. Thanks for another good ===JACK:  Hard times?  Think of what it must have been like for Anne.  And think of how she saw the good amidst the bad.  A good lesson!

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