Friday, November 28, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 11/28/08
“Grace isn’t a little prayer you chant before receiving a meal. It’s a way to live.”
(Jackie Windspear) I like the word, grace, which means, love received that isn’t deserved. I’m always impressed when I see someone in a restaurant bow their head and offer a table prayer before they eat. So much of what we have is grace stuff. It seems good to stop on occasion and simply say, Thank you.” ;-) Jack

FROM PR P.H. IN MN: i like the acronym God's Riches At Christ's Expense. GRACE hope you had a good thanksgiving.

FROM F.M. IN WI: What a beautiful word!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 11/26/08
“Got no check books, got no banks; still, I’d like to express my thanks. I got the sun in the morning and the moon at night.”
(Irving Berlin) This song appeared in Annie, Get Your Gun in 1946. It’s still appropriate, considering today’s economy. Besides the sun and the moon, why not make a list tomorrow of the Top Ten other things for which you are thankful? ;-) Jack

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: I choose the sun and the rain, which pretty much make everything else possible.

FROM B.D. IN MI: One of my Ten is: I'm thankful for Winning Words.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Got my list all ready! There's a lot to be thankful for each day.

FROM B.M. IN MI: Have a Happy Thanksgiving. First thoughts of Top Five (not unique, I suppose): Family, health, love, friends, good fortune.

FROM PR D.L. IN OR: among the top 10 are your "Winning Words!" Have a great Thanksgiving!

FROM PR F.M. IN WI: Spouse, Family, Friends, Church, home, health, Country, new administration, Bishop, fellow & sister pastors, beauty of earth, sky and water, sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, ability to get about, work and of accomplishments, and for a winning word five times a week to continually remind me of the gifts and blessings that are bestowed on me each day! May you and yours have a blessed THANKSGIVING.

FROM M.E. IN CA: (Excerpts) The things for which I give thanks...inspired by Winning Words: Family, immediate and extended; Two grandchildren; Friends and professional colleagues; Excellent health for family and myself; A wonderful home; Enthusiam for our wonderful country which is about to inherit its first global president; A personal belief and conviction in something that is greater than us. Forever thankful and lucky.

FROM PR D.W. IN TX: (A Thanksging Acrostic)

Thanks be to God!

Thank you, Lord, for everything,
Having this life and voices to sing!
Another year has passed our way.
No reason not to shout “THANKS!” today!
Knowing without our Savior’s love,
Sin could cripple us like wounded doves.

Be with us, Lord, and light our smiles.
Encourage us those extra miles.

Take our time, our talent, our treasure.
Only quiet our urge to measure.

Go with us as we greet each great day.
Only you can show us the way.
Deliver us as your love today!

Have a happy and blessed Thanksgiving Day!

FROM G.C. IN SAN DIEGO: Herren valsigne dig!

FROM CJL IN OH: One of the 10 is "good friends"......Thanks for being one of them!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 11/25/08
“What kind of a world would this world be, If everyone in it were just like me?”
(Quoted in Getting Rich Your Own Way by Brian Tracy) He goes on to ask, “What kind of a country; what kind of a company; what kind of a family.” It’s about values and actions and not about cloning. Why not spend some time pondering, “What kind of a world do I want this world to be?” In reality, it starts with me (and you). ;-) Jack

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: "If everyone in it were just like me," the world would provide a very limited, narrow slice of life. That is why diversity of people and experiences is really significant and beneficial for me, and I think would be for everyone. To my mind we should never confine ourselves to reading what we already think, listening to people who express what we already believe, and visiting the same places again and again because they pleased us before. Thank God that this world is so diverse, and furthermore that it is ever- changing, always affording us fresh experiences.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: Been busy traveling songwriting and speaking. Heading through Detroit again today at 1 pm. I liked today’s quote. I am a big fan of Brian Tracy. If you get an opportunity to read Something for Nothing he wrote a year or so ago I think you might enjoy it. It is unlike any of his other books. Heading to Kitchener/Waterloo, Canada. To speak to 100 people in a four year financial planning course. I’m module 3 in Year One. Brain Tracy was module one. Goal setting.

FROM MOLINER LIZ: My mom always said something similar about diversity and the need for it. The answer was,"It'd be pretty boring." She used to lament the loss of regional restaurants as McDonald's, etc., took over the world.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Perish the thought!!! Everyone has their own gift and I can't imagine what this world would be like if we all had the same one. Yow! Can you imagine the people all collecting photos of old outhouses? I would love this world to be exactly like God wanted it to be. That would be a wonderful world.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 11/24/08
“You don’t stop playing because you get old; you get old because you stop playing.”
(Slogan seen at the Roy Hobbs World Series) Roy Hobbs has hardball leagues for various age groups, including one for players 65 and older. I remember a pastor coming to our church in Illinois and preaching at age 96. I have a copy of the sermon in my Easter File: “Easter Message of Peace.” ;-) Jack

FROM L.K. IN OH: I don't stop playing......I just play on a different field.

FROM PR J.S. IN MI: When you get old, you still play but you play at a different speed.

FROM M.T. IN PA: This is true on many levels--including the scientifically verifiable level. I have a small book called 'Keep Your Brain Alive: 83 Neurobic Exercises' In addition to the mental exercises, the book provides the background on scientific and medical research that has identified exactly which types of behaviors and activities promote the growth and regeneration of brain matter! The basic rule is - habitual and passive activity is bad (or at least non-beneficial) while mental challenges--especially those that are creative/problem-solving, require the formation of new associations, and/or break established patterns--are highly regenerative.

FROM CJL IN OH: Thanks. I needed that! REPLY: See, you've got alotta years to go.

FROM PR F.M. IN WI: I find it is not playing the same games, but finding new games to play which fit our age. One game which is 'interesting' for oldies is one which our kids gave us last Christmas . . . "The Captain's Mistress Game". I trust you have played it! REPLY: It sounds too risque for me.

FROM G.G. IN INDY: this is SO true! good reason to hold on to your childhood!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 11/21/08
“You always pass failure on the way to success.”
(Mickey Rooney) While Mickey Rooney was a successful movie star, he met a lot of failures along the way. In 1970 “an angel appeared to him,” and he turned his life around. Failure doesn’t have to be final. I’ve met a number of people who’ve been able to move on and let the past be the past. Sometimes our failures make us stronger people. ;-) Jack

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Failures are just bumps in the road....ya just keep going and eventually the road smooths out.

Now nothing's impossible, I've found for when my chin is on the ground,I pick myself up, dust myself off, and start all over again.Don't lose your confidence if you slip, be grateful for a pleasant trip,And pick yourself up, dust off, start over again.Work like a soul inspired until the battle of the day is won.You may be sick and tired, but you be a man, my son.Will you remember the famous men who have to fall to rise again,So take a deep breath, pick yourself up, start all over again.You gotta work like a soul inspired until the battle of the day is won.You may be sick and tired, but you be a man, my son.Will you remember the famous men who have to fall and then to rise again,So take a deep breath, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again.Once again now:Will you remember the famous men who have to fall and then rise again,So take a deep breath, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again.That's enough now.

FROM M.T. IN PA: Yes, indeed they can. Stronger, and better.

FROM L.P. IN MI: Ack! I just submitted my dissertation proposal to my committee yesterday. I don't want to think about failure... I've determined success is my only option.

FROM CJL IN OH: I know that, too, but it sure help[s when you move! Thanks.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 11/20/08
“Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are not willing to move your feet.”
(Sent by G.S.) Many times the prayers we offer require some action on our part to provide an answer. A child goes to a parent and asks for something. “Alright, but first I’d like you to do this.” A partnership is being proposed. Of course, I know that there are other prayers which simply require a believing spirit. ;-) Jack

FROM PR J.S. IN MI: When we say "Give US this day OUR daily bread" , we realize that means that we are now obligated to help others get bread since we are praying not for "me" but for "us"

FROM A.J. IN MI: I really like this one. Don't you think that a believing spirit is sometimes the same as taking the first step? If we don't open our hearts and truly believe, how can a prayer be answered? Hope you have a great Thanksgiving. Say hi to everyone at the Optimist Club.

FROM D.S. IN SAN DIEGO: I like that, Jack. Often times I am wondering "where" God is taking me to do the work he has in mind for me. I'm sure I put up some resistance when I "should be"moving my feet.

FROM J.T. IN MN: Thanks again for your Winning Word. I have joined the Staff Support Committee in church and am heading to my first meeting. It will be with the committee visiting with each pastor, office manager, music of mininstry individually. I am appreciative of today's WW. I just resigned from the Cemetery Committee as I was unable to participate very fully, not being able to drive the 0 degree 180 turn lawn mower, or pour the cement for the sign base, or operate the irrigation system. I felt my abilities, what they are, might be better served on a different committee. Today is my first day on the new committee. Thanks for your prayers.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Absolutely true!

FROM MOLINER J.T.: I had to send the quote on to many friends. One of your best. Thanks

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 11/19/08
“Say NO to negative thinking.”
(Seen on a Sweatshirt) Everywhere I went yesterday, people were talking about the economy. Since I’m in Detroit, it wasn’t happy talk, except when I talked with a doctor. He said, “I might be a Pollyanna, but I think that things are going to turn around sooner than we think.” Pollyanna was a little girl who liked to play The Glad Game. She always tried to look on the bright side of every situation. Why not put today’s quote next to your computer? ;-)

FROM PR J.S. IN MI: What has happened to our economy and to our country is a great example of ORIGINAL SIN in action. We are paying the price for the selfish activity in which we have participated. There is a need to atone and then to find a new way. Hopefully the election of Obama points in the direction of a new and better way. MORE: It was WW I and the Great Depression which prompted Reinhold Niebuhr to pen his works that emphasized Original Sin....the return to the naive liberalism of the end of the 19th century has blurred that insight and we need to return to it.

FROM M.L. IN IL: we grew up playing the glad game. i'll never forget the first time i saw pollyanna. we all wanted to be and/or fell in love with hailey mills.

FROM G.S. IN MI: SAY NO TO NEGATIVE THINKING! One day I hopped in a taxi and we took off for the airport. We were driving in the right lane when suddenly a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his brakes, skidded, and missed the other car by just inches! The driver of the other car whipped his head around and started yelling at us. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean he was really friendly. So I asked, 'Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital! This is when my taxi driver taught me what I now call, 'The Law of the Garbage Truck. He explained that many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it and sometimes they'll dump it on you. Don't take it personally. Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. Don't take their garbage and spread it to other people at work, at home, or on the streets. The bottom line is that successful people do not let garbage trucks take over their day. Life's too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so...Love the people who treat you right. Pray for the ones who don't. Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it! Have a blessed, garbage-free day! The seeds you plant today, determine the harvest you reap tomorrow.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Reading the comments from your blog were's so easy to blame someone else for the mess we (the USA) are in right now....but I am not an negative person...I believe we will remain the number one country people are DYING to come too. Not a small thing. I also like the story about the taxi driver...that is how I choose to live my life. God is good. MORE: Even when I'm not "feeling" positive, if I say the words often enough....I overcome the negativity...but sometimes it's very hard. :-)

FROM MOLINER C.F.: Negativism is for losers. Put that in your computer and smoke it! REPLY: Do you remember this song?
Smoke, Smoke, Smoke That Cigarette
Written by Merle Travis and Tex Williams
Now I'm a feller with a heart of goldAnd the ways of a gentleman I've been toldThe kind of guy that wouldn't even harm a flea
But if me and a certain character metThe guy that invented the cigaretteI'd murder that son-of-a-gun in the first degree
It ain't cuz I don't smoke myselfAnd I don't reckon that it'll harm your healthSmoked all my life and I ain't dead yet
But nicotine slaves are all the sameAt a pettin' party or a poker gameEverything gotta stop while they have a cigarette
Smoke, smoke, smoke that cigarettePuff, puff, puff and if you smoke yourself to deathTell St. Peter at the Golden GateThat you hate to make him waitBut you just gotta have another cigarette
Now in a game of chance the other nightOld Dame Fortune was a-doin' me rightThe kings and the queens just kept on comin' round
And I got a full and I bet 'em highBut my bluff didn't work on a certain guyHe just kept on raisin' and layin' that money down
Now he'd raise me and I'd raise himI sweated blood, gotta sink or swimHe finally called and didn't even raise the bet
So I said "aces full Pops how 'bout you?"He said "I'll tell you in a minute or twoBut right now, I gotta have me a cigarette"
Smoke, smoke, smoke that cigarettePuff, puff, puff and if you smoke yourself to deathTell St. Peter at the Golden GateThat you hates to make him waitBut you just gotta have another cigarette
(Ah, smoke it! Hah! Yes! Yes! Yes!)
The other night I had a dateWith the cutest little girl in the United StatesA high-bred, uptown, fancy little dame
She loved me and it seemed to meThat things were 'bout like they oughta beSo hand in hand we strolled down lover's lane
She was oh so far from a cake of iceAnd our smoochin' party was goin' niceSo help me cats I believe I'd be there yet
But I give her a kiss and a little squeezeAnd she said, "ah, Marty, excuse me pleaseI just gotta have me another, cigarette"
And she said, smoke, smoke, smoke that cigarettePuff, puff, puff and if you smoke yourself to deathTell St. Peter at the Golden GateThat you hate to make him waitBut you just gotta have another cigarette

FROM PR F.M. IN WI: I just spoke to our broker - I need to send this to him! And try to apply it in our life too!

FROM D.S. IN MI: I choose to believe that this is all happening to make us slow down and remember what is truly important in our lives and also to think about what we need and can afford. Will the greedy people get that same message out of it? We can only wonder. Have a warm day.

FROM G.G. IN INDY: May be my favorite movie....never get tired of watching it. We still sing "America" with a Hailey Mills' accent and laugh everytime .....and I'm still playing and teaching the glad game! Pollyanna was/is a great little teacher!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 11/18/08
“Everybody has to be somebody to somebody to be anybody.”
(Malcolm Forbes) If you were to take a snapshot of your life, is there a somebody who has made a difference? Anybody? You may not know it, but you’ve probably made a difference in somebody’s life, too. ;-) Jack

FROM MOLINER LIZ: My father is the dearest man in the world. (And I'm not saying that because he's my dad!) I wish I could be more like him. He is honest, fair, giving, incredibly smart, has tons of common sense, gives great advice and support and is literally every good thing a person could be. My late mom was the same way. I am grateful that I was blessed with such a wonderful family/role models. I try my hardest to be like them every day.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: My grandma and one of my Sunday school teachers, Mrs. Woike. Both taught me my first lessons about Jesus and I remember being absolutely awed and truly happy to hear of His love. I was 4 or so at the time. MORE: I shouldn't leave out my parents either. They taught me my first prayers, said grace before each meal, and prayers at night. But the most important thing they did for me was to lead a wonderful Christian life. There was never ever a time when they turned anyone down...meals, places to stay, money (when they had it), and a rich full life for us five kids. They also raised 4 others with us and helped more kids than you can imagine. When my dad retired they became very much involved in their Grayling church and in Eastern Stars and Masons. I will miss them everyday of my life.

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: When I read this again it reminded me of a lady with whom I worked at Nash Mtrs during the war. When we opened our store many old friends and acquaintances came to do Rx business with us. It was very humbling let me tell you. In particular, a very nice gal, a married lady. One day she came in and walked past several other ladies and asked me over and then pulled up her dress to expose Her ( loss of Love Handles)( to Weight Watchers, this is a fatty growth that occurs in some women on the outside upper thigh ). She said,"See Bob they are gone". We both said whooppeee and hugged. Perhaps about 3 or 4 months before she came in to show me the real thing and ask for advice. " I told her to reduce her spaghetti intake and take a rolling pin and roll each love handle six or more times, three times a day." Well it worked, apparently I was somebody to somebody. Shucks, I cry as I remember this lady, we had wonderful customer friends. I miss them.

FROM MOLINER C.F.: Some people mean something to all of the people some of the time and all people mean something to some people some of the time, but noit all people mean something to all of the people all of the time. Abe Hodson

Monday, November 17, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 11/17/08
“Everyone has a plan until they are hit.”
(Evander Holyfield) Evander started boxing at age 15 and has taken many punches in the ring. He’s also been hit with a divorce, financial setbacks and betrayal by friends. He didn’t plan it that way. It happened. Have you been able to cope with hits that have come your way? Some have told me that they would not have been able to survive except for God’s help. ;-) Jack

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: A lot of our "hits" are self-obtained, as some of his were. However, life does hand us many unplanned I call them. Those are handled as well as possible...with a lot of prayer and God's Grace and mercy. REPLY: Judy, I notice that YOUR PLAN almost always makes reference to GOD'S PLAN. That's a good way to plan to meet life's challenges. MORE FROM JUDY: I have always admired Holyfeld...I think he is a class act. I am struggling with my role in His plan right now. I am trying, very hard not to let my plans get in the way and I can't tell which are His and which are mine. It's a tough battle...but I am still fighting it. MORE FROM JACK: Fight the good fight with all thy might!Christ is thy strength, and Christ thy right;Lay hold on life, and it shall beThy joy and crown eternally. Run the straight race through God's good grace,Lift up thine eyes, and seek His face;Life with its way before us lies,Christ is the path, and Christ the prize. Cast care aside, lean on thy Guide;His boundless mercy will provide;Trust, and thy trusting soul shall proveChrist is its life, and Christ its love. Faint not nor fear, His arms are near,He changeth not, and thou art dear;Only believe, and thou shalt seeThat Christ is all in all to thee.

FROM B.P. IN FL: AMEN>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Survival is the operative word...............especially in todays environment.

FROM MOLINER LIZ: Yeah, I'm hangin' in there... faith is a big part of it. And guts.

FROM D.S. IN SAN DIEGO: I hope Obama has God's help because we know he will get "hit" quite often.

FROM MOLINER C.F.: Evander always got back up though, didn't he? Interesting that his name is HOLYfield.

FROM MOLINER J.T.: Amen ! To Gods help. How many "Hits" does one have to take? If it wasn't for my Faith, Church and Grace, I wonder how I would have coped.

FROM M.L. IN IL: many hits. god has always been there, with the help of the "earth angels" that have been given to me. coping is simply a way of moving forward with the strength of those around me, those most dear to me. they are all a gift from the creator.

FROM CJL IN OH: yes and yes

Friday, November 14, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 11/14/08
“The happiest people don’t necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything they have.”
(Sent by CWR) An elderly man goes every day to eat breakfast with his wife who is an Alzheimer’s patient in a nursing home. “And you still go every morning, even though she doesn’t know who you are?” This was his reply: “She doesn’t know me, but I still know who she is.” I’m amazed by the people who can make the best of unfortunate situations. Do you know anyone like that? ;-) Jack

FROM S.H. IN MI: Thanks again for your Winning Words. I love to reflect upon them and always seem to find something in daily life that they remind me of. Someday I may not have much of a mind and, hopefully, someone might be visiting me faithfully like the guy with his Alzemheimers wife.

FROM L.K. IN OH: Yet another of the many good ones.

FROM PR J.S. IN MI: yes....I grew up right next to Moline and I made the most of it!!! JACK'S RESPONSE: Yes, the good does rub off, even on a Hilltopper.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: A number of my own family...especially right now. I could make a listl! They are happy and continue to laugh and live with huge burdens. God is good. JACK'S REPLY: Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere?We should never be discouraged; take it to the Lord in prayer. Can we find a friend so faithful who will all our sorrows share?Jesus knows our every weakness; take it to the Lord in prayer. Are we weak and heavy laden, cumbered with a load of care?Precious Savior, still our refuge, take it to the Lord in prayer.

FROM J.K. IN CA: I just wanted to let you know I really enjoy reading your winning words daily. We are all well in CA. It's supposed to be 90 degrees today and tomorrow. Still like summer out here. I seriously think we will hit the beach this weekend! Happy Thanksgiving a bit earlly. We re going to Wisconsin for Christmas this year! The kids hope to see some serious snow!

FROM CJL IN OH: Several. And it is most helpful & warm!

FROM EMT SINGS IN MI: Did you happen to see the ABC evening news last night (Friday)? The Person of the week was a young man who was born with cerebral palsy.He had several surgeries as a child and was able to walk very awkwardly with a cane. He was unable to participate in sports, but found that he could golf. His goal for this year was to WALK every hole of the major tournaments (I did not get all the facts as I came in at the last) and he was shown completing the last one. It was noted that the distance he had walked since starting this last January was over 900 miles. It was quite a story. I wish I had gotten all the facts. JACK'S RESPONSE: You should be able to see the D. J. Gregory story by using this link. ABC News: Person of the Week: D.J. Gregory Nov 14, 2008 ... Born with cerebral palsy, DJ Gregory was told that he would never walk. Overcoming challenges, Gregory set a goal to walk every round,

FROM M.L. IN IL: countless...i'm fortunate enough to say.

FROM T.C. IN IL: And she still laughs when I tell her the same jokes every day.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 11/13/08
“All my life I used to wonder what I would like to become when I grew up. Then, about seven years ago, I realized that I was never going to grow up….that growing up is an ever ongoing process.”
(M. Scott Peck) When you were a child, what was it that you wanted to become when you grew up? I wanted to be a fireman, but I became a pastor instead. Now, in retirement, I’ve finally grown up and become a chaplain for the Fire Department. ;-) Jack

ANOTHER QUOTE THAT SEEMS TO FIT: "When what we are is what we want to be, that's happiness." (Malcolm Forbes) If you're happy and you know it, say, Amen!

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: A Forest Ranger...but my high school counseler said I couldn't be because there were no women in that area. I was quite the quiet one then and would never have "bucked the system" to become one, unfortunately. Instead, I became a Legal Secretary. How boring...but it paid the bills. Now I am who I want to be, but still growing!

FROM MOLINER G.S.: Hit most of the goals, except that I wanted to own a helicopter. My Aunt Ruth and Uncle Merle Kruse expected me to become an engineer - which I did. Our family can be such a good influence.

FROM M.T. IN PA: Got a good laugh from this one...and....congratulations on reaching your grown-up goal! JACK'S REPLY: But what did you want to be? An art glass designer? MARK'S REPLY: Actually, for quite a while, a Pastor. I did eventually get to work in some churches! JACK'S REPLY: More and more churches are using lay persons to assist If I were your pastor, I'd find some way to help you achieve your childhood desire. I guess in reality, you did become a pastor. Your Holy Spirit windows speak a message every week to the worshippers. We each use our talents in different ways. MARK'S REPLY: And by the way, the inspiration for the windows was a Gift. The opportunity to make them was something I worked for, but I am also ever grateful for having received it. I will never tire of knowing they are appreciated. P.S. To help 'rekindle' my sidetracked career in glasswork, I have secured for my website. (not 'live' yet, but will soon be populating it with photos and commentary)

MOLINER C.F.: You're still a fireman...saving people from the everlasting inferno. So you have realized your dreams after all. JACK'S REPLY: No, it's Jesus who's that kind of fireman.

FROM N.E. IN S.H.: I'm still thinking about it. If I ever grow up (God forbid) I'll let you know. ;)

FROM BBC IN IL: I did not know you were Chaplain for the fire department - what sparked your interest?

FROM D.S. IN SAN DIEGO: Gee, when I was "little", I wanted to be just like my leader, Jack Freed. Then, when I obtained a greater amount of intelligence, and discovered his political leanings, I decided on becoming a "Conservative" so we could counter "the dark side".

FROM J.B. IN WI: Lucky me. I wanted to be a wife, mommy, and teacher. I got to do all. At that age, I did not even think about becoming a grandma, but I now know that for me, that has been the very best part of this growing up process.

FROM P.L IN MI: How wonderful that you have actually achieved your dream! God has other plans for some of us and we may never know why. I always like to think that we play the cards we are dealt to the best of our ability and with the help of God, make the right choices. MORE: When I was young, I wanted to become an artist! And a Mom! Always loved to draw and create. After high school the dream and promise of going to college was shattered due a lack of money. My dad was a general contractor who suffered great financial loss in his business. Lost our home, had to rent. I went to work and to beauty school paying a week at a time. Later on I took local college courses at night, put together a portfolio and got a job in advertising on my own degree. After marriage and kids I returned to the field part time, them full time and finally retired as an art director. Everyone should follow their dreams and follow their heart. God will guide you, but not always down the path you choose. Thanks Jack for all the thought provoking words. I enjoy them each day. Once in a while, one really strikes home. ;-)

FROM M.L. IN IL: you have given in to the "peter pan syndrome". yeah! growing up is a never-ending story. i like watching the pages unfold. quite frankly, each day that passes brings me more youth than age. it's all in the way we choose to look at the world. such newness each day brings! it is our daily gift from the universe/god.

FROM M.N. IN MN: I wanted to be a secretary or a nurse, but opted for Elementary Ed. That was a good choice for me and it served me well. JACK'S REPLY: You would have been a good nurse, or secretary, because you're like Mary Richards....You've got SPUNK!

FROM CJL IN OH: Congratulations! I shall keep you in mind when I chaplain for the Police dept.

FROM M.S. IN IL: Thanks for sharing that Jack as you have come full circle. Remember you introduced me to Civil Air Patrol Chaplaincy 14 years ago. It has been a great experience. I've also met many police and fire department chaplains through my work with CISM. It is a great opportunity for service.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 1/12/08
“All the money in the world won’t buy you one more day.”
(Ted Turner) Perhaps you saw Sunday’s 60 Minutes interview with Billionaire Ted. Like most of us, I think that he was shaped by his childhood. As he grows older, he seems to have come to the realization that there is an end. A verse in the Bible reads: “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world…?” I like this Gospel song:..This world is not my home; I’m just-a passin’ through. My treasures are laid up a way beyond the blue. ;-) Jack

FROM PR P.H. IN MN: also, "i am but a stranger here, heaven is my home"

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: I think of this everytime I hear someone say, "If you drink this juice you will add a day on to your life, or if you take this vitamin, etc." I didn't see the interview, but I hope he comes to realize that Jesus is the only way to eternal life.

JACK'S RESPONSE: One's relationship with God, in every instance, is a personal one, beyond our judgment.

FROM A&P IN MI: You did'nt beat me up;was building fire in stove at 5:30! Ted has mellowed a bit. JACK'S RESPONSE: It was interesting, during the interview, to hear Jane Fonda tell what it was like living with him. The children chimed in, too. Our familes could each tell their stories...just as each of us could witness to what it's been like living with God, the Father.

FROM PR A.W. IN IL: In my second parish , I had a devout, wonderful man who told me about when his son died. He said" I would gladly have given up all I own if only I had one more day with my son."

FROM PR F.M. IN WI: Yes, we watched 60 Minutes on Sunday evening . . . thanks for preserving the best part of the interview!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 11/11/08
“We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.”
(Cynthia Ozick) I remember the time in grade school when the whole class would stand at attention on November 11, at 11 am, in honor of Armistice Day. The word, armistice, derives from the Latin and means a suspension of hostilities by agreement of opponents. A well deserved THANK YOU to our veterans today! ;-) Jack

FROM S.G. IN MI: This day is quite significant in history for many reasons---it is also the birthday of Gen. Patton (and a very nice neighbor friend of mine....) The flag is flying proudly at Pixley in Keego.

FROM B.C. IN F.H.: That's a nice one

FROM MOLINER LIZ: Thank you to all our veterans and their families for the many sacrifices they have made and continue to make on our behalf. God Bless America and the world. May there be peace.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: Freedom isn't free and out vets have suffered so we could be free...even those against them. God bless the Veterans. JACK'S REPLY: I have a friend who fought for the Germans as a teen-ager in WW 2 and lost an eye in battle. "We kids just believed what we were told." After he and his family came to America, he joined my congregation in Illinois. He joined the choir. No one sang more loudly anf proudly (in a German accent), "America, America, God shed his grace on thee...."

FROM PR J.S. IN MI: I liked it better when it was Armistice Day. Then it stood for PEACE. We have militarized so many of our holidays so that now Nov. 11th stands for WAR. I think that is a mistake. The whole Reagan Era has been about war and might. I think and hope that Obama might return us to being leaders of peacefulness instead of being "bullies" as Desmond Tutu characterized us.

FROM MOLINER G.S.: But the freedom that they fought for, and the country grand they wrought for,Is their
monument to-day, and for aye.~Thomas Dunn English


FROM D.C. IN MI: I remember the Armistice Day storm in Minnesota. It was in 1940. ( I just looked it up to be sure.) I knew it was either in 1940 or 41 because it was before I started school. I was 4, and I can remember it clearly. We were without power for several days, but my mother could cook on the laundry stove in the basement, and the back porch could be the refrigerator. I know we had devotions around the dining room table using the Coleman lantern for light. My dad always had to shovel coal into the furnace and I know he said then that he was glad he didn't have "a stoker" like lots of the people had. My brother Dan made lots of money shoveling snow. I didn't see this, but remember hearing how tons of Thanksgiving turkeys froze to death near Willmar.(We lived in Hector, MN.) So if you want more info on this storm, look up 1940 MN Armistice Day Storm.

FROM M.N. IN MN: They still have Armistice Day Ceremonies for the whole town in Warren, Minnesota. And that is the way it should be!!!

FROM PR F.M. IN WI: Amen - I have the same memory - we had to face the east.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY: I wanted to tell you about my little grandson's prayers tonight....
"Dear Jesus, Thank you for all the soldiers in history and chocolate."
What a wonderful prayer. Ya never know what's comin in his prayers.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 11/10/08
“A winner is someone who recognizes his God-given talents, works his tail off to develop them into skills, and uses these skills to accomplish his goals.”
(Larry Bird) Bird wasn’t the smoothest of players, but he could really play basketball. A winner doesn’t always have to be a star. Each of us has something we do well. “It isn’t by size that you win or you fail—Be the best of whatever you are.” ;-) Jack

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: My follow-up to Larry Bird's quote would be that the really important thing is WHAT goals were accomplished. MORE: I attach low level importance to sports-oriented goals (most RBI's, yardage gained, points scored, etc.). My admiration is to those players who encouraged or convinced young people to stay in school and graduate, to avoid gang life and drug abuse, to cherish team participation, etc.My problem with Bean-town fans is that achievement means to win win win win win. Or as that famous somebody (I'll bet you know who it was) said, "Winning isn't's the ONLY thing." JACK'S RESPONSE: Vince...but that statement of his was only meant to motivate his players. His life and his faith showed something else, Of course, enigma could be a middle name for all of us. We all have talents of one sort or another. If it's playing basketball, then use that talent to the best of your ability; if it's drawing lines on a paper, use that talent to the best of your ability; if it's leading a congregation of people, use that talent to the best of your ability. Remembering that we all sin and fall short.....

FROM MOLINER C.F.: Don't kid yourself. Larry was smooth as they come. He just looked awkward.

FROM PR F.M. IN WI; Try every day - I have learned that a task to do should be done well, not quickly

Friday, November 07, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 11/7/08
“Kindness is contagious. Catch it!”
(Seen on a poster) I think I saw this poster in a school. Lessons are taught in many places and in many ways. They’re taught on tee shirts and on bumper stickers. What good teaching lessons have you seen in strange places? I’d like to put them on the blog. ;-) Jack

FROM A.M. IN MI: Here are a few favorite sayings I devised during my walk. I often use them in my talks with those in recovery. I hope you find them useful.
"A life full of exceptions is not truthful. But, a life full of truth is certainly exceptional."
"God doesn’t move at the speed of light. GOD MOVES AT THE SPEED OF LIFE!"

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: Two bumper stickers seen on a car yesterday: Stop the War (and next to it) When Jesus said "Love your enemies" I think he probably meant don't kill them."

FROM COPPER COUNTRY PR B.L.: Returning from Antigo on Monday there was this billboard outside of Eagle River which had no advertizing on it:

FROM MY SON IN MN: Preachers Have Altar Egos.

FROM CJL IN OH: "Christ is the answer. What is the question?"

FROM MOLINER C.F.: I saw a sign once on a street corner that said "STOP". Great advice. Have noticed several since, so somebody else must also think it is a good idea.

FROM M.L. IN IL (A NURSERY SCHOOL TEACHER): when children at school hurt each other in any way, i ask them if that was the kind thing to do. they always respond in the appropriate way-children are compassionate beings. kindness is a diminishing word in our vocabulary. listen to those around you, you'll see. i like exposing the next generation to the word as well as the concept.

FROM L.L. IN MI: I didn't necessarily see this lesson in a strange place, but one of my favorites is: No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.

FROM J.B. IN WI: If God is your Co-pilot - swap seats!

FROM PR F.M. IN WI: Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet
is fighting some kind of battle.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 11/6/08
“My parents brought me up to persevere, work hard, to keep your mouth shut and your eyes and ears open.”
(Bob Feller) This Hall of Fame pitcher turned 90 the other day. He still tries to live according to the values his parents taught him on the family farm in Van Meter, Iowa. I suppose that all of us can look back with appreciation for the values we learned at home. My pastor once wrote: “Virture is learned at mother’s knee. Vice is learned at other joints.” ;-) Jack

FROM M.L. IN IL: i may have shared this with you before. mark's mother raised four boys with this creed. "stand up straight, smile, and be pleasant". we used it when raising our children and have passed it on to others. by the way...her boys, all four, grew up to be great men!

FROM M.E. IN CA: Like this one.

FROM PR F.M. IN WI: My, you know how to make a person feel old - Bob Feller was one of my baseball heroes - he can't be 90! I recall pictures of him in his youth throwing a baseball out by one of their barns! He learned baseball in the barn yard - not a bad place to pick up some learning's!

FROM D.S. IN SAN DIEGO:Bob Feller was one of my boyhood heroes, Jack. What a great guy. I can truly believe those were his values having grown up in the Midwest.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 11/5/08
“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”
(Neil Armstrong) I remember well man’s first step on the moon. It was awesome. We each have events that are etched in our memories. Republican or Democrat, we will always remember the presidential election of 2008. As my mother-in-law used to say to her piano students: “The longest journey begins with a single step.” ;-) Jack

FROM M.L. IN IL: we're not in kansas anymore! MORE: some of my dearest friends are on the other side of my political rainbow. a bit of you know that abraham lincoln did not cast a ballot for the office of president when he was candidate? he did not think it fair and just to vote for himself. i love and understand that concept. a great human being. my husband and i are waiting for the moment tonight to open a very special bottle of champagne that we have been saving for a very special occasion.

FROM AN OHIO GOPer, L.K.: Again, my heartiest congrats. Enjoy the day!

FROM ANOTHER OHIOan, J.H.: hip hip hurray! REPLY: It good to cheer for something other than a football team.

FROM D.S. IN MI: Yes we will.

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: Your words today are an apt comparison with what has occurred in this country with this election.

FROM MOLINER G.S.: I voted against Obama. I hope we don't rue the day he was elected.
MORE: Yesterday was one large step for socialism

FROM B.G. IN MI: This is, indeed, a giant leap for all Americans. I have been especially moved by the comments of Congressman John Lewis. Given all that he has lived through, he is gracious to the core and still has hope. What a wonderful role model! Yes, we can! Congratulations to President-elect Barack Obama.

FROM S.G. IN MI: As does every journey that is worth taking. Your mother-in-law was wise.

FROM MOLINER C.F.: How dare you make political stride out of Armstrong's feat!!!!

FROM D.S. IN SAN DIEGO: I'm not happy, BUT, I am hopeful that in some way this will bring our country together in a way that we have not seen since President Reagan.I pray that Obama will have the wisdom and the people around him as well to lead us at a time when the world is falling apart in front of our eyes.It should be an interesting 4 years, and I hope at the end, I will say "he was right".

FROM MOLINER LIZ: Glad for you that your candidate won. He's got a lot to tackle-- I think he's up to the task. Congratulations! REPLY: He's OUR president, and he will need the prayers and support of all who care. I like the way that you have looked upon what has takem place. Life goes on.

FROM PR F.M. IN WI: One giant step yesterday!

FROM J.C. IN HONG KONG: Just think ... a year from now all the violence in the world will be blamed on Obama instead of Bush.

FROM PR G.C. IN SAN DIEGO: It was a pretty astounding day and night! Wow!Herren valsigne Senator Obama! REPLY: Did you know that Obama's grandmother had some Swedish blood in her? That's why some Nowegians didn't want to vote for him.

FROM J.T. IN MI: I am thrilled with the great amount of young people and minorities that voted in this election. It is encouraging to know that so many Americans cared enough about this country to vote. I was very disappointed that Proposal 2 passed but unfortunately there were not enough people who voted as I did. God bless all of us as we begin anew. Hopefully some day elected politicians will realize a lot of people don't care about the classifications "Democrat" and "Republican", just citizens, ALL citizens.

FROM BBC IN IL: All I could think this morning was "Great is Thy Faithfulness, Almighty Father….morning by morning new mercies I see…. all I have needed Thy hand has provided….

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 11/4/08
“There’s always one moment in life when the door opens and lets the future in.”
(Graham Greene) That moment, for me, was on a Sunday night in 1946. Has there been a moment that has changed your future? There are Democrats and Republicans who look upon this election as such a moment. And life goes on! ;-) Jack

FROM MOLINER LIZ: Do you think it's too late for the door to open? I'm still waiting.

FROM MOLINER G.S.: What exactly happened on that Sunday night in 1946?

POEM BY ROBERT FROST: Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,And sorry I could not travel bothAnd be one traveler, long I stoodAnd looked down one as far as I couldTo where it bent in the undergrowth;Then took the other, as just as fair,And having perhaps the better claim,Because it was grassy and wanted wear;Though as for that the passing thereHad worn them really about the same,And both that morning equally layIn leaves no step had trodden black.Oh, I kept the first for another day!Yet knowing how way leads on to way,I doubted if I should ever come back.I shall be telling this with a sighSomewhere ages and ages hence:Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference.
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,And sorry I could not travel bothAnd be one traveler, long I stoodAnd looked down one as far as I couldTo where it bent in the undergrowth;Then took the other, as just as fair,And having perhaps the better claim,Because it was grassy and wanted wear;Though as for that the passing thereHad worn them really about the same,And both that morning equally layIn leaves no step had trodden black.Oh, I kept the first for another day!Yet knowing how way leads on to way,I doubted if I should ever come back.I shall be telling this with a sighSomewhere ages and ages hence:Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference.

FROM PR J.S. IN MI: I think that there are events that leave the past behind and demand something new. We have to take advantage of those events. Such an event was WW I. Unfortunately, our leadership didn't take advantage of that confusion and it led to the depression and WW II. The collapse of our economy in the 70s....the virtual collapse of our moral structure and of our morale along with it....opened up an opportunity for us to reshape this country and we did. Now a very unfortunate Presidency has virtually wrecked us again. In the 70s it was the Left that did us in. This time it is the Right. I hope that we can take advantage of this confusion and reshape some things and point forward to the future. I hope....and I emphasize HOPE....that Obama is the person to do this. Most assuredly, McCain is not. So that only leaves one avenue open for us. I hope that Obama is elected and chooses to reshape us in a new way that will last for another 30 years or so. We'll see. Much , of course, is up to us. Not just to vote but to reshape things. Out with the 70s and now out with the 00s. In with the new!!!

FROM B.G. IN MI: Yes, it does…I voted early this morning; arrived at 6:45 a.m. and was the 50th person to cast a ballot in our precinct. I am, as you know, more invested in this election than any previous one. Whatever the outcome, God’s kingdom will come on earth…as it is in heaven. However, since heaven can wait, I hope for a particular outcome in this earthly election. Whatever the case, Jesus is Lord.

FROM M.L. IN IL: i have had a few moments like this. let's hope today's opening into the future will be like dorothy's opening the door to munchkinland. remember the surprise of color? one of the most exciting scenes ever! i'm ready for a truely rainbow world here. we shouldn't have to travel over the rainbow to find it. it's time.

FROM EMT SINGS IN MI: Dare I ask, the occasion? REPLY FROM JACK: I received an unexpected phone call from my pastor's wife, asking if I had ever considered becoming a pastor. It had never entered my mind until that call.

FROM N.L. IN FL: Amen to that Jack:

FROM B.M. IN MI: This quote made me think about such moments; and I do mean more than one. The three for me which first come to mind are the following: The day John Kennedy was elected (I had just turned twenty) ; the second was the day that I realized I was in love with Margie; the third was the first day that I started my own accounting practice. There could be others, of course, especially the births of each of our children and, later, our grandchildren. What do you think about all this? Should there be just "one moment" as Graham Greene suggested?

FROM DMF IN MN: Mrs. Tillberg?

FROM PR F.M. IN WI: Another democrat . . . and also a president, JFK. We have voted and are ready to accept responsibility under, we hope, a democrat president!

FROM MOLINER LIZ: Glad to hear what happened to you on that fateful Sunday nite. It was a fateful nite for many people actually, your future parishioners and people like me who have never even met you except thru your blog. As one of your "cyberspace parishioners," I'd like to say thank you to you and to the pastor's wife who opened the door to your future. Your thoughtfulness, caring and humor have helped me thru many days.

FROM ERIN DiM: I just voted, so exciting!! :)PS. I'm wearing my favorite election day t-shirt. In red, white, and blue it reads "I VOTE FOR HAPPY HOUR" :) I think those waiting in line for hours would agree ;)

FROM G.C. IN SAN DIEGO: Just a quick word.This is the big day for Mr. Obama and Co. I am one of the large number of persons who perceive that Barack Obama is one of those very special people who come along every once in a while. You and I can name a few in our life times. Let's see first if he makes it today and then how he leads/performs in the many months ahead. Herren valsigne Barack Obama!


FROM MARY ANN & RAY IN MI: Okay Jack. What was it? My mind is not creative today!!!

Monday, November 03, 2008

Jack’s Winning Words 11/3/08
“Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.”
(Guess Who) Without looking it up, can you guess (or do you know) who said these words? They seem appropriate for the election which is before us tomorrow. We vote to accept our responsibility. ;-) Jack

FROM D.G-H. IN NYC: My guess is, FDR.

FROM THE JUDGE: Jack Kennedy

FROM J.H. IN OH: hmmmm... Barrack said something similar at the '04 convention... "not a Republican America or a Democratic America"... so I'll say he said this. If not, sounds like JFK to me?

FROM PR J.S. IN MI: You need to know what failed in the past and why it failed if you are to make the future better. I am always willing to know my failures to make certain that I don't make the same ones twice.

FROM B.G. IN MI: well-said, Jack. I think it was George Bush.

FROM MOLINER G.S.: Good words. Thank heavens, only 1 more day!

FROM MOLINER A.E.: His last name starts with K right? "K E N N E D Y said it one day". Right?

FROM MKH IN MI: I am afraid that God is going to let us get what we deserve in this election, maybe he is tired of playing with us? I have a terrible pit in my chest about this election I pray that I am totally wrong entirely off base.

FROM L.S. IN MI: I dont know but my guess would be FDR. Just a guess.

FROM M.T. IN PA: Sounded like JFK, so I Googled and sure enough!


FROM P.O. IN MI: I had to guess, but I was right. Have a great day! REPLY: But what did you guess?

FROM VINCENTRIC DMF: Burton Cummings REPLY FROM DAD: My son is sooooomart. Burton Cummings OM (born December 31, 1947) is a Canadian musician and songwriter. A gifted showman, he was the lead singer for the Canadian rock band The Guess Who.

FROM C.P. IN CHGO: You're right-that is a good one!

FROM PR P.H. IN MN: it sounds like you, Jack...or maybe M L King...

FROM MOLINER LIZ: I know. I know. Barack Obama! Is there a prize?