Friday, September 28, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 9/28/07
“Anybody can observe the Sabbath, but making it holy takes the rest of the week.”
(Alice Walker) Here’s another quote from Alice as we approach the Sabbath (literally, a day for rest). Holy makes it an action word, challenging us to be a Godly people all week long. Those commandments are not easy, are they? ;-) Jack

FROM T.S. IN MICHIGAN: Absolutely they are not easy. If they were easy, we wouldn't need Christ - right? We wouldn't need forgiveness for constantly falling short.

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: It does take the rest of the week to make it holy! Going to church is the easy part... it's following His word the days when you least feel like it or are challenged in life. A friend of mine once told me she had never broken a commandment. I asked her if she had ever taken a stamp from work and didn't replace it. She said yes. Well, I said, you broke the Do Not Steal one right there. She was very upset. But the fact is, we break commandments so often, we don't even react! That's whats so wonderful about God's Grace! He still loves us!


FROM GOOD DEBT JON IN OHIO: It takes the rest of our lives; this is a great analogy for all excellent principles and values in life. Whether saving money, being kind, granting forgiveness, exercising, or not taking your spouse for granted—these and others take lifelong daily efforts. In positive pursuits, we cannot avoid regret by avoiding action.

FROM F.M. IN WISCONSIN: One thing I have learned is that it is both easier and more relaxing to 'keep the sabbath' since I have retired.

FROM G.G. IN INDIANA: No, they are not easy. That's why we need people like you and Alice in our lives helping us to remember. Mary, Ruth and I saw her here in Indy years ago at the Madame Walker Theatre. She was doing a poetry reading from "Her Blue Body Everything We Know". .....awesome.

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: Hi, I grew up with some slave drivers who had to go to church every Sunday. Thank the Good Lord, we got part of the day off from work. But, then, one was partially in love with all the animals, so feeding, and watering, and cleaning all the time was so embedded in one's personality, a 7 day work week existed all the time. To top it all off the sermon that I remember the most of was given by a Black man at a M.L.King memorial service, Now, that was a sermon. I wish I had gotten a copy.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 9/27/07
“No one wants to be brave anymore….just chief!”
(From Wacky Wit) Whatever the organization might be, the braves are the key to success. I remember hearing someone comment on a church that was having problems. “There are too many chiefs and not enough Indians.” Think of the organizations to which you belong. Where is their strength? BTW, what are some of those organizations? ;-) Jack

FROM SON, DAVID: Is there a typo in this one? "Be brave" vs. "be a brave"
ANSWER: Nope! Two meanings to the word.

FROM MOLINER, C.F.: Or was that a typo in your "WW"? If that's the case, I know very few chiefs who were not once braves.

FROM D.S. IN MICHIGAN: I am busy looking for a few more good paid "chiefs" for the Coalition and looking forward to sharing the teepee with them. Truth is, the way people are so overbooked these days, there aren't even enough volunteer chiefs to go around.Thank God for all the chiefs and braves who do continue their journeys.

FROM P.O. IN MICHIGAN: What fun! Neither the peach or fish seem to fit, so I'm going to have to figure out just what does.

FROM T.S. IN MICHIGAN: But do you think God values the peach as much as He values me? Or am I missing the point of the Alice Walker's comments?

RESPONSE: I think that God created all things....body and soul. Even free will is a creation of God.
A great song......"Body and Soul" became a jazz standard, with hundreds of versions performed and recorded by dozens of artists. The most famous of these is the take recorded by Coleman Hawkins and His Orchestra on October 11, 1939 at their only recording session for Bluebird, a subsidiary of RCA Victor. Hawkins' solo on this take is considered to be "one of the finest examples of pure, spontaneous creative artistry in the history of jazz."[citation needed] It was one of the first straight jazz records (as against swing) to become a commercial hit. This was unusual, as the song's melody is never directly stated in the recording; saxophonist Hawkins two-choruses worth of improvisation on the tune's chord progression constitute almost the entire take.

FROM REV. J.S. IN MICHIGAN: Some times we find the reverse to be true also....all braves and no one to accept responsibility

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 9/26/07
“I am an expression of the divine, just like a peach is, just like a fish is. I have a right to be this way.”
(Alice Walker) Alice is one who wrote The Color Purple and won a Pulitzer Prize. Her quote here seems to express the philosophical idea of animism. What do you think? Are you like a peach or a fish? ;-) Jack

FROM E.A. IN MICHIGAN: I disagree that this is a statement that one could attribute to animism. Such would be "giving life to inanimate objects." The peach and the fish are living developing objects as she is. And this she attributes to the divine and the rights that He has bestowed on all thngs living. Anyway, that's my interpertation.

FROM T.S. IN MICHIGAN: Reminds me of what we proclaim through the Nicene Creed - " I believe in God the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible."

FROM GOOD DEBT JON IN OHIO: People are really fond of rights, even if it impedes the rights of others. Here I don’t see Alice impeding anyone else’s rights, but it seems she may have been better off to finish with, I am “privileged” to be this way.

FROM REV. J.S. IN MICHIGAN: It depends upon what she means by the word "exprssion." For example, my words are an expression of me. My words are created by me and in that way are my expression. If she means it that way, it has no relationship to animism at all....which is hardly a philosophical idea.

FROM C.H. ON CAPE COD: I'm hesitant to so easily speak of "rights." I think we too quickly/easily assume we're "entitled" to things... If I understand Alice Walker correctly - I'd respond by saying I don't think our being an expression of the divine is so much a right as a gift. Imago Dei is something that was God's prerogative, not our 'right.'

FROM REV. P.H. IN MINNESOTA: i am a peach with a pit in it!!!

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: REPLY: for years I have said, " how can anyone taste a peach and deny the existance of God", also I could have said, " look at the beauty of a girl, of a guy, how can you deny the existance of God?"

MORE FROM B.S.: In Apple blossum time in Orange, New Jersey, we'll make a peach of a pear.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 9/25/07
“Having a dream is what keeps you alive. Overcoming the challenges makes life worth living.”
(Mary Tyler Moore) That “perky Mary” on TV was really an ordinary person with real physical and social challenges going on in her life. She made a lot of us laugh and feel good. At the same time diabetes was causing a variety of problems for her. She is now a volunteer spokesperson on behalf of the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation. Try to be perky as you come into contact with people today. ;-) Jack

FROM G.G. IN INDIANA: Hats off (and up in the air) to her and her winning words !

FROM D.S. IN MICHIGAN: I love this and I always loved her. They sure don't make TV like she did anymore. Have a happy day.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 9/24/07
“Our prayers should be for blessings in general, for God knows best what is good for us.”
(Socrates) A mother once told me that it was so difficult to pray The Lord’s Prayer as she stood beside the casket of her son…particularly the words, “Thy will be done.” And yet, there was a relief! When we are up against “impossible” situations, there is a relief in asking God to activate his will for our good. ;-) Jack

FROM G.G. IN INDIANA: "Right on" with the winning words again ! I'm a little stressed (understatement) with my job search and this morning I was trying to bring God in on it by formulating a prayer... Then I checked my email..."Blessings in general"...good one. I can take a deep breath now.

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: Old Socrates is correct about this statement. When I was little, I used to prayer mostly about the weather, believe it or not...."Please don't let it rain, or please make it cool today." How silly, but then again, no prayer is silly to our God. He loves us, nurtures us and forgives us. There is relief in talking to God.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 9/21/07
“I am certain that there’s too much certainty in the world.”
(Michael Crichton) We grow by raising questions and expressing doubts. There’s a verse in the Bible: I believe; help my unbelief. Think back in your own life when new ideas came into your mind, because of questions that you raised. Who helped you find the answers? ;-) Jack

MORE FROM JACK: Soitenly, you remember Curly from The Three Stooges.

FROM E.A. IN MICHIGAN: Amen. Witness the "certainty in Lansing or the White House.

FROM P.O. IN MICHIGAN: I've come late in life to raising questions and expressing doubts --- I do hope that's better than not at all! Have spent most of my life being far too accepting of 'authority'.

FROM C.H. ON CAPE COD: I've always loved that father's response. What brutal, refreshing honesty in that resonse. I have often identified with his words.

FROM D.S. IN SAN DIEGO: Jack -- at least a couple of times a week you seem to hit on things that I find so pertinent to my own thoughts. I very often find myself in my prayers saying "I believe; help me with my
disbelief". Probably could even change it on the ending to "help me to understand".

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 9/20/07
“Everything you can imagine is real.”
(Picasso) Isn’t the mind, with all its imaginations, a wonderful gift from G-d? One of my favorite songs of the Beatles is John Lennon’s, Imagine. Use your imagination and tell me what you’d like your “real” world to be. Picasso’s gone, so he won’t be responding. ;-) Jack

FROM M.L. IN ILLINOIS: ...hmmm...filled with caring, sharing, loving, peaceful people...regardless of skin tone and cultural differences...imagine...
MORE FROM M.L.: good imagination-good intentions!

FROM MOLINER, C.F.: And some of the real is unimaginable.

FROM J.H. IN OHIO: I like Imagine too.... Jeanne loved this song in college... wonder if she still does?

FROM E.A. IN MICHIGAN: In the context of "art" this a very meaningful and thoughtful statement. In the minds of many, imgination turning into reality could give rise to very anxious and dangerous situation. Think of 9/11 and other such "imaginings." I choose not to imagine too vigorously and try to deal with reality as it approaches.

FROM MOLINER, J.T.: Old ,but true. I would like (no Love) to have peace in the World. I can imagine it but can not see it as a reality.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 9/19/07
“Is it the absence of bad behavior that makes someone good, or is it the presence of good behavior?”
(Nate Creekmore) Yesterday I saw this in the comic strip, Maintaining. Did you see it, too? Personally, I think that goodness depends on both. Like the old Johnny Mercer song goes: You got to accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative. ;-) Jack

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: Wow, I really have to think about this one! I think it the presence of good behavior. But then again, I think it's the presence of good behavior INSIDE of the person. I remember helping out at the kid's preschool. Everyone would be working and playing together, except one little never mattered what class or what was happening at the time. I could never quite figure that one out. And, I guess it applies to all ages. There seems to be always one. Humm, I'll have to think on that some more.
MORE FROM J.L.:I have been pondering that one and one my friend asked me. Their sermon, from a Missouri Synod Lutheran pastor last week was....."Does prayer change God's mind?" The pastor said absolutely not as did my friend. And I say, "Who are we to say what God can or can't do?" So now I have two things to ponder!
JACK RESPONDS: From last week's first lesson (Exodus 32:14): "And the Lord changed his mind about the disaster that he had planned to bring on his people." If I were still preaching, I'd like to deliver a sermon on that text. Ask your friend about the text...and have her ask the Missouri Synod pastor.
I have a hard time using a word like, absolutely.

FROM REV. J.S. IN MICHIGAN: The Priest and the Levite had the absence of bad behvior and were not praised as "good".....the Samaritan alone was so praised....for the presence of good behavior....

FROM S.H. IN MICHIGAN: Recently I acquired a book for women "Woman to Woman: Practical Advice and Classic Stories on Life's Goals and Aspirations". There is a lot of interesting stuff in this book but one paragraph struck me "Once you decide that you're going to accept the other person--with his faults--you're going to have marital harmony always. It's when we're trying to change the other person into what we want him to be that we lose." The advice goes on later that things work out better in a marriage when you accentuate the positive and pay attention in a good way to the negative. Try to be the right person for the guy, criticize in a beneficial manner, trust in Hashem, etc., etc., etc. Life is growth all the way around etc.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 9/18/07
“God loves you, and I’m trying to.”
(A sign seen in an office) You are probably going to meet some people today who are difficult to love, yes, even like. Ask yourself, “How can God love them?” Then I’m going to find a mirror. ;-) Jack

FROM MOLINER, G.S.: Jack, our chaplain stated some time ago that he now assumes that every other person he talks with is hurting emotionally somewhere. It's helped me to be more least I try!

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: This made me laugh. I wonder how many times I had to reassure myself that God does love that "weirdo" too. Of course, I was looking in the mirror when I said it! God has a great sense of humor and He blessed me with one too.

FROM REV. J.S. IN MICHIGAN: It's not a philosophical question in the scriptures. It is a statement of fact....if one accepts revelation, that is. Of coure, for a relativist the scriptures authoritative style may be a bit hard to handle. Good luck.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 9/17/07
“Never reveal all of yourself to other people; hold back something in reserve so that people are never quite sure if they really know you.”
(Michael Korda) I’d like to know what you think about this statement; that is, if you’re ready to open up. My guess is that most people “hold back.” I seem to remember that “to know” means to be able to look into the soul of another person. I’m not sure that I want that. ;-) Jack

FROM MOLINER, J.T.: I don't mind people knowing me, therefore, I open up. My mind and heart are open for anyone to look inside. I might unintentionally hold back, but I don't think so.

FROM T.S. IN MICHIGAN: I think my wife would welcome these words for me. I tend not to hold back and often embarrass her - and I'm sure myself as well - but don't realize it. Well, we are all sinners.

FROM P.O. IN MICHIGAN: I'll have to think about this one a bit (and pay attention!) --- I usually feel as though I probably reveal too much.

FROM REV.J.S. IN MICHIGAN: I can't believe that we ever know ourselves well enough to reveal "all of ourselves" to anyone. There is always both a web of deception and mystery about us even to urselves....only the Lord knows what is inside which is why confession of Sin" makes more sense to me than confession of "sins."

FROM M.L. IN ILLINOIS: the thought of holding back does not sit well with me. how do we truely trust each other if we can't and/or won't come clean? i think it's just plain dishonesty.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON IN OHIO: So long as we are alive, we are changing, learning, and growing. Therefore, it would be practically impossible to reveal all of yourself, even if it were desirable. Think of the old proverb: “You can never stick your foot twice in the same river.” I assume we hold back something for all but that handful of close friends.

MORE FROM JON: I wasn’t going to answer but felt that would be holding back.

FROM MOLINER, C.F.: Sounds like a confirmed bachelor. What kind of marriage results in this kind of thinking?

FROM L.K. IN OHIO: I hope only God will know.
MORE FROM L.K.: God knows me completely; I only think I know God, and there's a huge difference,ha! I relish the mystery.

FROM P.H. IN MINNESOTA: and then there is the O.T. definition of "to know" as in Adam knew his wife Eve, which had all kinds of sexual overtones...

FROM M.N. IN MINNESOTA: I don’t think that statement works with me. I just let it all hang out. People know who I am when they meet me I think.

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: I would be surprised if those closest to me don't know all of me. There's not much that I hold back. I have never really kept things to myself. Most people reserve part of themselves, but, I really don't think I have. My brother-in-law never tells anything about himself, his job, his family, and when he does talk, it's usually in whispers in people's ears. I find that really strange. Is there really anything about you people shouldn't or couldn't know?? I doubt it. We all have "pasts" but, most of our pasts aren't earth shattering. I would rather be an "open book". I want people to look in the coffin and say, "I knew her well", not "I spent my whole life with her, but I don't know her at all." Thanks for making me think again though!
MORE FROM J.L.: "It is never too late to be what you might have been." George Eliot

AND STILL MORE FROM J.L.: Yes, I went on your Blog site to read them....they are totally opposite...either yes or no, no in between. Interesting weren't they? I especially like to read Jon's answers. He sounds so interesting. One time I went to his site. It's fun to read everyone responses each day!

FROM E.A. IN MICHIGAN: I tried to post to the blog but apparently I didn't know what I was doing. My thoughts are that I should reveal myself to thosse whom I encounter in my profession so that they know who and what they are dealing with. Also, in this way they either conciously or uncounciously reveal themselves to me. It works.

FROM R.I. TRAVELING EUROPE: Regarding Monday's WW, there is an update to the Old Proverb mentioned in one of the responses: "You can never stick your foot twice in the same river"..."but you can put your foot twice in your mouth!"
I'm in Europe right now, seeing Berlin, Vienna and Prague. It's "sweet" to be able to be able to continue reading WW while far from you.

FROM A.M. IN MICHIGAN: I have thought about this idea of how well we know someone frequently lately. Two friends of 50 years died in Milawaukee within six days of one another. I saw the second friend at the funeral of the first only three days before he died. I knew them both very well. One of them knew me better than the other for many reasons. Often, we know someone well because we want to and take the time.
The person who knew me less well, but well, had been ill with cancer for 12 months. During that period, we spoke nearly daily. Many fears were told me and experiences from her childhood. Some of these I had never heard expressed by her. I kept an account of our conversations and her family asked me to speak at her funeral. It was very difficult but I wanted to do it for my friend. I asked her help and God's help. I spoke only of our friendship and her love of her family. Confidences she shared are still mine. I closed with psalm 30. I had sent her a booklet of psalms for daily reading and we read them daily. This was one of her favorites. We read it on Thursday evenings. I did not cry. I felt that we had been there for each other. We laughed often throughout the year. Mac said if they were ordaining priests, they would have asked me. Humor has its place at funerals too. The other person who died three days later asked me to write for him too. How ironic. Three days letter he fell and died. Everone's comfort was that he had not suffered as the first person had.
We all were in church together that day. Old friends-a large group - all knowing that this life ends and each day must count.

SENT BY A.L. IN MICHIGAN: The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake that you've got it made. - Jean Giraudoux

Friday, September 14, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 9/14/07
“The pitcher cries for water to carry, and a person for work that is real.”
(Marge Piercy) Marge was a Depression Baby born and raised in Detroit, in a home with strong union ties. Her writings generally have an edge to them. This particular quote shows the importance of work to a laboring family. I’d like to tell you about all the jobs I’ve had. For me, work has been a real satisfaction. How about you? ;-) Jack

FROM C.R., NOW IN MARYLAND: .....did I ever tell you about the garbage dump? It was a landfill in Baltimore , in Summer of 1957. I pushed garbage with a tractor and my folks could smell me returning from work from a block away. But I got a great tan and the following Fall when I returned to Gettysburg, the girls thought that I was a lifeguard. That was a good dating year.

STUDS TERKEL SAID IT: "Americans get up and go to work each day every bit as much for daily meaning as for daily bread."

FROM S.H. IN MICHIGAN: Work has been a real satisfaction to me too. Your Winning Words today and the connection to union ties makes me think of a couple of things. Namely how proud I am of my own parents. Tomorrow night I will be attending a Sojourners meeting, a small group of people who discuss topics relating to faith and justice. Our subject this time will be on immigration. I intend to share that there is concern for the immigrants and how fearful their lives are beginning to be, constantly looking over their shoulders, etc. But also I think I will share that there needs to be care and concern for a whole group of workers that are most impacted by these incoming workers; namely the people who have less education and are also losing their livelihoods too. My dad worked for Oscar Meyers in Perry, Iowa, a meat packing plant. He had only a tenth grade education but he did very well there until the Mexicans moved in and the union was broken. My dad took an early buyout and his work was gone. I didn't live at home at the time but I wonder now at possibly how that taking away of his job might have felt powerless. Something he did for so many years now going to Mexican workers at a very reduced salary. Earlier in our country wasn't there a big Catholic Workers Organization or something, working to unionize men and women so they wouldn't be exploited by their bosses? However, my dad worked all this out in his mind, maybe he did feel a sense of self-giving in enabling an immigrant to now have a job and support his own family. Maybe my dad actually was sacrificial in his act. If a whole class of lesser educated people are now sacrificial in the whole bigger scheme of things, I only hope and pray that the classes on up the line also make their own sacrifices. The other person I'm proud of is my mom. She mothered 7 of us kids and earlier without running water or an indoor toilet. In her 40''s she started getting arthritis real bad. At one point, because she was disabled, she went to the Social Security office to see if she could get disability. They told her she couldn't get disability because she had never worked. My parents are both dead now and finally when the last one of them died we discovered that there was enough to cover the funeral and about $400 for each of us kids. I'm also proud of that--they could easily go through the eye of a needle. They lived very, very, very good lives. And they both had work that was real. I learned a lot from them about work.

FROM M.N. IN MINNESOTA: My jobs were rather mundane compared to his. I was a nurses aid at Midway Hospital for a summer in college years. I did some summer recreation in Warren a couple of summers too. Not too exciting.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 9/13/07
“Be open to your dreams people. Embrace the distant shore, because our mortal journey is over all too soon.”
(Chris Stevens) I miss Northern Exposure. It seemed to have thought challenges with each episode. Where does your mind find its challenges these days? I’m re-reading a book that I first became acquainted with over 50 years ago. It still fascinates and challenges me. ;-) Jack

FROM B.G. IN MICHIGAN: I miss Northern Exposure, too. I think it was too deep for tv audiences seeking a quick fix and an easy laugh.

FROM N.L. IN INDIANA: Like this quote because I work with animals that lived on the earth 65,000,000 million years ago. Who Are We ? Who will give a dam about our bones 65,000,000 million years from now?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 9/12/07
“Don’t ever be too busy to see the look in their eyes.”
(Unknown) In response to Monday’s WWs on LISTENING, this was sent to me by someone who works in a nursing home. Many people speak with their eyes…a teenager, a spouse, a friend, the frail elderly. Can you think of others? The eyes have it! ;-) Jack

FROM ETSINGS: I thought this was good, if I do say so myself! (From Jack: ETSINGS is the one who works in the nursing home.)

FROM MOLINER, G.S.: There are ~ 17,000 non-verbal means of communication. ;-) :-* From psychology 101.

FROM P.O. IN MICHIGAN: This is soooo true!

FROM M.L. IN ILLINOIS: babies and children. they are the closest we can get to a window to the other side.
AND BACK ATCHA FROM M.L.: i was going to put that in my reply as well, but the phone rang. i have often thought about working with end of life people for that very reason. something intrigues me about the closeness to the other side. i am comforted by it. love, goofey mary

FROM G.G. IN INDIANA (Sister to M.L.): Babies and children.

FROM J.G. IN MINNESOTA: A child. Many years ago, one of our children scolded me with ..."Look at me when I talk to you!" I was hearing her, but she did not know that.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 9/11/07
“History is written through a rearview mirror, but it unfolds through a foggy windshield.”
(Samuel Berger, testifying before the 9/11 Commission) It’s also called the “I-knew-it-all-along” phenomenon. Thanks to G.P. for sending this along. Don’t be disappointed if you can’t see clearly into the future and if, once in awhile, you make some errors judging the future. It happens to all of us. ;-) Jack

FROM C.H. ON CAPE COD: Yes, but isn't it interesting how even "history" seems to change... historians will write very differing accounts of wars or politics depending on their bias/viewpoint or circumstances. What I find fascinating is how historians can still write seminal books about Luther or the Revolutionary War etc. It dowsn't seem as clear as a rearview mirror - or perhaps it's a foggy rearview mirror.

JACK'S RESPONSE: History, politics, religion, love.....It's a personal thing.

FROM F.M. IN WISCONSIN: It reminds me to the famous quote from Soren Kierkegaard, "Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward!"

Monday, September 10, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 9/10/07
“All people want is someone to listen.”
(Hugh Elliott) Are you listening? As you move around in your corner of the world, try listening to what the people are saying. What is it that you hear? Commentary on politics? A joke? The sharing of a personal problem? Something profound? Listen and make someone happy. ;-) Jack

FROM MY SON: Is that why you send out WW?

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: Listening is good...hearing is better.

FROM L.K. IN OHIO: I've never listened REALLY well. Too busy talking.

FROM D.S. IN MICHIGAN: And more and more people don't take the time to listen - so sad. Or don't "hear" what's really being said.A bit of good news here though - Research shows that kids (teens) are really listening when a parent discusses their beliefs and rules when it comes to alcohol and drugs and other high risk behaviors. Parents might not always be able to tell but keep talking to them, they are listening :-)

FROM EUNICE SINGS: Another good quote. I may put that on my refrigerator! Seriously, though, I have found it to be true my whole life. And especially now that I have my Mother here. I am obviously very busy just "doing" for her. But often I will just sit down beside her and listen to the great things she has to say.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 9/7/07
“Peeves do not make very good pets.”
(Bo Bennett) Peeve is a 14th century word meaning: something that makes you ornery or ill-tempered. Road rage and cell phone use come to mind. What is it that makes you ornery? BTW, Bo is considered to be a leading expert on how to be successful. He started in business at age 10. Even Donald Trump reads his books. ;-) Jack

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: My pet peeve is bad talking with your mouth full, or talking while someone else is talking, etc. Talking or treating people badly, especially children, really gets me ornery. If successful is defined as money, then Bo is successful...I wonder what his family life is like??? I don't him at all, but I do know success sometimes is defined as having lots of money but I don't think that's success at all. It's how you live your life and what you give back what counts. I do know someone who is extremely prejudice against wealthy individuals, even though he himself is "wealthy". I find that is a pet peeve of mine too. He judges people by what they have instead of what they do with what they have. Strange isn't it?

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 9/6/07
“From our birthday, until we die, Is but the winking of an eye.”
(Yeats) Does anybody have a birthday today? Jeff Foxworthy, Sander Levin and Jo Anne Worley do. Isn’t amazing how fast the years go by? I once read that a blink happens in 4/10s of a second. That’s fast, but birthdays come and go at a faster pace. Is there one birthday occasion that stands out in your mind? ;-) Jack

FROM A.M. IN MICHIGAN: Enjoyed your Irish quote and how true it is. Many more happy, healthy returns of the day.

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: Birthdays come and go "faster than a speeding bullet"! My standout birthday was my 50th. Gary surprised me with a trip to Idaho. That was a special state because earlier in the summer we had visited South Carolina, which was the 49th state I had actually visited. The last state I needed to visit was Idaho. So on my 50th birthday, I officially had visited all 50 states. We live in the most amazing, wonderful, beautiful and special country! God bless America!

FROM S.H. IN MICHIGAN: Just enjoying a memory, stirred by your Winning Words today. On one of my birthdays, somewhere just within the last 4 or 5 years, Brenda prepared a CD for me of music I always used to sing to her as a baby and music that she knew I liked all through the years and then the CD also had Marilyn Monroe singing happy birthday to J. F. Kennedy. It was just so amusing to realize that she even knew about Marilyn Monroe to lift that out of somewhere wherever she found it. Way before Brenda's time that's for sure. I imagine people all over e-mail land are reliving memories. Is it your birthday yet today?

FROM FORMER MOLINER, S.G.: If this is your birthday, happy birthday. When I celebrated mine in August, I thought it was just a family occasion because everyone was coming in and we are a large group with the eighteen grandchildren and parents. But.lo and behold. after breakfast together and church, when we arrived home the house was filled with friends and relatives from the years past-friends and relatives from Moline, a friend from Marycrest, a couple we were newly weds with in Nassau, the nuns from church, and friends from Tampa, of course. I was surprised that everyone kept the secret for so long-even the four year olds. So, two days after that my 2001 Buick Century was totaled at midnight while parked in the driveway of a gated community in Orlando, I took my 21 ad 19 year old grandsons to Hawaii before they went back to college- Gettysburg and Georgetown, and now I have just had a very interesting experience of buying a new car. So, here I am, rambling again, putting off some errands. Anyway, happy birthday again.
PS God has a very interesting way to keep our minds active.

FROM F.M. IN WISCONSIN: What a great word and how true. I go though my address book and think of how many friends I have . . . and connect an event / experience with each one.

MORE FROM F.M.: Mine is the 7th of December - I will never forget my 15th birthday - 12/07/41.

FROM MOLINER, C.F.: For some people, it is a fast blink. I'm looking for a slow wink.

FROM PALEONTOLOGIST NORM IN INDIANAPOLIS: good quote when you talk about dinosaurs all day which are 65 to 250 million years old.

FROM JACK AND DONNA: Yes, John Harold Freed has a birthday today! The Psalmist wrote" Seventy years are given us, and some may even live to eighty" (The Living Bible). In his "Popular Commentary", Paul Kretzman commented on Ps. 90:10: "...if a man possesses unusual vitality, they may be fourscore." We all recognize the unusual vitality the Lord has given you to get up before the crack of dawn to send us Winning Words. We wish you many more years of unusual vitality!

FROM THE J.C. FAMILY IN HONG KONG: Evin, Rachel and I would like to wish you a very happy and love-filled 80th birthday. May God continue to bless your family and ministry, and may the Tigers keep winning.

FROM R.S. IN ARIZONA: What a surprise to turn online computer this morning and see the message from you and the message from the Trethrways. I joined them In Wishing You a Happy Birthday This day is special for you but it is also special for us, for it marks our 54th wedding anniversary. September 6 gives us a lot of things in common.

FROM DAUGHTER JLF, VACATIONING IN THE WASHINGTON MOUNTAINS: Happy Birthday!! There is no phone service here, but there is internet service - so hopefully you receive this message. I have been thinking about you today. I'm sorry to miss your birthday celebration, but I know you'll have a nice day with everyone. The weather is great, the views are spectacular. Hope your birthday is the best.

FROM G.G. IN INDIANA: My 50th.....after working at the Lake County Fair (Sammies/"Cheeseburgers in Paradise") all day with friends and several family members I swam (skinny-dipped) in Grayslake ...under a "Blue Moon" with my 19 year old niece Beth and 24 year old daughter Emily. Very Cool !! I'M GUESSING IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY .....any lakes nearby?

FROM J.T. IN MICHIGAN: Hope you had a nice day along with Foxworthy, Levin & Worley. I share my day with Lyndon Johnson. Mo shares her with Hitler.

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: since you asked, yes. after the war we finally had some money in our family and my mother organized a b irthday party and invited some of my friends for my party. Well that meant cleaning the house, and cleaning the basement, and polishing the silver ware. Wow, what an event until Bill Ryan decided to clown around with the cake, and he droped it, plop, on the basement floor. Talk about silence, you could have heard a pin drop. Well two people moved: my mother towards Bill Ryan, and me to get between them. Bill apologized. and I scraped up the cake and scraped the frosting off, and we had cake minus the frosting. Hey, things happen. Bill and I remained friends for a long time. Ma and Bill were reconcilled. Monty and Ann saved the day by starting a sing fest. It worked.

FROM N.C. IN ILLINOIS: I remember my birthday when there was a party between our house and Wilbur's. I guess that was my favorite.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 9/5/07
“It’s a good thing to be rich and a good thing to be strong, but it is a better thing to be loved by many friends.”
(Euripides) E was born in 480 BC. He was a prolific writer. He also had many friends. Winning Words is a way for me to connect with my friends. There’s a personal story which connects me with each one of you who receives today’s message. I am thankful for that. As Ellen says: “Back at cha!” ;-) Jack

FROM R.I. IN BOSTON: For myself, I find it more satisfying to have love for my friends, than to be loved by those friends. I cherish our friendship, Jack, and continue to draw strength from it.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: Can’t we be all three? Can there be honor in being less than you are able—then rationalizing you have friends instead of money? Are they are mutually exclusive?

MORE FROM JON: You and Euripides didn’t ask for us to choose. Euripides just states one is better than the other.

FROM M.L. IN ILLINOIS: all you need is,ba,ba,da,da...

Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.
There's nothing you can do that can't be done.
Nothing you can sing that can't be sung.
Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game
It's easy.
There's nothing you can make that can't be made.
No one you can save that can't be saved.
Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be in time
It's easy.
All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.
All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
There's nothing you can know that isn't known.
Nothing you can see that isn't shown.
Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be.
It's easy.
All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
All you need is love (all together now)
All you need is love (everybody)
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: Good friends are very hard to find, and are worth much more than money. Money is a necessary evil, but friends are irreplaceable!

FROM G.G. IN INDIANA: Make new friends but keep the is silver and the other's gold. The circle is round, it has no end.....that's how long I want to be your friend. (Thanks for being my friend for so long. You are the glue.)

MORE FROM G.G.: ps. You continue to be a gatherer of people (shepherd?). I consider the WW bloggers to be my new "silver" friends.

FROM L.K. IN OHIO: Lloyd, for now at least, is thankful for Bill Martin.

FROM MOLINER, B.G.: One thing about us that I remember, when we were young, is how you used to beat me at tennis...............:-)

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Jack’s Winning Words 9/4/07
“Education is learning what you didn’t even know you didn’t know.”
(Daniel Boorstin) Today is the day when many children and college students return to the classroom to learn new things. I can remember the thrill of having a new idea come into my mind. 6th Grade was my favorite in elementary school. Philosophy was my favorite subject in college. Plato influenced me. What did education do for you? ;-) Jack

FROM J.L. IN MICHIGAN: My biggest blessing from school... learning to favorite past time. I loved geography; reading about places and people and travel. We still love to travel and have been to all 50 states, most of them numerous times! (heading to North Carolina Saturday.) I loved the sports programs and loved the friends I made there. My high school years were the best!

FROM M.L. IN ILLINOIS (A PRE-SCHOOL TEACHER): it brought me back to the beginning. today is my first day of pre-school. let's say a prayer for all of those little ones today!

FROM M.E. IN MICHIGAN: Philosophy was almost my favorite course in is still my favorite subject to read. Have you read any of the books by Dalai Lama, Gary Zukav, Edgar Cayce or Deepak Chopra?

FROM EMT SINGS: Hi! I loved school. Truly, everything is interesting to me. In fact, one of my grandsons said to me, "Grandma, please don't say 'isn't that interesting?' one more time!" Last Sunday I went to the Science Center with my daughter, Kristi and granddaughter, Mariah to see Our Body, The Universe Within. Now, THAT was really interesting! The beginning of school became a very poignant time for me as that was when my kids truly became a year older. And I could hardly bear it. Now the cycle starts all over again. Last night I called their kids to wish them a good first day of school. The sweetness and dearness of life sometimes overwhelms me. And fortunately, my kids still humor with the stories that I told them those years ago when they were my captive audience in the car as I drove them to and from activities. Life is good.

FROM MOLINER, G.S.: Jack, here's one for you concerning college girls:
A Freshman knows not, and knows not that she knows not.
A Sophomore knows not, and knows that she knows not.
A Junior knows, and she knows not that she knows.
A Senior knows, and she knows that she knows!

FROM C.H. ON CAPE COD: On the other hand:
What I learned is from my grandmother and what she taught me is this:
"Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught" - Oscar Wilde.

FROM GOOD DEBT JON: Education, to me, is learning to learn—a lifelong process. Mrs. Palmer in sixth grade taught me to investigate with the five W’s, who, what, when, where, and why. This works for a PhD dissertation or a sixth grade report on Chile.

FROM G.G. IN INDIANA: 4th grade...fractions....loved them. 7th grade ...explorers/social studies...loved it. What I remember about 6th grade is my teacher....Miss McCabe ....arthritis had disfigured her fingers but she had the most beautiful handwriting on the chalk board (yellow chalk). That was also the year my brother Joe refinished a used pair of snow skis for my Christmas present. He was so excited to give them to me!

FROM B.S. NEAR ORLANDO: education brought me out of poverty and into an exciting new world.