Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words 6/23/20
“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.”  (Aristotle)  It’s interesting that there were “dark days in the time of Aristotle (4th Cent BCE) just as in our time.  His, “Focus on the the light” is good advice for us…Look for the good things in life that are around us.  They’re there!  Off the subject, I read of a family with the name of, Tottle.  They had a son and named him, Aristotle.  How would you like to be called, Aristotle Tottle?  ;-) Jack

FROM TL IN MI:  I would have made his name Aris!😁===JACK:  Now, that is clever.  Thanks

FROM ST PAUL:  Jack,  i went to the seminary with a fellow named Arden Barden.   Margaret had a student named Sudie Guody. ===JACK:  One of my seminary classmates was Marcus Aurelius.  No, it wasn't the original M.A., just a guy from Iowa.===SP:  better than Caligula or Domitian or Nero or Brutus or...===JACK:  A high school classmate was Christ (Kapantas).  We called him, Chris, so as not to swear.=SP:   have often wondered: is using God's name (or Jesus' name) "in vain" the same as swearing or cursing?  slight difference??===JACK:  Things were "different" when we were trying live our Christianity as teens.  We were so afraid of using the G-word.  In today's world people are more careful about using the N-word than they are about using "swear" words, including the G-word.

FROM WILLMAR REV:  If he attended our church and Sunday School as a small preschooler...he would be recognized for a short while as Aristotle Tottle a Toddler! 0;-))===JACK:  ...or, A Tottle tot named, A Tottle.

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