Monday, June 29, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words 6/29/20
“Every minute of life I take a risk; it’s part of the enjoyment.”  (Otto Preminger) Changing  lightbulbs at the top of a cell tower wouldn’t be enjoyable for me, especially when the pay is less than $20 an hour.  Among the top 10 riskiest jobs is that of being a farmer, and most farmers I know are happy.  As you go to your job each day, do you sing, “Heigh, Ho, Heigh, Ho, it’s off to work I go?”  In today’s world, some find it risky, but enjoyable, to help give voice to the voiceless.  Hmm  ;-) Jack

FROM WILLMAR REV:   You may have seen this before, but seems to me to be a good illustration of what you are calling for this morning. 0;-)  "If you see someone falling behind, walk beside them.  If you see some one being ignored, find a way to include them.  Always remind people of their worth.  One small act could mean the world to them.===JACK:  That's a "risk" worth taking and can make two people happy.

FROM LBP:   I’m not sure there is a wage I’d take to climb to the top of a cell phone tower. For my less physically risky job, unless you consider the new risk of sitting too much, I’m working on changing my mindset from just seeing the never ending to do list. Maybe I’ll try singing this morning  ===JACK:  I'm wondering what song you'll be singing?  One that I like begins..."Roll out of bed in the morning with a great big smile and a good, good morning."

FROM SK IN MN:  Ha! I’ve never been voiceless. But I was always told that my positive attitude rubbed off on others at my work! I felt good about that! 😊===JACK:  Most people avoid Negative Nellies, especially when they complain with a loud voice.  People like you just the way you are.  

FROM ST PAUL:  good words,  Jack.  thanks...   funny, i just heard a version of Heigh Ho sung by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir of all things.===JACK:    True or not...after the preacher had given a sermon, saying that all booze should be taken out and thrown into the river, the choir sang, "Shall we gather at the river."  Was that at SOTV?

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I'm taking a risk tomorrow with a colonoscopy ... prayers appreciated!!  ===JACK:  "Piece of cake," especially if things go well and the results are negative.  Even a hangnail can be "risky" if left unattended and becomes infected. 

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  There are so many risks each and everyday.  Risks don’t include just danger to us but also our well being, mental health, etc.  It’s a zoo out there.===JACK:  All risks aren't necerssarily bad.  Even zoos can be friendly places when there is control.

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