Thursday, June 25, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words 6/25/20
“You’ve come a long way, baby, but it’s still a man’s game.”  (Catherine Maddux)  Since women received the right to vote 100 years ago, they now represent 53% of voters…but still no female American President.  Mayors, judges, legislators, governors and probably a V-P candidate this year… Churchill advised, “Never give in; never give in; never, never, never give in!”  Female or male, we don’t always get our “want” the first time, but don’t give in.  ;-)  Jack  

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:    i don’t vote by gender or color... do you? seems democrats do both, as mr biden is looking for a WOC. this is not the true path to equality, is it?===JACK:  I vote against EVIL when I see it.  I vote for anyone who has sympathy for the downtrodden.  It's not a perfect world, so if a WOC helps bring about change, I'm for it.  In movie Westerns, I didn't mind "redmen" using the word, "paleface."===LIZ:  sympathy for the downtrodden solves nothing. perpetuating victim mentality, creating endless programs that do not change the situation are ploys by power-grabbing politicians to garner votes... yet gullible voters salve their consciences by falling for the same tricks over and over again. 😂 graduating people who can barely read and have no life or job skills guarantees an underclass will be around forever.  the only thing that helps is a strong economy and jobs.===JACK:  There are no easy solutions.  The "unseen" virus makes it seem to some that it doesn't exist.  The "unseen" poverty makes it seem to some that it doesn't exist.  As you have pointed out...throwing money at that problem doesn't seem to be the answer.  Maybe it's a combination of things.   It has helped me to understand people of color to have close friends who are people of color.  Education might be another part of the answer.  Bottom line....racism is bad!

FROM RJP IN NAPLES:  Guess you’re not paying attention, there are many female mayors governors in this country today and contrary to popular opinion and they do not do a better job than men as witnessed by the mayors of Atlanta Chicago Seattle and more people are people no matter what the gender summer confidence summer not===JACK:  You missed my point!

FROM GUSTIE:  We have given in Jack.  The so called protesters are tearing down our History just because it doesn’t suit their story.  They have NO idea what they are tearing down statues nor why they are doing it.  And now I am called a racist just because I am white.  I have done nothing to harm anyone.  I don’t mind telling you but I am truly afraid===JACK:    The frustration is around us in abundance.  In preaching, we pastors become frustrated when listeners don't (or won't) understand.  We are living in troublesome times.  Jesus lived in troublesome times, too.  We have to ask ourselves...What did Jesus mean when he said, "You are to love the Lord your God with all your heart, sould and mind, and love your neighbor as you love yourself."  when He was aske3, "who is my neighbor?" He told the parable of the Good Samaritan.  What does that mean for you and me?  God does not sleep, nor is He dead.  God remains aware of things.  Don't lose faith.  "We'll understand it all by and by." ===GUSTIE:  We won’t be opening our church till at least August.  Then, if we have services, we will not be allowed to sing the liturgy nor the hymns and of course NO choir.  I have already decided that I will watch on line from home.  That way I can sing the hymns as loud or soft as I want—even off key if I want.  I worship through music.  And I can still go to Mt Olivet on line because they always do their services that way.  I am turning into a really old curmudgeon!!!===JACK:  I probably won't be going back "to the building" as soon as the doors open.  I want to be safe.  I fear the virus.  I've also come to like church online, altho I do miss the people.  Even before the pandemic, Church was not what it used to be when I was growing up.  Times change.  Lots of people don't like change.  Time marches on...anyway.   Talk about things not changing, I'll be preaching online on July 3...using Job 42:1 as my text.  It won't be a Mount Olivet, but I'll try to do my best.  Keep smiling, becomes you!

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  It IS much more a woman's game than it used to be; certainly when I was growing up, 90 yrs. ago!  I think a Woman Pres will be elected in the not-too-distant future, but not in my lifetime, I'm afraid!  They've always had a certain influence and power, in raising their children, and advising their husbands! Meanwhile I continue to VOTE, and READ and LEAD where and when able!===JACK:  I think that there's been progress in fighting racism, too...and the "power" of  women's voices is stronger now, too.  Celebrate progress...and keep improving the good things 

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