Friday, June 26, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words 6/26/20
“If you were to change the world, start with yourself.”  (Gandhi)  I wonder who influenced the inventor of the internet to lead him/her/them to dramatically change our world?  I wonder who influenced Ford, Edison and the Wright brothers?  MLK Jr’s Peace Walks, which changed today’s society. had their inspiration in the life of Gandhi and in the teaching of Jesus--that we are to love our neighbor as we love our self.”  Who has helped make you into what you are today?  ;-)  Jack

FROM RS IN TEXAS:  That causes me to reflect on who was key in establishing my values.... early on my parents my aunt Gretchen (who was a very strong person). Some values have changed over the years...for the better I hope and believe.  The church and my wife have been huge influencers.
Someone asked me once who my ideal golf foursome would be (living or dead) - a round of golf with dinner and an evening of conversation later. I came up with Arnold Palmer, Bobby Jones and Byron Nelson. Two of the three walked away from the game at an early age, but I believe all three had great values and were great role models for life, not just golf.  Always like to absorb what you can from those you respect and want to emulate.  Thank God for role models.  That said, I’ve come to appreciate Donald Trump for showing me what kind of person not to be.===JACK:  My foursome would include Sam Snead.  I began golfing using his clubs.

FROM W2ILLMAR REV:  Influenced by a countless number of folks . . . from all the back in the early 1950's up to today . . . including Pastor Jack Freed! 0;-)===JACK:  I've always admired your "down-to-earth manner", meeting people with patience and love.  ...a true pastor.

FROM RS IN MA:  There surely have been special people in the course of my life who have influenced what I am today.  It's interesting to me that the number of persons who truly inspired me and changed my nature is not a long list.  A few individuals with strong minds can effect change in others.  Furthermore, I frequently am reminded of those people, and reflect on what they gave me.  Jack, you are prominent among them.  Fortunately I've had the pleasure of knowing you for many years.  Despite the reality of the limited number of years we shared personal contact, distance between us since then has not kept us from remaining "in touch".  One of God's blessings for me is that He brought us together.  That gift is one of those that keeps on giving!===JACK:  Your family, all 3 of you, have been an inspiration to me...more than I c an say.  In my ministry, I've met many fine folk, and each has shaped me into what I am...but you have done it in such a unique way.   

FROM GOOD DEBT JON:  .    remember an old saying, "If it's  to be it's up to me."  Ghandi and MLK alike channeled and transformed their anger into a powerful peaceful message that could not be resisted. If you don't have that transformational calm and sincerity of purpose you need violence and contrived media events.  When attorneys have the facts they present them, when their motives and facts are sketchy, they pound the table.  All the best sir.===JACK:  Few people know that it was you who took the time and effort to publish the book, "Jack's Winning Words."  btw, it's still selling like hotcakes.  To have the cover painting done was special.  I shall never forget "your gift."  To have had a face-to-face visit was special, too.  Thanks for being a "thinking friend."

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  My pastor's wife in Moline in H.S., Mrs. Honeywell at FMC, whom I admired and who made me want to be a pastor's wife, which turned out to be prophetic, even tho I did not marry a pastor...he became one!  My husband was a big influence. my parents, esp. my mom, who always saw that we were active in church, and sent us to church camps. Many teachers: My H.S. music teacher selecting me as a Sr. to be the student director of choir for the Spring Concert influenced me to major in Music E. & many years later to become a music educator in a Jr. High school!   authors and books;  Norman Vincent Peale, Maya Angelou, Mary Ellen Ton, Philip Yancy, Dr. Paul Brand, Dr. Martin L. King...the list could go on forever when you're my age,  ending with Jack Freed! :-)===JACK:  It is humbling to be considered along with MLK Jr.  He and I began our ministry at about the same  time.  On June 20, it was 66 years since ordination.

FROM THE BUGMAN:  My father, Dick Roosenberg (founder of Tillers International) and Jack Freed   Three men who influenced me more than they know by just being themselves - honest, caring, accepting men.   Thanks to God for allowing me to be part of their lives. ===JACK:  In life, we inluence each other.  Thanks for what you have done.

FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  Two people who have made me who I am today are Martin Luther and Pope Leo X, they both had a love of God, love of the Church, love of people and played that out in their time in a way that still has to be solved better.===JACK:  You continue to amaze me.  When God made you, He broke the mold. 

FROM BS IN ENGLAND:  Firstly my parents, then the Rev'd Wilkinson Riddle childhood rector, you and most recently the Rev'd Doreen.  All of you have helped me on my journey, influenced me and made me who I  am today.===JACK:  I know of a couple of ministers who influenced me... but mainly the greatest influence has been members of my own family.

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