Monday, June 08, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words 6/8/20
“You are what you are, and you ain’t what you ain’t.”  (John Prine)  Over 2 million people take the Myers-Briggs Personality Test yearly.  It’s supposed to tell what you are and what you ain’t.  Have you taken it?  I have.  It said that I was suited to be a pastor…or an undertaker.  But I’m most proud of what is said in the Service of Holy Baptism…”You are suited to be a child of God.”  Having said that, I also believe that the Creator cares for all that He has made.  ;-)  Jack

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  i am the rare INFJ.===JACK:  You are rare indeed.  I don't know that there's anyone among my more than 500 viewers just like you!  but, of course, that can be said about each of them. are unusual (out of the ordinary)!

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:      God has a purpose for each one of us.  It’s such a shame when Christians do not come together but further divide.  We are a great nation and a kit of us want to keep it that way.      Racism is terrible but so is discrimination.  It covers so much more than racism.  Discrimination against all people because they are short, tall, mentally ill, heavy, skinny, obese, disfigured, poor, wealthy, religion, color, abortion background, nationality, patents, bad habits, drug use, etc., is more far reaching than racism.  Where is the outcry from the Christians?? ===JACK: You are right, but it does seem that "black people" are treated with more violence than others.  Whatever the minority, there will always be someone among the majority who thinks less of them.  Too often, it's not a nice world out there.

FROM CZB IN NH:  So NH has one of the oldest median ages in the country AND is one of the whitest (about 95% white). The crowd was much younger (20 somethings), but still very white. Four young black/mixed race people organized and led the rally. They spoke clearly and passionately. The thing that impressed me most was that 1200 people showed up. Portsmouth is only a town of 24,000. My town has 4,500. That’s a terrific showing. The young lead organizer said, “We are the majority!” And one young man who spoke got all choked up. It was very inspiring. Very glad I went.===JACK:  Most of us live where we want to live.  That's what America is all about.  ...and the old saying is true: "Birds of a feather...."  We need to go back to the root meaning of the word, prejudice (pre-judge).  To pre-judge someone on the basis of skin color is simply...STUPID.  I was once told not to use that word.  OOPS

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I love your idea of a cap that says BRING AMERICA TOGETHER AGAIN  "!!
That is indeed what we need!! But how to make it happen?!!===JACK:  That cap idea didn't seem to work so well (Make America Great Again) the first time around.  It takes more than a slogan.

FROM BB IN CHGO:  Agree!  I think people (Americans and those living overseas) have much more in common than what divides us.  Most ordinary people are thoughtful, understanding and want to reach out to help those in need.  Unfortunately, the politicians and media don’t seem to recognize or emphasize what we share===JACK:  The problem, as I see it, is that we let our minds be manipulated.  We need to use those God-given brains that we have.  Too many people are too lazy to do their own thinking.

FROM SM IN MN:  This hit home for me this morning...===JACK:  That's what I try to accomplish each day when I choose and write.  Thanks

FROM DLM:  Oh, for sure Jack; my baptism God's gift of love for me throughout my 84 years and at this very is gift, from the LORD, for sure.  Enough. Thanks be to God.===JACK:  Our baptism is more than water.  That mysterious and powerful Holy Spirit is there, too.  Mysterious... how it works.

FROM WILLMAR REV:  He has suited you well, Jack! 0;-)===JACK:  The Holy Spirit is not aware of church-created boundaries.  It is the same Spirit.  If we could only focus on that....

FROM ST PAUL:  I was something like ESFJ.   does that sound right?   Extroverted,   Sensitive, ???  ???   actually i think i have the "test"  here in my files somewhere.   it was long years ago,  Jack.  i also took the MMPI   MN Multiphasic Personality Inventory about 4 times!   566 questions as i recall.  once in college,  once at the seminary, and twice during my CPE internship at Fairview Hospital.  we were all studying our navels a LOT in those days.   Luther had a Latin word for this:  Incurvatus.   literally curved in upon oneself!  kind of glad to be done with all that.===JACK:  We still focus in on ourselves, only in different ways.  Someone once said, "Actions speak louder than words."

FROM SF IN WB:  : I took the M-B in grad school. So accurate. It identified me as an introvert. My instructor, who was also my advisor, clarified by saying that I am a ‘socialized’ introvert, which is on spot!! Love my quiet my people! ===JACK:  No wonder we get along so well together.

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