Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words  June 17, 2020
“If you don’t like something, change it.  If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.”  (Mary Engelbreit)  In The Sound of Music Maria sings that when you’re feeling bad, think of things that make you happy.  In other words, change your way of thinking.  There are worries these days about many “what ifs.”  One lady was heard to say: “I says my prayers and then goes to sleep, knowing that it’s now up to God.”  Faith says, “Ultimately all things are up to  God.”  ;-)  Jack

FROM DAZ IN CO:  Those are especially good thoughts for now.===JACK:  "It' up to God" are good words for many situations.

FROM TERI G:  “She took a leap and built her wings on her way down.”  (Kobi Yamada)  This is one of my favorite quotes.===JACK:  I like it, too.

FROM HONEST JOHN:  J.Q. Adams hated slavery....fought to change how we dealt with it...never succeeded....never gave up...died fighting against it...I admire that===JACK:  I must have been asleep during that history lesson.  There's a lot of stuff about a lot of people that I don't know...but I'm still willing and able to learn  Thanks

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  We do t like the destruction being caused by people who don’t care who’s property they destroy.  How do we stop it?===JACK:  The answer is not one people like to hear.  Jesus said, "Love your neighbor as you love yourself."  Until people are treated the same, regardless of color, things will not change.  This does not excuse vandalism by "blacks", nor does it excuse the action of white supremacists.   The truth is: people are treated differently because of skin color.

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