Saturday, November 26, 2022

 Jack’s Winning Words  11/25/22

“Did you say $100 million?”  (Dolly Parton to Jeff Bezos)  The news today was that Bezos intends to give away most of his fortune.  When is enough, enough?  What would it take to make you comfortable for the rest of your life?  In my case, I’d like to be able to write a check and not worry about the bank balance.  Bezos won’t have to worry about that, but he seems to think that Dolly will use his money in a way that he approves of.  Dolly cares about people, because she knows what it is that poor people really need.  She’d do a lot better than most politicians…and me, too.  Sociologists probably have some good ideas.  If Jeff offered you $100 million, what would you do with it?  ;-)  Jack

FROM DAIRYLAND DONNA:  I would invite all of the people I've met in my life who care about others to help me decide the best way to distribute the money. Wouldn't that be fun! (and complicated 🙄)===JACK:  Before you do that, you're going to need to Jeff's phone number.

FROM RS IN TEXAS:  Probably give most of it to Lutheran World Relief. They seem to address basic needs for survival around the world. I will admit I would use some to make sure we were OK financially and would put in a safety net for our kids and grandchildren. Hope you and Joan had a wonderful Thanksgiving- are you in MN or MI?===JACK:  

FROM MY LAWYER:  I’d make sure your checkbook balance was meaningless!!!===JACK:  I don't think that Bezos would choose a lawyer...or even a preacher.

FROM WILLMAR REV:  Someone was asked this recently with the 2-billion-dollar Powerball Lottery, what would you do with it? His answer was, "No one around me would be poor! I would move over to a richer part of the city!" 0;-)) ===JACK:  I have no one around me who's really poor, so I'll have to buy my own ticket.

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  you know what? i am very sick of hearing abt poor people and money... as if money is all that matters. there is too much emphasis on money. no one in this country really suffers much bc of lack of money. we have education available, jobs to be had, freebies galore.  there is more to life than MONEY, and wishing that other people had more MONEY.===JACK:  Then, there's no sense in having you ask Jeff for any money, let alone 100 million. ===LIZ:  80-Year-Old 'Mr. Thanksgiving' Hosts Holiday Feast for Thousands in Decades-Long Tradition  ...right up your alley!


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