Wednesday, November 09, 2022


Jack’s Winning Words  11/9/22
“The two biggest polluters are China and the United States.  We must co-operate or perish.”  (U.N. Head)  How time flies!  Rachel Carson’s bestseller, “Silent Spring” came out in 1962 and warned us of the danger of certain pesticides.  In 1970, over 50 years ago, Gov. Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin got the Dems and GOPs to agree on declaring Earth Day when we would annually push to protect the environment of our planet.  In 2000 Al Gore ran for President on a platform that including steps to prevent “Climate Change.”  And, now where are we?  It discourages me.  I feel like Sisyphos!   It’s time now for the UN to give it a try – “Co-operate or Perish!”  The Greatest Generation couldn’t do it.  Perhaps yours can.  What do you think?  ;-)  Jack 

FROM ST PAUL:  Jack, it is worth noting that when the African continent (more or less)  banned DDT in the 70s and 80s,   the mosquito population exploded and Malaria came roaring back in some countries.   hopefully we can find a non-toxic chemical that kills mosquitoes without harming the environment===JACK:  At least something is being done to address a planet-wide problem...and now that the UN is involved means that it's a step forward.  Still, more needs to be done.===SP:  I agree! China and the U S are huge polluters and the poorest nations of the world suffer with the effects of climate change.  i.e. floods,  drought, etc. ===JACK:  No wonder Jesus said that the poor will always be with us.

FROM CPA MIKE:  I'm a climate change denier but I could be wrong. What do you think we should be doing right now that we aren't?===JACK:  Usually climate change deniers are science deniers.  I don't see you as a science denier, so I must assume that it's a political issue for you.  "Silent Spring", IMO, was not written for political reasons.  It simply showed the results of pesticides on the bird population...and the book made a difference.  For me, it brought to my attention the harm that we were doing to the planet.  Things affecting climate are only one of them. ===M:   I think you're right on this. My thoughts go to poor Al Gore who is trying to guide me on this while he flies all over on his jet to his multiple residences. Makes me laugh and I certainly will not be influenced by a screaming teen who knows nothing about the science. Give me a panel free from political influence and I can assure you that I would be in sync with you.===JACK:  I haven't been keeping track of Gore, except that he is one know for calling attention to Climate Change.  Greta may or may not be a "no nothing" buts she certainly a spokesperson for her generation...and the planet will be their's in the future longer than it is ours.  She's entitled to her opinion just as much as you are and I am.

FROM SMILIN' TERI:  🌻When someone shows you who they are, believe them:  the first time!”  (Maya Angelou)  TRUE ===JACK:  I can't remember who the teacher was, but one of mine would say: Think, Think, Think, when I couldn't come up with the worked!

FROM JU IN NC:  Lynn and I have created a lifestyle that enables us to avoid fast food lines, enjoy a home with moderate room temperatures, chunking shopping to include unnecessary trips to the store and appreciating the beauty within our local environment. Our electronic gadgets are not the latest technology but provide what we need.  In other words SLOW DOWN. So will the wear and tear of our planet as well.===JACK:  Whatever works!  But, sometimes it's a balancing act.  Most people gradually move toward making major changes in their life.  In order to accomplish one thing you might have to give up on another.  Choice of one over the other is not to be done lightly.

FROM TRIHARDER:  Per capita, it isn't even close. US pollutes more. Sad.===JACK:  I've never had to try and give up something, such as smoking or drinking, so I can't comment on the difficulty of cutting back.  My son and his wife are firm composters.  I know that it's a good idea, but the desire to start is not on my horizon.

FROM DS IN SOCAL:  I think God is in control as he always has been.===JACK:  There's a danger, too, in blaming God for the bad things that happen.  God's plan id ultimately for the good.  i've discovered that sometimes that the bad can turn into good.  Perspective works in art.  It also works in life.

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  actually, we aren't===JACK:  You're entitled to express your opinion, but it seems as though the world is coming to a different conclusion.  There will always be deniers.===LIZ:  again, you did not do your homework, but name call me a "denier." are you lazy intellectually?===JACK:  I did not call you a denier.  I resent being called, lazy.  As for not doing homework, that might be true, but I do what I think is necessary.

FROM SR RD:  If we could overcome some of our over-consumption and our over- polluting of lakes, oceans, etc.  IF. . . .===JACK:  How does monastic living participate in helping to stop climate change?

FROM WILLMAR REV:  Certainly have seventy-five years of experience dealing with it?!?! 0;-)===JACK:  I was just a spring chicken when I was your age.  I have learned soooo much more since then. 







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