Tuesday, November 22, 2022

 Jack’s Winning Words  11/22/22

“The most compelling reason to get a good education is that it makes the inside of your head an interesting place to spend the rest of your life.”  (Judith Shapiro)  As I reflect on my education, the most interesting stopping places were a course on American Values, an English class in Creative Writing, and Basic Christianity.  Philosophy was good, too.  A lesson that I have referred to over and over is this: When you are trying to explain Bible lessons to people, CONNECT IT UP WITH LIFE.  Try to help the people see that the Bible is relevant to their daily life.  I hope that you’re having a wonderful time inside of your head, too!  ;-) Jack

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  this is why i love the internet... i learn a ton of new stuff every day. the library is right here on my phone! (i would not know you otherwise.)===JJACK:  Your mind is better than any library.  It tells you how to use the library.  Thank God today for the ability to think.

FROM COPPER COUNTRY BOB: Our village council is dysfunctional. In an effort to have them think differently I spoke to them last evening and sent the enclosed as a letter to the editor this morning.===JACK:   iF EVER THEREWERE A CHEERLEADER FOR HIS COMMUNITY...you are it !  


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