Friday, November 18, 2022

 Jack’s Winning Words  11/18/22

“Pray for the dead.  Fight like hell for the living.”  (Unknown)  This quote is on the website of the Peoples Church in Bemidji, MN, that serves the Native Americans of that area.  For the last couple of years I’ve spent a day there working and observing. The church building serves like home for those in need.  Food is provided.  Pews often are used for sleeping.  A Prayer Group Prays at Stations of the Lost, at the jail, the food bank, places where people commit suicide, where the homelesss sleep in tents, etc.  Recently the pastor was arrested for trying to stop an officer with an open gun from running after someone in the church.  Reread the quote!   What’s your opinion about Sanctuary Laws?  :-)  Jack

FROM G7:  Our Native Americans should not have to be categorized for a Sanctuary City.. They are not illegals coming into out country.  More money should be given to our Native Americans to help them in ALL  ways. Thank you Jack for your daily blog!===JACK:  There's enough blame to fit many situations.  Live among the native Americans and you will se life in a new way.  I don't want anyone running through my church with an open gun.  A church is called a sanctuary for a reason.

FROM FACEBBOK LIZ:  sounds like a mess. why are natives seemingly unable to live productively?===JACK:  It's a long story going back to why their land was taken away from them...and why the slaves became slaves, unwillingly.  There's a lot of unfairness in our history.===LIZ:  that is what my mother always said. ===JACK:  I know that she had an impact on your life, as did your father, also.  How old were you when she died?

FROM PL IN WB:  Both of the following have the potential of seeking sanctuary: An undocumented migrant seeks sanctuary by going into a church or reside in a “sanctuary city.” An American citizen breaks into the Capital building and injures one or more police officers and is called by some  a  “political prisoner” and seeks sanctuary. Are  “sanctuary places” a matter of perspective or do they have a moral obligation to keep people safe?===JACK:  I have not heard the Capitol buolding ever referred to as a Sanctuary, such as are places of worship.

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  was reading abt the nords' conquest of their indigenous people... to build the societal utopian some would have us emulate ===JACK:  There's enough blame to be spread in many places...Take the Church for example when attempts were made to civilize, Christianize the native people, and/or the natives of Africa.

FROM GUSTIE:  : At first thought—If the person is a killer or has come across the border illegally I think they are wrong.===JACK:  You and I might have trouble with love for that kind of person, but I believe in a God who loves the unlovable....even some church attendees.  Have you even sung the song, The love of God is greater far than tongue or pen can ever tell etc?

FROM CPA MIKE:  The government does not do a good job for the disadvantaged and should not encourage them to seek sanctuary.  Sad but true, other than charity and community I see no help for them.===JACK:  Ideally, the populace would help the needy because they care about them.  I appreciate health care for all, because it benefits me.  Because I have SO much Social Security doesn't mean as much to me as it means to someone with no other income. Proper4 government tries to help all of its constituents. ===JACK:   Yeah but we're addressing whether sanctuary cities are a good concept. I think not.===JACK  I think that Sanctuary (places) was an idea put forth by the Church to protect those who were being unfairly persecuted by the government.  I'm all for it. ===M:  Good idea for the Church bad idea for the government to create and promote squalor.===JACK:  You're interest os in mismanaged government and my interest is in taking care of those who need care, regardless of where they live in the world.  I know that it's idealism....BUT my BEST college course was a study of American Ideals.  America was built on idealism.===M:  Is it wrong to idealize honest and competent government? They should be helping so much more with the resources of our nation. Imagine people being held accountable. ===JACK:  Government means that there different "sides" to issues.  There will be no coming together.  Idealism doesn't seem to fit there, nor does it seem to fit with the Chuch and its limited financial resources.  So, idealism remains an ideal.  Jesus said, "The poor you will always have with you."  What do you think that means? ===M:  Whomever is entrusted with charitable resources needs to be a good steward as the poor will  always be needing our charity. To steal from them just might be the greatest sin. When the fruits of our labors are entrusted to others they must be held accountable===JACK:  I  see no satisfactory answer to the problem.  Taking care of the needs of the poor, first of all, depends on a definition of who are the poor.  Do those waiting at any country's border fall into the category of poor/needy?  It depemds - so the cdorcle is endless and the pood and needy wait. ===.M:   Don't be so tough on yourself. You brought so many people to see the light including me.  Did Jesus say anything about those who scorned the needy person?===JACK:  Read again the story of the rich man and Lazarus.


FROM SHALOM JAN:  The dead are gone.  I can pray for the living as well as contribute toward the well-being of those living in distress.===JACK:  Are the dead really ever dead with God?  Why have a Memorial Day if the dead are really gone?  There seems so little that we can personally do for the distressed. ===SJ: :I mean to support organizations that are looking for cures, or that are caring for the homeless, or that feed the hungry, or ....  I can contribute money, volunteer my time/efforts, help educate people about their needs, etc.  It's personal but not often "in person"===JACK:  I see you as an idealist (and that is good), but I tend to mix in realism with my idealism.===M:   I agree.Its not that we don't have the financial, human and technological resource to solve  problems We've  accepted malfeasance and mismanagement to the detriment of the needy. Going back to the beginning of our  discussion, one might ask why are we inviting more and more people into our country?===JACK:  One of Jeanne's friends went to Guatemala to see conditions there and how she might help to make things better.  She met a mother who asked her to adopt her newborn which she did.  She raised the child as her own daughter, and now the child is a college graduate.  Is that the way it should be done?


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