Thursday, November 10, 2022

 Jack’s Winning Words  11/10/22

“Step into the story of what it means to be human.”  (Fetzer Institute Project)  My son’s neighbor Anant is a Hindu scholar and has been invited by the Fetzer Institute to come together with a worldwide group of theologians to consider what it means to be human.  The two of us have enjoyed sitting on the deck and “talking shop.”  I was surprised to learn about the Fetzer Institute.  All I knew of Fetzer is that he owned the Detroit Tigers at one time.  Most of us have more than one life.  Did you know that I was the one who named the Atlanta Hawks basketball team?  In our talks, Anant and I have discovered that in our concept of God we have more in common than we have differences.  What do you think it means to be human?  ;-)  Jack

FROM ST PAUL:  are you now flirting with Universalism,  Jack?:):)===JACK:  I used to be worried about being accused of things like that, but that's no longer on my radar screen.  It is what it is.  I think that if we were to sit down with a face to face, we might come to an understanding.  I have a hard time seeing a God who saves ONLY Christians and ignores the rest of the world.===SP:  i totally agree.  however,  if  you watch many of our so-called TV evangelists,  they LOVE to drive home this ONLY message.  must give them some sense of superiority.  rather sick actually... I used to be worried about being accused of things like that, but that's no longer on my radar screen.  It is what it is.  I think that if we were to sit down with a face to face, we might come to an understanding.  I have a hard time seeing a God who saves ONLY Christians and ignores the rest of the world.===JACK:  TV preachers are in the entertainment business (to bring in cash).  Standing in the pulpit, our task is educate, to comfort, to motivate, to entertain, to make religion more understandable, to bet like a friend, etc. (and don't too much about money), and don't talk too long.

FROM COPPER COUNTRY BOB:  WheneverI see a hawk circling over our trees, It will remind me of you.===JACK:  I actually name the team, the Blackhawks, but they were commonly known as the Hawks.  Indian Chief Blackhawk was well-known and respected around the Tri-Cities.

FROM LS IN WB:  Wow naming a team !  What a legacy. Love you shared. I only know you in a one dimensional way would love to have the whole story of your lived experiences===JACK:  Each of us has a hidden story.  That's what makes interesting to get better acquainted with each other.

FROM EMT SINGS IN TC:  I would be interested in how you named the Atlantic Hawks basketball team!  I didn't know you as well as I thought! Just goes to show you!===JACK:  Read the blog and get the whole story.

FROM THE SCIENTIST:===JACK:  The furnace is afraid of losing its job if people get serious about climate change.  

FROM CR:  What is the story of you naming the Atlanta Hawks?  Very cool. ===JACk:  What is the story of you naming the Atlanta Hawks?  Very cool.



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