Tuesday, November 08, 2022

 Jack’s Winning Words 11/8/22

 “I’m going to have to supercharge my optimism to arm myself for the battle ahead.”  (Rebecca Bloom  This seems to be a perfect quote for Election Day.  It’ll be a battle, whichever side you’re on,  And if the recent past is any measure, the loser might declare himself the winner, regardless of the vote count.  Do you remember the old song, “It’s a Strange World We Live In, Master Jack”? The song lyric says what I believe: Ours is a puzzling world!.  Why don’t we use our brain and THINK?  It is sooo obvious!  The curtain has been pulled back.  The Wizard is in plain sight.  Perhaps you noticed that I didn’t mention a particular cause or poliiical party?  When casting a ballot, be sure to us your brain!  ;-) Jack 

FROM JAY BEE:  I am beginning to think that there is a parallel universe!  ===JACK:  If not that, something else seems to be going on in our country.  I've seen better days.

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  glad you agree abt the wizard! ===JACK: There's more to the movie than just a children's story.  Some see it as a story of the Jews getting their own land, Israel...somewhere over the rainbow.===LIZ:  never heard that one before...===JACK:  Neither had I, but the source seemed reliable at the time.

FROM CZB IN NH:  And your heart ️===JACK:  Thanks for that IMPORTANT reminder.

FROM LS IN WB:  God Bless America and God Bless You Thank you ! ===JACK:  ...and God bless the world, because He is God of all...the poor, the hungry, the homeless...and, yes, the USA, because we are a crossroads.

FROM JU IN NC:  Sounds like if you were running, I would vote for you! ===JACK:  I think that we need a new party...THE INTEGRITY PARTY.  Liz Cheney would head the ticket...and I'd be there to support her.  We're at a point now when we're left to vote for politicians, rather than issues.

FROM ME IN NEWPORT BEACH:  Why politics have also been a huge disappointment in my lifetime.  Putin strategy is clear as to how he seeks to “divide the West” into neoclassical liberals like the US and traditional Christian, like most of Europe.===JACK:  My view has evolved into the Liz Cheney view: Maintain your integrity, regardless...   I refuse to vote for anyone who makes deals with North Korea and Russia, for personal gratification. 

FROM ST PAUL:  always good advice,  Jack.  ===JACK:  Right now, I'm talking to the mirror.


FROM DAZ IN COLORADO:  Your ww sounds like good election advice

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