Monday, August 31, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words 8/31/20
“We win more friends with our ears than with our lips.”  (Pastor Bob’s Bulletin) An article in Psychology Today explains what makes for a healthy relationship.”  It’s Deep Listening…really trying to hear and understand what is being said (to hear between the words).  Good ears make for good relationships.  It’s an old saying…God gave us two ears and one mouth so that we listen more than we speak.  Try using your ears more than your lips today and see what happens.    ;-)  Jack

FROM NORM'S BLOG:  Listening well, sometimes called “deep listening” is a skill and discipline that most do not develop. It takes concentration and a focus that is away from oneself and onto the other person. Rather than being focus on what you want to say next, you must focus upon what is currently being said by the other party and process that information. Your thoughts should be on how you can best respond to the information that the other person is sharing – how can you help them or how can you share their concerns or joys.===JACK:  I had hoped that people would Deep Listen to my sermons.  There usually wass a message beyond the words.

FROM COUNSELOR JL:  Hey Jack. I love this description of deep listening (It’s always how I describe myself-hearing between the words). Might you still have a link or the name of the article from psychology today where you found that? Please don’t do a deep dive to retrieve. But if it’s still in your computer really handy, would love to see it.===JACK:  I think that I might be able to find the article.  In church worch, "deep listening" helps me discover what's the real issue when people are angry with the  Church and/or with God.  Listen deeply enough, and it's there!  (Pause)  I believe that this is it...Deep Listening in Personal Relationships | Psychology Today

FROM ST PAUL:  good one again, Jack.  thanks.   enjoy this last day of August.  where did this summer go?====JACK:  Where did the summer go?  Let me sing to you this song:   

September Song - Willie Nelson - YouTube...

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  A very good idea.===JACK:  ...another good idea is to THINK before you speak.


"How you see people is how you serve people." -Chris Hodges
===JACK:   Being a cashier in a store gives you a chance to see people at their best...and at their worst.  The best cashiers are those those who see people as people...and greet them with a smile.  ===JON:  Yes. I don't work face to face with many customers,  I cover 6 states repairing troubled loans. But a smile over the phone is a big part of it. ===FROM A WALGREEN'S CASHIER:  Yes, I always greet them with a smile.

FROM SK IN SJ:  Now that’s just a bit challenging. But I am better at listening than I used to be! Ha! Hope you are good and enjoying the cooler weather.===JACK:  I think that it was Mark Twain who said, "Never trust someone who makes money with their mouth."  As a preacher, that always bothered me.

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