Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words 8/18/20
“I’ve made up my mind to never have another bad day in my life.  I dove into an endless
sea of gratitude from which I’ve never emerged.”  (Patch Adams)  Patch is a physician and clown, dedicated to bringing humor to hospital patients (children and adults) around the world, His is an alternative form of healthcare not covered by insurance.  He believes that “bad days” are often caused by looking at the world in the wrong way.  Dr Patch sees laughter as good medicine.  ;-)  Jack

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  There's the key; making up your mind to see the blessings in every day. There is always SOMETHING to be thankful for, even during devastating losses, and illnesses. It helped me to stay on an even keel, even during my husband's ordeal and death due to brain cancer,  and my son's loss, when a donor liver did not come in time to save his life.  Faith allows you to maintain a positive attitude and hope for better days. As Abraham Lincoln said in a consoling letter to someone who was grieving, "You may not believe so now, but there will come a day when you can laugh and find happiness again. Having lost 2 sons, I speak from experience.".  We need to make up our minds NOT to have a bad day!   Bill used to call it "an attitude of gratitude"===JACK:  In my role as a pastor (which never seems to end) I have opportunities to "comfort the afflicted."  And, with Winning Words i secretly enjoy opportunities to "afflict the comfortable."

FROM YOGA CA:  Love this Jack!!!!===JACK:  Do certain poses and thoughts seem to turn bad days into good (or acceptable) days?===YCA:  If my mantra is to never have a "bad" day, I can go at life neutral, create a bubble of insulation and not let life impact the stream of God's grace that sustains me.===JACK:  One of the "downsides" of the pandemic is for you not being able to share your views and skills in person.  Have you thought of resuming in a social distancing way, perhaps out of doors in a park setting?===YCA:   Yes - i have !  It would be more likely in the later part of September.   Stay tuned.

FROM NORM'S BLOG:  The quote from Dr. Patch not only capsulizes his philosophy for life, but also poses a challenge for all of us. We must each day make up our minds what kind of day we are going to have. Perhaps the key is to be found in the “endless sea of gratitude” that Adams references. (Go to Norm's Milford Blog to read more)===JACK:  Each day has its challenges.  I dare you to face each one looking for "the good news" in each of them.

FROM ST PAUL:  did you see the movie with Robin Williams as Patch?       it was a little over the top but worth watching.  i did not know that Patch is still with us.   sadly, Robin is not.===JACK:  The bedside manner of a doctor (or a pastor) goes a long way in meeting the emotional needs of the patient (parishioner).

FROM HY YO SILVER:  Love that movie ===JACK:  ...and now you and Esther can love that movie together.

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