Monday, August 10, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words 8/ 10/20
“You’re never too old to do goofy stuff.”  (Ward Cleaver) Some videos have shown me what goofy stuff NOT to do as an older person…Do NOT try to use a pogo stick, or balance on a paddleboard, or try tricks on a treadmill.  The kids laughed when grandpa puffed on a cigarette and blew smoke out of his ears.  Are there goofy things that you’ve done in your lifetime?  I remember how surprised my grandchildren were when I first said, “Pull my finger.”  ;-)  Jack

FROM HY YO SILVER:   A good message on the day before my wedding. Thanks!===JACK:  I'm glad I didn't schedule this WWs for tomorrow.  You and Esther are making a serious commitment  - nothing goofy about it, except maybe when the groom takes off the garter.

FROM WILLMAR REV:  I'm not telling!! 0;-) ===JACK:  As much as I know about you....You've done your share of goofy stuff -- past and present.===REV:  That’s why I’m not telling!! 0;-))===JACK:  I'm a pastor.  You can confess to me...and I won't blog it.===REV:  Father Freed! I have sinned! Since we use only grape juice at our church, when visiting one of our local Lutheran churches some time ago in a Sunday morning service which uses wine, I asked for seconds!! 0;-)===JACK:  During these days of "virtual worship" because of the pandemic, I've heard of pastors telling people to use coffee, water, orange juice, or wine for communion at home...and crackers, sweet roll or toast for the Lord's Supper bread.  I'd say..."Use no substitute."  Save communion when you can gather with people at church.===REV:  I most certainly agree. We did some years ago at a youth convention of some 2,000 teenagers in Ohio use pizza bread and individual grapes...only problem was we forgot and ordered grapes with seeds! 0;-===JACK:  One summer the community VBS was held at the WB Methodist Church.  They decided to serve healthier apple juice.  The children said, "This tastes funny!"  It seemed that the juice had fermented into hard cider.  The next year we went back to Kool Aid.

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  Nope! Cannot remember any!===JACK:  I'm sure that you and Briere did some things that were laughable.  Try remembering way back.===SHIRL:  Nope! Still can’t remember any!===JACK:  Did you ever consider becoming a nun?===SHIRL: Never!
FROM ST PAUL:  so,  just how do you get that smoke to come out of your ears??===JACK:  The smoke wasn't my grandpa trick; mine was the "pull my finger," and I don't think that I have to explain that to you.===SP:  that one i got:):):)===JACK:  Someone scribbled a caption below the famous Michelangelo "God and Adam" painting: "Pull my finger!"===SP:  too funny!   i also saw a photo of Mona Lisa who smiled because she had just passed some gas.===JACK: I remember walking with my pastor, and he let out a big fart.  I was so surprised.  I never thought that a pastor would do such a thing.===SP:  good to know he did not live on a pedestal like some clergy sometimes do.   he was human too.

FROM SK IN SJ:  I agree, sometimes it’s fun just to do something funny just because you can. I try to have a little fun each day. It soothes the soul. Ha! Miss you guys! Michigan is a ways from here! 😢===JACK: I can tell that someone with a laugh like yours enjoys goofy stuff.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  We’re basically a fun loving family and laugh a lot.  We’ve  done a lot of little pranks on each other.  My son-in-law Neil has been with our family since eighth grade.  We tease each other all the time.  One of our favorite things Neil says is “My mother-in-law snd I have a love/hate relationship...I love her - she hates me!”  We all laugh every time he says it.  (He’s very dear to us!)===JACK:  Every family has its inside jokes...and they're really funny when you understand the background.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  On a few occasions when I life-guarded at Moline Riverside pool, some poor kid would be "de-pants'd"  by a meanie (or two) and we'd have to find his trunks, or get a pr. he could don to get out of the pool. Not so goofy; when you're the kid! Some, of course, thought it hilarious!  A  couple of times Jan and I  switched dates when we double-dated, to see if her guy would know the difference.  My "steady" of course was not too amused, but went along with it for awhile, until we disclosed the ruse...:-) The teachers always knew when we switched seats however...which we did rarely.  I"m sure I did goofy things unintentionally, but that's another story! ===JACK:  At one Augie Homecoming Parade, our frat had a float, "Bury North Central."  On it, we had an actual velvet-covered casket borrowed from a local undertaker.  On the day of the parade, there was a big rainstorm and the casket was ruined, and we had buy it.  I think that it was junked. ===OAKS:  Ooh, ouch!! Clever idea! :)

FROM HONEST JOHN:  I remember my Swedish grandfather sticking his false teeth out of his mouth at my sister and me....done playfully....I loved it and remember it to this day===JACK:  That is a good (and goofy) one.  I remember false teeth would click and clack.  I can't remember his name, but there was an older person who would magically pull a quarter out of my ear.

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