Thursday, August 13, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words 8/13/20
“Think left and think right and think low and think high.  Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try.”  (Dr Seuss)  Was there ever a time when people actually put on a thinking cap to make them think better?  It’s said that judges once put on a special “considering cap” before they rendered a judgment.  At the creation of mankind, God gave something better than a thinking cap; He created a brain.  When faced with a problem, I like the phrase, “Use your brain!”  ;-)  Jack 

FROM GOOD DEBT JON:  My youngest grandson's birthday party was a used book exchange, they served green eggs and ham, lumps of coal, (Rice Krispies treats dyed black, eggs dyed green), sausages with macaroni wheels. and other treats, a veggie train for The Little Engine that Could, and other book themes. Great thoughts were thunk and fun was had. It was a very hard day to be sad.===JACK:  Someone put on their thinking cap to plan such a party. ===JON:  Yes, my wonderful daughter in law, my daughter,  and nieces. Every party is better than the last.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  Aw yes.  There is such a lack of common sense and people not using their thinking caps.  Just imagine what this world would be like if they did!  Kinder?  More caring?  Less following the herd( ===JACK:  For some, their thinking cap seems to be shaped like a dunce cap.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Love that Dr. Seuss! I'll have to quote that to my great-grand tonite at dinner! :-)  I chuckled over your remark of some folk's thinking cap being a dunce cap!! My mother occasionally said, "USE YOUR HEAD!" when irritated at us! We do need to do that more often! Some folks get really creative when they do!  I'm sometimes surprised at the things I come up with, when I seriously give an issue some "deep thought"!===JACK:  During the pandemic Churches (and pastors) have had to break out of tradition and "preach" the Gospel in new ways.  Sometimes "bad" can be for the "good."

FROM DLM IN CAN:  Yes! The brain, a gift from G in these exciting, frustrating, hopeful times.  Thank you, "Jack".  P.S., I do depend on the daily readings on pp. 1121-1153 E.L.W. as food for those good brains of ours.===JACK:  What is that daily reading book that you refer to?

FROM NORM'S BLOG:  God gave mankind a brain to do things other than just space our ears apart. It is supposed to be used before acting or speaking. Yet we constantly hear from people who have just done or said something stupid, “I didn’t think.” Entire entertainment shows, like Jackass and America’s Funniest Videos are based upon people doing things without giving it the necessary thought before they act. Much of what we find offensive in the words of others is probably caused by them not thinking before they spoke. Many times we would like to believe that they are not that insensitive or ignorant and that what they said doesn’t represent what they really think. If it does, then we should think about not associating with them.===JACK:  I admire the though that you put into your blog each day...not only your thought...but thoughts that make sense.  Keep it up!

FROM WILLMAR REV:  Thank you! I think I will!! 0;-)===JACK:  Have you ever sung the "Scarecrow Song" from the wizard of Oz?  ...If I only had a brain?===REV:   I just did...great or at least “good” movie for sure. 0;-)

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