Monday, August 24, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words 8/24/20
“There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.”  (Epictetus)  Do you remember the Bobby McFerrin song, Don’t worry, be happy?  For most of us…easier said than done.  Epictetus advised: “Save your worries for the things that you can control.”  Leave the other stuff to the will of God.  Pray: “Thy will be done on Earth..”  Caring friends can be helpful...and music, too  What helps you?  ;-)  Jack  .

FROM MY  LAWYER:   Another way to say that is: Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind!!!===JACK:  That Optimist Creed can sometimes be a nag.  

FROM FRIEND MS:     I’ve been thinking about you often getting up at 4:59 to write your blog I admire you very much and hope this finds you well ===JACK:  I remember that you once encouraged me to put Winning Words into a book.  A friend actually had Jack's Winning Words published (without my knowing).  It's still available on Amazon.  It's almost time for Book 2.

FROM SALON SUZY:  Amen to that! Hard to do at times...===JACK:  Each of needs a challenge once in a while to keep us on our toes.  What challenges you?

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  I’ve never been a worrier.  I leave it to Heaven!  ===JACK:  WOW!  I've never met a non-worrier before.  But the song says, "Take your burdens to the Lord and leave hem there."  The leaving part is the hard part.===JUDY:  When Gary started flying every week I was a wreak. I was pregnant with Andy.  We had one car and Gary needed it to get to the airport.  He would leave Sunday night and come home Friday night.   There were many many issues I had to face alone.  I had a big worry about what I had to deal with.  I prayed nearly the whole night.  God gave me the gift of letting go of I hold on to His promise.  No I don’t worry about anything.  Concerned ? Yes, worry no.  I’m no paragon of virtue, just a believer.===JACK:  What works, works.  Good for you!
FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  I do not remember that song at all!  I just enjoy each day and its surprises, ===JACK:  Any surprises so  A window salesman from the north!

FROM LS IN WB:  YOU.   Thank you for your WINNING WORDS.===JACK:  Like Johnny Appleseed, I throw out the seeds (words) hoping that they take root somewhere.===LS:  I appreciate the analogy.  They have taken root in my consciousness. 
FROM JT IN MN:  Thanks for being a caring friend and an awesome mentor.===JACK:  I had friends and mentors, too.  In large part, I am today for the influence that they had on me.

FROM NORM'S BLOG:  On today’s installment of Pearls Before Swine  the character Rat tells Goat that the key to life is not to worry about things that are outside his power to control. As Goat is about to congratulate Rat on his new philosophy, Rat blurts out that he is instead going to focus on amassing more power so that he will be able to control everything. It is unfortunate that the philosophy that Rat was espousing is what drives so many today.  I’ve opined here a few time about offloading the worries that one cannot really change by giving them to God and saying “not my will, but thy will be done.”  To some, who are more closely aligned with the philosophy of Rat that may sound like a cop-out or surrender – an admission of failure. However, to those who “get it” it is actually an acceptance of God’s role in our lives and His dominion over the events that we will live through. It is also the first, and critical step that one must take before asking for God’s help with those events.===JACK:  I'm a fan of Pearls Before Swine, too.  There's alot of theology and morality in the comics.

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