Thursday, August 06, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words 8/6/20
“The truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery while on a detour.”  (Unknown)
When driving, I want to go from point A to point B, without seeing detour signs, but I admit that some of those side roads have been very scenic (even peaceful).  So has it been with the detours of life.  We’ve all had them…the unexpected, the forced route changes.  Maybe an illness, a job loss, a family problem.  Look for the positives to appear out of the negatives.  ;-) Jack

FROM TRIHARDER:  On our way back from viewing the eclipse in Tennessee, the GPS took us on a detour off of the crowded interstate onto rural  back roads.  As we were inching along a road snaking through identical green cornfields, the GPS voice suddenly announced "Welcome to Kentucky."===JACK:  Yes, detours can be interesting and fun and frustrating.  We are living in interesting, fun and frustrating detour times...longing to get back on the main road.

FROM SK IN SJ:  I love this morning's WW. My late husband Nick, always took backroads when possible. You do see things you don’t expect and it’s a nice change. The countryside is lovely. 😜 ===JACK:  We used to make a list of things to see while traveling country roads.  We'd cross off items as the children spied them...clothes on the line, a dog, a horse, cows in the field, a barn with ads on it, a windmill, etc.  It kept the kids occupied and made the trip fun. ===SK:  Love it!  At nite, the kids counted cars with one headlight out ( called a padiddle ) that was fun!===JACK:  When I was growing up, padiddle meant that you could punch the other kids on the arm.  (Not fun for some!)  But, if you were with a girlfriend (or boyfriend), it meant that you could steal a kiss.  (Fun fo some!).

FROM ST PAUL:  good words once again.  thanks...===JACK:  I remember hearing a common greeting in the past..."What's the good word today?"  ...and then the conversation would ensue.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  We don’t mind the detours or the road blocks in life.  We just keep on truckin’!===JACK:  You've done enuf traveling to have experienced both road and life detours.  You probably have some stories to tell.

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  God has a plan for all of us!===JACK:  ...and the plan can include detours and how they can make the trip go more easily.

FROM BB IN CHGO:  I like this one again today; you are full of positivity.===JACK:  Sometimes I wish that I could practice what I preach.

FROM CL IN SC:  Thanks Jack! Love your wisdom. Very appropriate for the times we live in!

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