Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words 8/25/20
“Those who have the privilege to know, have the duty to act.”  (Albert Einstein)  Are all men created equal?…not necessarily so!  At least in America, some have access to a better way of living that do others…better, schools, better health care, better living conditions.  “Que sera, sera!” is not an acceptable response.  In the Bible, Cain’s words, “Am I my brother’s keeper?’ were not pleasing to God.  Just how far should we go in helping the underprivileged?  ;-)  Jack

FROM ST PAUL:  This is a very good one for our times.  Thanks===JACK:  I like the hymn, "Our times are in Thy hands, O Lord we wish them there."

FROM GOOD DEBT JON:  Equality of opportunity yes, equality of outcome no.===JACK:  On this earth there will never be equality...except that all who are born will eventually die.===JON:  Yes.  Equality is not possible or desirable,  it's an empty politial marketing theme.  Equality of opportunity is what George Washington Carver and MLK were proponents of enacting. ===JACK:  Some words have nuances.  Equality seems to be one of them.  I believe that there was a judge who was to rule on whether something was pornographic, or not.  ""I may not be able to fully describe it, but I know it when I see it."  (or words to that effect)

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  i do not have as much as many others... does society have an obligation to make me “equal”?....people need to do for themselves, when possible... if it makes you feel good to give them money, give them yours, but don’t make the rest of us work to support endless programs that do not produce results or help anyone in the long run.  fathers should pay for their children. the social programs that we have encourage single moms and unstable family relationships... these are not worthy societal goals.===JACK:  I know that in the past you have faced difficult times.  If you had asked for money (you didn't) I probably would have responded with some help because you are a friend.  A society of caring people feel an obligation to help the needy.  Jesus recommended that thru the Parable of the Good Samaritan.  That's important to Jesus-followers.  Others do it out of empathy, which, to me, is better that doing it out of sympathy.

FROM WILLMAR REV:  That would be for us "old times" the $64,000 question and answer!! How far?! Somewhere between the Gift!, the Giver? and the Receiver?  0;-)===JACK:  I'm so old that I remember when the "$64,000 TV program" began as the "$64 radio program."  Gifts are no longer gifts when they become obligations.  "The Lord loves a cheerful giver," or as one modern translation puts it, "The Lord loves the one who gives hilariously." 

FROM THE FISH IN NOVA SCOTIA:  For years, every Friday after work, a whale and a herring would meet at a bar.  One Friday, the whale didn't show up and the herring was obviously in a very foul mood.  The bartender was reluctant to ask, but eventually felt to say, "Where's your buddy?"  The herring snapped, "I am not my blubber's kipper!"===JACK:  There's an old song..."Birds do it!  Bees do it!  Even educated fleas do it ."  I wonder if the herring eventually does it?

FROM NORM'S BLOG:   Reading (today's) quote brought to mind this oft used line from Luke 12:48 - "Everyone to whom much was given , of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more."  But it was in further researching the idea of privilege and responsibility that I found this quote -“I was taught that the world had a lot of problems; that I could struggle and change them; that intellectual and material gifts brought the privilege and responsibility of sharing with others less fortunate; and that service is the rent each of us pays for living - the very purpose of life and not something you do in your spare time or after you have reached your personal goals.” - Marian Wright Edelman  I like Edelman’s vision that serving others is the “rent” that we pay for being alive, for we are all “renters” of life here on earth. Acts of empathy and concern, as well as taking action to serve the needs of others is the rent that we pay for that time here. There will always be rent scofflaws, those who are so self-centered that they dismiss the needs of others – they skip out on their rent. Theirs is not a happy life here in earth, even though many appear to be successful. In their constant pursuit of more – money, power, possessions -they seldom feel the fulfilling joy of accomplishment that those who serve others feel in their successes.  Marian Edelman says she “was taught” her values. She does not say by whom. One can assume that she got those values from her parents, her teachers and her church. Perhaps she read Luke growing up or listened to sermons about caring and sharing. No matter how she learned, she came to the correct conclusion that those responsibilities that went along with the privileges that she enjoyed were also her purpose in life.===JACK:  Who "taught" you your value-system?

FROM RS IN TEXAS:  Further than we have been going. November 3rd.===JACK:  I wonder how you folks in Texas will vote on this issue?===RS:  Texas has been a red state for a long time, but the polls show it's close this year.  I just am disappointed so many people do not embrace the platform of affordable health care for all and other caring legislation.  Seems all they want to do is scream Socialism. All we can do is vote....help get the (Democratic) vote out....pray....and do what we can do individually.===JACK:  I'd be satisfied if some red states turned purple.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  We have a lot of systems in place to help the poor and 'needy, IF they are run efficiently!  There are always those who take advantage of the system, which tends to  turn "givers" off, but there is always so much more that needs  to be done, so those of us with a conscience try hard to make a difference in poverty-stricken lives..  As JayZ once said (who is now a millionaire, but grew up in poverty):  "The burden of poverty isn't just that you don't have the things you need; It's the feeling of being embarrassed every day of your  life, and you'd do anything to lift that burden!"  AMEN===JACK:  I did not always "hand-out" to people who asked for it.  In the Bible it advise, "Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves."  I once had a part in putting an "asker" in prison for a long time.  It turned that he was a dangerous spouse abused and had a long, long FBI rap sheet.  Our church did give many dollars and goods to worthy causes and the actual poor.


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