Monday, August 17, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words 8/17/20
“There’s no such thing as failure, there’s just giving up too soon.”  (Jonas Salk)  The need for a COVID 19 vaccine is right now!  It took Salk 2 ½ years to develop a successful vaccine for polio…and that was fast!  He used 20,000 physicians, 64,000 school personnel, 220,000 volunteers and 1.8 million children.  Salk’s message:  “Don’t give up!”  Whether it be the virus or some other problem…Keep working for a solution.  Successful people don’t give up!  ;-)  Jack

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  What a wonderful success the Salk vaccine was! Our friends the cappaerts daughter suffered all of her life!===JACK:  I knew that family, too.  My polio was limited to the right upper arm.  I was one of the lucky ones.  Luckier ones were those born after the Salk vaccine.  We'll probably be saying something similar in the future about the COVID 19 vaccine.

FROM NORM'S BLOG:  one of the hallmarks of successful people is that they don’t give up. Almost every successful person has spoken about the setbacks and trials that they had to overcome in order to reach their success. There’s a reason that you don’t see stories about those who gave up – they weren’t successful.  Almost nightly we see stories on the newscasts about outbreaks of the virus being caused by people ignoring the guidelines and doing stupid things, like going to large parties or gathering in groups on the beach. Certainly, stupidity comes into play, but the root cause was giving up. They just got tired of doing what is necessary and gave up on mask wearing and social distancing.  All of the healthcare experts caution that it is too early to stop those precautions. In fact many ae now calling for a nationwide mandate on mask wearing – a call that sets off the “it’s my right not to wear a mask” cretins. They make up a sort of “Right to Die” fringe group; which is ironic, since many are also “Right to Life” zealots. Some even claim that God gave them the right not to wear a mask. Many have tried to point out to these people that wearing a mask is not so much to protect them as it is a way that they can show concern for others, since it prevents the viruses that they may have from spreading to others. 

FROM ST PAUL:    good one,  Jack.  i put this one in my perseverance sermon file.  people love good stories like this one.  thanks. ===JACK:  I have files, yours on perseverance.  Lots of good stories, but most of  them not used.  At my demise I'll have David truck my files to your house.

FROM JW IN MN: Hi Jack,  I am incredibly pleased with your emails which I have received since our picnic at the park.  They are poignant and succinct.  And their brevity means I can fit them into my busy life.  THANK YOU!.===JACK:  It seems that you have captured the theme of what I try to do with the daily Winning Words.  Thanks for the comments.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  That is a POWERFUL example of perseverance on a huge scale!! My two cousins had polio, the boy died, and the girl was in an iron lung for weeks, but survived, with only a
"dropped foot" as a lasting effect...she became a nurse, and married a Dr! What a blessing to all of us that Dr. Salk gave us this gift! Praying the Covied vaccine won't take over 2 yrs!!===JACK:  I had to miss out on my Junior year at MHS, but was able to graduate with my class because of in-home tutoring during the quarantine year.  I believe that I am a "better" person today because of the polio.  "BAD" things can often turn out to be "GOOD" things because of the Master's hand.

FROM DLM:  Inspiring and hopeful, Jack.===JACK:  I like the quote: "Give time time."  God's calendar is not always the same as ours.  

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