Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words 9/2/20
“Don’t dwell on went wrong.  Instead, focus on what to do next.”  (Denis Waitley)  Some people oversimplify Waitley’s quote by telling others to “Get over it!”  which is easier said than done. I find it interesting to learn that “over” in this instance is a contraction of “recover.”  A 19th century book describes a sailor’s leg amputation.  In that instance, “get over” meant, “recover.” So, when something goes wrong, look for the positive.  Search for ways to “recover from it” and spend energy focusing on what to do next.  ;-)  Jack

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  thanks, i needed that! 😉===JACK:  I like..."Recover from it."  A positive message,

FROM NORM'S BLOG:  It takes a conscious effort to recover from a traumatic event in one’s life and make no mistake, many events are traumatic. The dictionary defines traumatic as an adjective meaning “emotionally disturbing or distressing.” Things like a rejection of affections or being passed over for a promotion or the death of a loved one can have as large of a traumatic impact upon us and a physical injury event. Such traumas often cause physical responses as well as physiological ones. The traumatized person may look flushed, their blood pressure may rise and they may even faint.  What is one to do to stop the trauma and begin recovery? The word “stop” is the key. One must be able to come to a complete stop mentally and step back from the thoughts and emotions that are driving the trauma. That is not easy, but making it an overt and conscious effort helps. Imagine mentally screaming STOP in your mind (maybe even say it out oud if you are alone). If you can stop the stream of thoughts that were consuming you, then you can take the next step and admit to yourself that it happened, it’s over and there is nothing that you can do to change the past. That will allow you to refocus upon the future – the what’s next step.===JACK:  "One step, and then another, and the longest journey is complete." (Unknown)

FROM TAMPA SHIRL:  Eliminating the negative emphasize the positive and enjoy each day! ===JACK:  Your answer has the makings of a song.

FROM PROUD MARY:  How about this...let’s...”Accentuate the positive”...“Eliminate the negative”...then maybe we can start to...”Forget about our worries and our strife”. Hmmmmmm...===JACK:  You're the 2nd one today with that advice.  Now, I'm waiting to hear from Johnny Mercer.

FROM OUTHOUSE JUDY:  We’re having a wonderfully blessed time getting over our vacation days in the U.P.  God surely made great places here.===JACK:  Since you've traveled to all 50 states (I think), what is the most beautiful spot?  You HAVE to pick one?===JUDY:  Michigan first, Idaho second, Oregon third and Alaska fourth.

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