Thursday, August 20, 2020

Jack’s Winning Words 8/20/20
“You never see a U-Haul behind a hearse.”  (Denzel Washington)  If I were to take my special possessions with me to the cemetery I’d need two Mayflower vans…but it ain’t gonna happen.  Life is God-designed in such a way that we come into the world with nothing and we leave the same way.  But, if you could take one thing with you, what would that be?  For me, I’m still satisfied with taking nothing, believing that all my needs will be met in God’s perfect plan.  ;-)  Jack

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  Not a thing===JACK:  Nothing?===LIZ:  i’m going to revise my answer... my dad’s beautiful artwork and wood carvings.===JACK: Do you still have the beautiful carousel pony that he carved and painted?  I still have my Jr Hi yearbook that features on the cover a beautiful eagle that he drew as art director of the book.

FROM ST PAUL:  Jack,  i heard Billy Graham use this line long be=fore Denzel.  but it doesn't really matter too much.  it's a powerful line no matter who may have first said it.  blessings on your day, ===JACK:  Yes, I know that it's an old saying, but I thought that a new generation would pay more attention to a basic truth if it came from one of their own instead of Billy (who?).===SP:  and to be more precise,  the Graham line was this:  you never see a hearse pulling a U-haul trailer.    a very minor difference.===JACK:  ...and you probably know who George Beverly Shea is, too!

FROM YOGA CA:  Trying to clear out my U-Haul ===JACK:  I have a file drawer full of all of my sermons, plus 2 file drawers of potential sermon illustrations and ideas.  When I move I'm ordering a dumpster instead of calling U-Haul.

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