Monday, January 03, 2022

 Jack’s Winning Words 1/3/22

Even the most tedious chore will become endurable as you parade through each day convinced that every task, no matter how menial or boring, brings you closer to achieving your dreams.”  (Og Mandino)  I’m not into the “resolutions thing”, but I do “resolve” at times to make some changes in my life.  How about you?  My dream is to progressively become a better person, however that’s to be achieved.  My parents used to say, “Don’t chew with your mouth full.”  I guess that goes for making resolutions, too.  “Don’t bite off more than you can chew.”  MAY YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE IN ‘22 ;-)  Jack

FROM PROUD MARY:  Whistle while you work”…or as I do hum…it makes any chore more fun. I taught myself how to whistle walking between my classes at college. Still not a pro. Perhaps I should go back and take more classes. Hummmm..,===JACK:  I've always have liked the song, Whistle While You Work.  I sometimes find myself whistling when I'm doing something I enjoy doing. ===PM:  Thanks for the suggestion and I just may contact Beth. Life goes on but do we ever really grow up? I subscribe to the Peter Pan Syndrome. ;-)===JACK  I think that the Peter Pan syndrome is in your gene pool.

FROM DAZ IN CO:  Truly a time for optimism in 2022===JACK:  "Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind."

FROM PASTY PAT:  My philosophy is that it takes a certain amount of “scut work” to keep the world turning —- just do it!😀===JACK:  I once that a pin-on button which read: "Just do it!"  I lost the button, but not the thought.

FROM THE CHIEF IN KH:  John, thanks for a year of great winning words.  I share your best with my daughters each day with a little side comment of my own to them.  I wish you a happy, healthy, safe and blessed New Year and hope to have coffee with you again soon.===JACK:  I remember our last visit and how I enjoyed meeting you.  Please share Winning Words when you can.  We can never get enough positive thinking.

FROM JOE AN:  Jack—-I don’ t do the “resolution thing” either. This year however I prayed that everyone who could get vaccinated would do so. I never give up on hope. Hope is promises God has made but we can’t yet see. Too easy of a definition?===JACK: I spent an hour recently listening to someone tell me why she didn't need to be vaccinated.  My reasons for being vaccinated were brushed aside.  I'm not sure that God wants everyone to get shots.  Maybe He wants them to, but He is not going to take back His gift of Free Will. ===JA:   Jack— maybe you are right. It could be that God knew people would use their power of free will and make a decision never to be vaccinated. I just feel sad, really sad, when adult decisions cause children to suffer.===JACK:  Talking to someone about the value of vaccinations is like preaching a sermon...sometimes the listeners listen...and sometimes they are in dreamland.  My job, as the pastor, is the preach the truth as I see it.

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