Thursday, January 13, 2022

 Jack’s Winning Words 1/13/22

“it’s not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me.”  (Batman)  I’ve read that one of the poorest places on earth are the slums of Santiago, Chile.  Reuters News tells of a man, dressed as Batman, who walks those slums streets handing out food to the needy.  He’s masked, so no one knows who he is.  I’m aware of a husband/wife who, at times, have driven the streets of Detroit handing out cookies to the homeless, huddled around the city’s steam vents.  I think that Jesus is able to see behind the mask and would approve of that kind of action.  ;-)  Jack

FROM ST PAUL IN ZONA:  lots of different ways to help people in need===JACK:  Lots of excuses to withhold help, too.  "Lord, forgive my falling shorts.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I'm sure! Elliott had dinners for the homeless on 2nd &  4th Tues. nights of  the week, in conjunction with other  chuches who signed up for a certain night.   Often had almost 100 come.   Sometimes my grandchildren came to help serve, which made them happy to be helping someone in need.!   They had to get there on their own, however...I wish now that we had sent the van downtown to pick up people! Buses ran within a block of the church. I  suppose some took the bus.===JACK:  You can remember the past and doing what you thought was right at the time....but you can't go back and change it.  CELEBRATE the worthwhile ministry that you and Bill enjoyed.

FROM SHALOM JAN:  The youth meetings at First Lutheran Church, Nashville, TN, used to end with the kids making up meal packages and then driving around town handing them out to people on the streets.  Blessings of peace within the hearts of all who help the homeless (and foodless)!===JACK:  "Church" isn't always perfect, but you've given a "perfect" example how the Church helps mold the eleemosynary spirit.

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