Friday, January 07, 2022

 Jack’s Winning Words 1/7/22

 “My father used to say, ‘Let them see you and not the suit.  That should be secondary.”  (Cary Grant)  Cary’s family didn’t have much money when he was growing up.  This quote took on extra meaning for me when I read that his father was a “clothes presser.”  He knew the value of looking nice, but he also realized that “niceness” is more than “the outside.”  Even though we didn’t have much money as a young family, we made sure that our children had their clothes “pressed” and behaved well (most of the time).  Remember to let people see the real you today.  ;-)  Jack

FROM THE BRIDGE:  Thanks, Jack, for all your messages.  Especially for this quote. How true!  I wish I had it prepared for display.    I would put it next to the one Sandy Spiczka gave me which says: Don't believe everythiing you think!===JACK:  I like that last sentence.  The mind is complex, isn't it?  

FROM GUSTIE:  Going to be hard—it is 17 below zero out there at the moment.  If I go I go out I will have on a lot of layers!!!  Ha!  (I do know that is not what you meant!)===JACK:  I had forgotten hos "frosty" those Minnesota winter mornings could be...but, for you, born raised here...a piece of cake (ice cream 
 cake)===G:  .Right!!  I remember walking to grade school which was across the tracks and over a mile—maybe 2.  You could not see my face—only my eyes!  Ha!  It was frosty all right!===JACK:  Back then, the focus wasn't so much on the cold as it was on..."You'd better not miss school.  They gave awards for ,perfect attendance.  I "never" missed Sunday School for ten years in a row...and I have a perfect attendance pin to prove it. ===G:   Me too.  I even insisted on going when I really didn’t feel good.  Guess I threw up and Mom had to come and get me—but I wanted my perfect attendance!  I still have my pin.  We changed years on it when we got a new award.  I have Clem’s too.  Wish they had not gotten away from that.  My own kids were regulars, but not my grandkids!  Uff Da!===JACK:  I think that we went regularly for reasons more than the pin.  It was part of our social life...but times change.  I satisfied that my grandchildren are "spiritual, but not religious" as one of them told me.  God understands each of us and out situations.  God loves your grandchildren and mine, too.  Remember that.

FROM RUTHIE:   Love today’s winning words.  Just finished reading Proverbs 21:2. “People may be right in your own eyes, but the Lord examines their heart.”  I pray I can see what is inside the pressed suit. ===JACK:  My mom always wanted my sister and me to "look nice" when we went to church.  I remember walking to Sunday School one Sunday,abd, a bird pooped on my shirt.  That was not a good day.

FROM WILLMAR REV:  Admittedly a strange little quirk, but my choice of wearing black all the time is to draw a first impression to my ‘white skinned’ face, smile and sometimes wink of greeting. Of course, ‘Good Morning, Father!’ puts a quick responsive smile on my face as well! 0;-)===JACK:  Just as the black suit could be misinterprted, couldn't the "wink" be thought to be frlirting?  I usually wore a black suit withe a clerical collar when doing "pastoral" duties.  It was sort of a uniform.  People knew that I was a representative for God.===REV:  Haven’t had any noted concerns over the years… may have had some but I was never informed about them…God has been gracious to me in that regard, I guess?! 0;-) ===JACK:  Have you ever played Santa Claus at Christmastime?  

FROM DR J IN FLA:  Heard it’s a little chilly in Minnesota? Enjoying my morning coffee in the lanai! barefoot!===JACK:  If you think that makes me jealous, it doesn't, because I'm shivering at the kitchen counter at 38 below enjoying my oatmeal and a hot cup of Sumatra.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Money for clothes for dad and mom was scarce. when we were dressing four children, but I sewed, and I  think we always looked decent! One of our parishioners in Dixon was shocked to find I wore slacks like every other woman, on week days, as I always was "so dressed up" for Sunday services!! She brought  some baked goods over, and there I was in SLACKS! Made me much more "human" to her! HA!===JACK:  My brother-in-law (who was a pastor) had a parishioner hand him a $100 bill and said, "Here, go buy yourself a new suit."  At least you weren't told to go and buy some new slacks.

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