Thursday, December 30, 2021

 Jack’s Winning Words 12/30/21

“You’ll never do a whole lot unless you’re brave enough to try.”  (Dolly Parton)  Recently,  in Winning Words, it was suggested that Dolly Parton might be the “national” figure to unite the fractured United States of America. Are you one who thinks it’s an impossible task even for her?  When faced with difficult problems, a lot of us give up too soon.  And, most of these problems  are smaller than trying to unite America..  Dolly says that whatever the problem, you’ve got to be brave enough to TRY for a solution.  Dolly for President!  Anyone?  ;-)  Jack

FROM SALON SUZY:  Me for sure. Goi g skiing to Utah next week with my family ====JACK:  I wish that I had beld bold enough to try skiing in my younger days, but I was doing other "fun" things at the time.  There's a poem..."Only one life, 'twill soon be pasr."  We each pick and choose.  I don't regret how he younger years were spent.

FROM KLM:  Yes, Dolly for president.  I agree.  ===JACK:  Which Dolly?  The one with the wig? or the Dolly thar the camera doesn't see.  Each of us has REAL self. 

FROM DR J IN OHIO:  Yes! DOLLY!===JACK:  What is there about Dolly that you really like?

FROM WILLMAR REV:  We’ll never know unless she gives up and doesn't run! 0;-) ===JACK:  What is there about her that you like?  Is she AG?

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