Thursday, January 06, 2022

 Jack’s Winning Words 1/6/22

“The greatest enemy of learning is knowing.”  (John Maxwell)  Bible Studies are unsettling for me because, the more I learn from that book, the more there is yet to learn.  How is it possible to say that I can “know the Infinite?”  What “unsettles” me is this: the more I know about God, the more there is yet to know.  It’s that way with the Bible, too.  The more I know, the more there is yet to know.  When famous theologian Karl Barth was asked to summarize his faith in a single sentence, he said, “Jesus loves me, this I know.”  How are you doing with the Infinite?  ;-)  Jack 

FRO, JOE AN:  I just say, “I trust You, Jesus.” It’s as simple as that for me. Jack—-it’s cold out there so grab a book and don’t go out!===JACK:  Yes, it's cold out there.  Off to Blaine in an hour.  Minnesota is not for sissies.===JA:  Yes Jack I’m a warm sissy and have no regrets—haha!===JACK:  Minnesotans are like Sisyphus, t6hinking that "tomorrow, it will be war4mer."

FROM WILLMAR REV:  In the midst of my shortcomings and many I have as revealed in God's Word; I think of this Scripture often:   "Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!" -Romans 7:24-25 (ESV)===JACK:  I just knew that you'd have a Bible verse in answer to my comment.  "Wretched" is an onomatopoeia word.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I'm satisfied that there are some things we'll never know in this life, but we have enough "light" to live a  meaningful one !  It is comforting to know we are loved with an ;unconditional love, and that we should extend that love to each other!===JACK:  I'm uncomfortable around people who always seem to have the answer to everything.  I never liked the wor4d, pedant.

FROM BB IN CHGO:  I return to that song again and again in my mind. Sometimes our simple childhood faith seems closest to understanding the infinite ===JACK:  That 'childhood faith" was a good foundation for what has come after.  The stories, the songs, the simplicity...You don't expect babies to begin life by eating steak and potatoes.

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