Friday, December 17, 2021

 Jack’s Winning Words 12/17/21

“I’m sorry we have to raise children in these dystopian times.”  (A.A.Milne)  Charles Dickens  began A Tale of Two Cities with the words: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”  Author Milne uses neither best nor worst, but uses the word, dystopian (scary) to describe the 1920s-1930s..  Dsytopian could describe our current world, too…viruses, climate-change, animosity.  It takes faith to become a parent today.  In fact, it takes faith to raise children in any time.  Were you born in the best or the worst of times?  ;-) Jack   

FROM HOMELESS:   pssst... climate change is the same "science" that brought you the virus and myriad genders. and then there's the profit motive to considered. ===JACK:  Words, words, words....used to frighten people or to bolster arguments.  I only took a few science classes...and I learned enough to trust most scientists (but not all).

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  good one, Jack.  very fitting for the times in which we now live===JACK:  I like the word, dystopian, for its sound and for how descriptive it is.===SP:  it also makes a person sound quite intelligent:):):).     btw,  what is the exact meaning of this word?? ===JACK:  Dystopia is a made-up word and means, utopia that has gone wrong.  I say that it simply means: scary.     


FROM WILLMAR REV:  I'll have to wait until later to really know, as said so often--  

"It ain't over till the fat lady sings!!" 0;-)===JACK:  There will be "signs."  Others pretend to know what they are.  As for mr, I'll know them when I see them.  Dystopian will be replaced with utopian.===REV:  I cheated and went to the back of the Book like you must have to know . . .  And he said to me, “These words are trustworthy and true. And the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, has sent his angel to show his servants what must soon take place.”  “And behold, I am coming soon. Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.” He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!” (Revelation 22:6-7, 20 ESV) 0;-)===JACK:  "Soon" is a word that is subject to onterpretation.  The early Christians were "certain" that soon meant "in their lifetime."  "Soon" means to me that the end  (or 2nd coming) when least expected.  "No one knows the day nor the hour, so always be prepared."===REV:  As my friend, the author here has stated in which I agree wholeheartedly, "There will be 'signs.'  Others pretend to know what they are.  As for him and me, we'll know them when we see them.  Dystopian will be replaced with utopian!" 0;-) ===JACK:  That's what I was trying to say.

ROM DAIRYLAND DONNA:  The 50's were great. Played outside and came home when it got dark. Rode our bikes to the swimming pool in the summer and no one ever had to tell us to play outside. TV was a special thing we did almost always as a family. Life seemed so simple.  Take care Jack! Feeling sad for my Grandkids.  Merry Christmas! Christ is born!===JACK:  ..and Ike was President.  But, try not to be sorry for your grandkids.   They are making their own memories and will be able to put them into perspective.  I grew up during the Great Depression.  There are things that I'd just as soon forget, but they made me who I am today.  But you are right.  The 'freedom" we enjoyed is missing in the lives of today's kids.

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  science evolves, by definition... it's the mad scientists we have to worry about!  whitey's has peppermint ice cream cake roll for holidays... 🎄===JACK:  It is wrong to assume that all scie3ntists are good; and it is wrong to assume that there are no "mad" ministers.  But, as far as science is concerned and far "holy" writings are concerned, it makes a BIG difference as to how they are used.  By themselves, they are benign.

FROM MY LAWYER:  Coming out of the worst and became the best…so far!!! ===FDR was able to forge a semblance of unity through his Fireside Chats.

FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  Interesting WW this morning and especially since we are with our kids and grandkids, give me some reflection.  My thought is I was born in the best of times when folks believed in Church and it’s importance to their families and yet the worst of times because there was so much divisiveness theologically among believers.  Now actually we’ve had all of this ecumenical work, Vatican II and charitable work with cooperation between believers and that makes it seem like this should be the best of times for the Church but instead recognized authority or something seems to have broken down or maybe people are much more demanding of authenticity, anyway it’s also the worst of times for the Church and the world needs the Church so badly.  Our kids and grandkids are in a family structure, grandpa and grandma never experienced—we are the ones here who are the church people and wondering how to act—not being preachy or anything or offputting but sincere and authentic to our relationships to God and each other and not modeling something that is not helpful—the world needs all of us as messed up as everything seems to be now.===JACK:  We judge as we see it; God judges as He sees it.  The two judgments do not necessarily agree, and that'sa OK.  We are not perfect.  God is like old baseball umpire (when he was criticized) saaid: "I cals 'em as I sees 'em."  That's what umpires are for.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  The BEST of  times. Such a happy childhood and teen yrs, and great time to raise kids. Drugs weren't prevalent, war was over for the most part, etc A lot less scary than the present  times. I feel sorry for the kids dealingf with the Covid pandemic so young!!~!===JACK:  I wonder what today's kids will say about their growing-up years when they become adults.  The Great Depression and WW 2 were dystopian times, too, yet I have some fond memories of "back then."


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