Friday, December 03, 2021

 Jack’s Winning Words 12/3/21

“We think too much and feel too little.”  (Charlie Chaplin)  There was a time when I only saw Chaplin as a silent-movie comedian.  As I’ve grown older, I now realize that comedy is “life” to those who “think” and “tragedy” to those who “feel.”  Charlie was criticized during WW 2 for his pacifist views, but his distaste of the Nazis was shown in a comedic way through his film,  “The Great Dictator.”  Chaplin movies now make me say, “A-ha!” as well as, “Ha-ha.”  I don’t know if it’s funny to you, but Charlie Chaplin entered a Chaplin-look-alike contest…and lost.  ;-)  Jack

FROM CARING CARRIE:  Hi there, I wanted to say hi and check in and wish you and your family a Merry Christmas.  I always love seeing your name pop up on my e-mail. ===JACK:  I like the way you reach out to help a segment of people, often taken advantage of.  Keep up the good work.

FROM ME IN NEWPORT BEACH:  I have always felt lucky in life and lucky to have grown up when I did in northern Wisconsin. I think I have lived during the best time in the history of the world and have always felt that life in Wisconsin Was much like the Norman Rockwell Saturday evening post paintings and the pandemic made me appreciate life in the Midwest all the more.  On the other hand I think ours is the first generation in my lifetime to leave our children a lesser world, for which we are all responsible in one form or another.  If everyone was as responsible and positive as you have been throughout your life, the foregoing would certainly not be the case and I feel very fortunate to have you still very much in my life. Thank you for continuing to be such a substantive factor and mentor in my life.===JACK:  I have always felt fortunate to have had you as one of my confirmation students.  My "message" seemed to have gotten through to you.  We each find ourselves in our own crucible.  "Life is what it is" to each of us.  "How God plays a role in each life" is what I tried to teach.  Just as the farmer sows the seed...some of the seeds take root and grow....

FROM BB IN CHGO:  I never knew about the contest before; that’s hysterical.

Wonder if you ever watch stand-up comedy on TV?  I know most of them are raunchy, lots of bad language and such but I’ve recently enjoyed Ronny Chieng who I’m going to see on Sunday night in Chicago.

He had a 2019 special that really made me laugh.  Perhaps you’d find it too urban – lots of jokes about NY subway and such but he ties his story together for a pleasant end.  Apparently he had three weddings to one woman due to families living at distance and strong cultural Chinese imperatives.===JACK:  Comedy is a funny business.

FROM SR IN SJ:  A-ha!!!!! It's news to me, Jack!  Thanks.===JACK:  Ha-Ha

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  That's a hoot! H:ow on earth do you find these bits of Trivia  ??!  Glad you do, love to get your WW! :-)  Enjoyed today's especially with its insights into what's funny;. Amazing how picturing someone slipping and falling down usually brings laughter;, isn't it?!===JACK:  I've come to the conclusion that some people have a sense of humor, and some don't.  Monty Python's "Silly Walk" cracks me up.  I'm giving one of my grandsons a Silly Walk wall clock as a Christmas present.  The hands are the legs of the silly walk man pasted on the face of the clock.  You can imagine the contortions.  HaHaHa.

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  it is a compliment! 🍸===JACK:  I saw it as a compliment...intended or not.  I never was thought of as a nerd.


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