Wednesday, December 08, 2021

 Jack’s Winning Words 12/8/21

“Let’s pray that in this Holiday Season that people come together, that peace replaces hate, and that love conquers all.”  (Quoted by Luci Ybarra)  I live in a very diverse community, so it seems appropriate, at this time of the year to say, “Happy Holidays.”  There’s not only Christmas, bu there’s Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Omisoka, Boxing Day etc.  The main thing is that we have a smile on our face and don’t get “in a knot” over semantics.  This is the time of the year to show our desire for “peace on Earth and goodwill to all.  “I’m dreaming of a peaceful Christmas.”  ;-)  Jack

FROM JJ IN SJ:  Me too, Jack. Thanks ===JACK:  I always smile when I hear Tiny Tim say: "A Merry Christmas to us all; God bless us, every one!"  Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol. is a favorite of mine.

FROM EDUCATOR PAUL:  My mother would often say in Yiddish and then English….“From your lips to G’ds ears!”===JACK:  Isn't it great to be able to remember?

FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  Amen, Pastor Freed.===JACK:  Your "short" answer today says it all.   I suppose what you hear at your church is:   Hoover yah yah yah ornelas thought Tabata 

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  well stated, Jack,  well stated... and happy holidays to you too.  ===JACK:  Gud Yule to you, too!

FROM JOE ANN:  Each morning of 2022 I’m going pray that I remember that being kind is more important than being right.===JACK:  I need to start doing that TODAY!

FROM SHALOM JAN:  Amen, Jack!===JACK:  I didn't think to say, "Amen," when I greeted you after you preached at Holy Spirit recently.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Peaceful would be lovely!  This pandemic is a challenge, but if we mask up, things are doable !  Thankful to be with family over the Holidays!!===JACK:  But what about family who refuse to mask or to be vaccinated?  I've heard most of the excuses...and just shake my head.

FROM DS IN SOCAL:  I think you will enjoy this....kind of fits with the things you send out.   Sign: "Stop trying make everyone happy.  You're not tequila."===JACK:  I'm impressed and thankful when a few people say to me, "That sermon today was just meant for me."

FROM SR IN SJ:  And so am I, my friend, a loving, peaceful, sharing, grateful spirit to give credence to the mystery of Emmanuel among us!@===JACK:  There once was a weekly radio program:  "I Love a Mystery."  It wasn't about God.


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