Thursday, December 02, 2021

 Jack’s Winning Words 12/2/21

“We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.”  (RLS)  I know someone who’s traveled to every continent in the world. while my passport has all blank pages.  I like this definition of a friend:  ”…someone who knows all about you and likes you just the same.”  Some friends have called me “weird”, and I take that as a compliment.  One of my favorite hymns is, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus.”  I don’t know that He’d call me, “Weird,” but I do know that He’d be my BFF (and yours, too)..   ;-)  Jack

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  is it BFFL?   Best friend for life?    just curious.. ===JACK:  In my computer-speak, BFF stands for Best Friends Forever..

FROM PROUD MARY:  We’re on our way to California. Day two of a road trip that will bring us to children and grandchildren. I love observing and talking with people along the way. I’ve been referred to as weird myself but I think it’s served me well over the years. When we meet up with Jesus I think we’ll be just fine. Imagine  what the people thought of him when he walked the earth yet he gathered many friends…and still. Thanks for the song of the day!===JACK:  Talking about weird...How about John the Baptist eating locusts and wild honey.  The honey might not be so bad, but, locusts?  No thanks.

FROM WILLMAR REV:  Speaking as person (minister) who has and enjoys working on a pastoral staff and feels fulfilled in his ministry when he can enhance, compliment another or be complimented himself for a job well done . . . my  (tongue 'n cheek) definition of "a true friend" is one you can call upon at 2am to get out of bed and go do a ministerial task in good spirit when you don't want to get up and do yourself?! 0;-))===JACK:  You've answered many of those 2 AM calls by getting out of bed and going to where you've been needed.  Praise God for pastors such as you.  There are plenty of stars in your crown.===REV:  …as always you are too kind…but as always appreciated by the encouragement you give… 0;-)===JACK:  As the old umpire said: "I calls 'em as I sees 'em."

FROM JOE ANN:  I love this quote! Reading it is a wonderful way to start my day. Thank you Jack.===JACK:  What was the first thing you read today?  For me, it was an e-mail from my son (who serves as my WWs editor) saying that I should rework tomorrow's Winning Words.

FROM SR IN SJ:  Ah, YES!  Whee, here is a sunny day!!===JACK:  Are there morning prayers at St B's that should be said at a particular time?===SR:  Yes, there are: Lauds which we pray at 7:00 a.m.===JACK:  I understand that "lauds" is supposed to occur in the early morning hours.  7 am doesn't sound like early morning to me.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Friendship certainly enriches our lives, and "old" friends are SO treasured~!  New friends add richness to the present , which we need as well!! I cherish all my friendships!!===JACK:  Do you remember the song, Friendship, just a perfect blendship et?  You and Jan might have sung it.


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