Thursday, July 29, 2021

 Jack’s Winning Words 7/29/21

“There are many kinds of selfishness in this world, but the most selfish is hoarding time, because none of us know how much we have, and it is an affront to God to assume there will be more.”  (Mitch Albom)  Jim Croce’s “Time In A Bottle” is one of my all-time favorite songs.  What would it be like to spend minutes and days just with people you love, doing just the things you like to do.  That’s not reality.  So, we’re left to make the best use of an unknown amount of time that’s ours.  If you were to bottle 24 hours of time, how would the labels read?  ;-)  Jack 

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  your WWs are getting longer and more profound, Jack.===JACK:  I don't know that anyone ever said that about my Sunday sermons.

FROM BB IN CHGO:  I’m so glad that you’ve been given more time than most and that you were fortunate/blessed to find someone to share your time with after Mary’s passing.  My mom really never did; 35 years of happy marriage and now…40+ on her own.  It’s not only the hours/time we have but how they are spent and with whom they’re shared, no?  Sometimes a few minutes or hours in certain company can feel like a lifetime!===JACK:  Time passes...and then there is no more.  Each of us spends the time that is ours, likee shoppers in a store...and finally the purse is empty.  I've enjoyed my purchases (for the most part).  How about you?===BB:  Yes, I have too.  I feel like more adventures are in store, but if they are not, I’m pleased to have enjoyed a full and abundantly blessed life.===JACK:  How was the Bunny Reunion?"

FROM JO-AN IN ST-JO:  This was such an easy question for me to answer. The label would read “Please read this book to me.” When a young child hands you their favorite book, climbs up in your lap, and puts their thumb in their mouth the magic begins. I always feel so honored they chose me to give life back to words they have heard many times before. They trust me to smile and frown and to laugh and even wipe away a tear because I’m a big person who never really grew up. That’s the greatest compliment a young child can give to us big people. So yes I would read story after story to child after child. And I lived happily ever after.===JACK:  I can tell that you were a teacher and one loved by the kids.  Some of my best times in church was when I sat on the altar steps and talked with the children.  If there were no children on a particular Sunday, I asked those felt like children to come forward.  I'll bet you'd be in that group.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Time with ALL the family!! :-)===JACK:  You have one of the largest families that I know of.  How many?

FROM SALON SUZY:  :We both love time in a bottle too….===JACK:  I miss Jim Croce.  David helps me get acquainted with new singers who have not yet been discovered.

FROM HOMELESS:  I love this one! Very poetic thoughts and a thought provoking ending question. I will have to ponder than more when I have a free mind moment.===JACK:  If you're wondering about your life and the time that you the sand in an hourglass.




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