Thursday, July 22, 2021

 Jack’s Winning Words 7/21/21

“The size of your audience doesn’t matter.  What’s important is that your audience is listening.”  (Randy Pausch)  I remember a time when a funeral director asked me to conduct a woman’s funeral.  I prepared the service; wrote a sermon.  Music was playing when I entered the funeral home.  But, there were no mourners.…just the undertaker and me.  I conducted the service anyway.  In retrospect, God was there.  He was my audience.  In Sunday School we used to sing: Be careful little mouth what you say, for the Father up above is looking down in love, so be careful little mouth what you say.”  How about letting that thought go with you today!  ;-)  Jack 

FROM SALON SUZY:  Conviction! Thanks for this insite today===JACK:  Chit chat at the salon can be more than chit chat...sometimes.===SS:  Not just at the salon…. Every where…===JACK:  Without naming names, what's some surprising chit-chat that has come to your ears?  

FROM THE "MAD" SCIENTIST.:  I have the challenge of multi tasking. Definitely important to think about presence in the audience and whether they are actually listening===JACK:  A sermon involves multi-tasking...seeing faces in the audience and "couching" words to fit different situations.===MS:  Ha! Yes, as the speaker I guess one is multi tasking. I meant I have trouble not multitasking when I’m listening.  I try doing things like taking notes or doodling or folding laundry, which use up just enough brain power to keep my mind from wandering off. ===JACK:  I sometimes wonder what it might have been like to have had you as my pastor.  You would have been a good one - IMO. 

FROM BB IN CHGO:  I remember that childhood song; glad the words still stick with me today.===JACK:  ...And, think the the things your children will remember  from what you tried to teach them in their formative years.  "So be caredul all you moms, what you teach!"

FROM WILLMAR REV:  Been there a time or two myself. 0;-) ===JACK:  As I was preaching, I remember seeing a wife poke her husband in the ribs to wake him up.  I could hardly keep from laughing.

FROM EDUCATOR PAUL:  I’m haunted by a few things that have come through my “little mouth” at times during my life. No matter what anyone says or how much time  passes, there is sincere regret.===JACK:  Be sure that your brain and your mouth are working together.

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