Thursday, July 15, 2021


Jack’s Winning Words 7/15/21

“The game of life is the game of boomerangs.  Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later…with astounding accuracy.”  (Florence Shinn)  The boomerang began as a weapon used by Australian aborigines as early as 50,000 years ago.  It’s a curved stick that, when thrown properly, can go 30 yards and return to the thrower.  In Shinn’s quote, she compares our deeds and words as “rangs” which have a way of coming back at us…for good or bad.  Has it ever happened to you…words that spoken have returned to haunt you?  ;-)  Jack

FROM NORM'S BLOG:  When I read (your) quote I thought immediately of the 1961 song by Charlie Drake, “My Boomerang Won’t Comeback.” When looking up who sang the song, in almost every mention of it in the search results, it was labeled as a racist song. I never thought if it that way, but maybe that is one of my boomerangs returning to cause me compunction.  We see this boomerang effect quite often as we watch politicians or other “public figures” squirm and backpedal on TV as they are confronted by their past statements or actions. Some have developed compunction about those events and statements, but many still defend them. I recall the miraculous “conversion” of George Wallace from avid racist during his days as Governor of Alabama to the inclusive, anti-racist candidate for President. He could not duck fast enough to avoid those boomerangs.===JACK:  What goes around, comes around....The story of life...the description of the boomerang.  THERE IS A GOD!

FROM RS IN TEXAS:  Especially these days...someone is always listening....and posting on social media.===JACK:  I see your stuff on Facebook.  I generally just scroll that site and respond occasionally.  While I have a Twitter account, I never use it.  I guess I don't have worry about being blocked.  I hope to see you at the Merrill reunion.

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