Friday, July 16, 2021


Jack’s Winning Words 7/16/21

“Doesn’t matter what a person’s name is as long as he behaves himself.”  (L.M. Montgomery)  When I was in grade school, teachers graded pupils (E-Excellent; VG-Very good, G-Good and P-poor).  They were not happy parents when I came home with P in Deportment (behavior).  We all have our personality quirks, and mine happens to be that I enjoy being mischievous.  So…what does it mean to behave yourself?  That could be a interesting topic for a family discussion.  What is deportment, in God’s mind?   

FROM BS IN ENGLAND:  Deportment in England means posture, gait!  Who says that we speak the same language?===JACK:  I recall a 2nd definition here: How you present yourself.  Language can be fun. 

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:   i used to get docked for talking too much in class.   imagine that?:):):) ===JACK:  What did "dock" mean?  I seem to recall that if a worker underperformed, his pay would be "docked."  Hey....that might improve clergy performance.===SP:  i think its slang for being judged for, yes,  underperformance or breaking some minor rule or regulation.===JACK:   To dock:  To penalize by taking away privileges. 

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  you? mischievous? i simply do not believe it! 😂===JACK:  Your father was there to see it.  We were in the same class through 3rd grade...then, later in Junior High.  

FROM WILLMAR REV:  "The devil made me do it?!?!" 0;-)===JACK:  My sister recently told me that she prayed to God that I wouldn't become a gangster.  So, evidently, God had a part in protecting me from Sam Scratch. 

FROM HOMELESS:  Huh, I never would have assigned the attribute of behavior to deportment. Now that's a new way of looking at things.===JACK:  Behavior or deportment?  The3 key word is POOR!===H:  You truly are not cut from the same "cloth" as most people of God, but that's why God picked you to live and deliver his word. You push boundaries, challenge people to look at things from a different perspective and pave the way to acceptance.===JACK:  Thanks for the compliment.

FROM MY LAWYER:  You've more than made up for your deficiencies!!!  I'll give you an "E"!!!===JACK:  Thanks, but then was then and now is now.  I keep wondering what it was that I did to deserve such a grade.  I just know that I was mischievous as a boy.

FROM BB IN CHGO:  The word, “behave”.

I was a misbehaver too and that word was often used by itself with a lot of emphasis:  “Behave!!!”  I had the same marking system at my Lutheran school in the 60’s as you did though my family (as you know) was “Missouri Synod”.In any case, I got positive marks for “listens well and pays attention”  I received poor for talking out of turn/speaking in class.  No surprise there😊===JACK:  "Behave" is in the eye of the beholder (grader).  When I was teaching confirmation I appreciated cleverness...but not "acting up."  I remember two specific instances when mothers had to come and sit by their child to keep them under control.   


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