Wednesday, February 24, 2021

 Jack’s Winning Words 2/24/21

“It’s not what you know, but what you do with what you know.”  (Unknown)  This song. Swinging On A Star, comes to mind, and the line, “You can better than you are,” followed by the question, “or would you rather be a mule?”  Many people put down Liberal Education, knowing something about a lot of things.  I had my majors (philosophy/religion), but English, psychology, history, geology, sociology all helped me be a better pastor.  What studies have helped you to be a better person?  ;-)  

FROM WILLM,AR REV:  . a very unique book that puts a little ‘salt’ on all the others, called the B I B L E!”  0;-)===JACK:  :  Did you ever sing, The B I B L E, that's good enough for me?===REV:   Being a Sunday School and Vacation Bible School graduate, many times! 0;-) 

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL':  i totally agree, Jack.   a good liberal arts education helped me in my ministry a thousand times over because i could talk to just about anyone about sooo many different topics.   btw, i think it was Sammy Davis, Jr. that first sang that song. taek care, ===JACK:  Just this morning my daughter Beth asked how Geology hellped me become a better  pastor.   told her that it helped me understand the earth andmn its creation...and the beginnings of the animals and humankind, people I would be working with.===SP:  my Mother told me many times that sooner or later i would use just about every bit of knowledge i had ever learned earlier in my life.  i think she was right.   Mom was a wise woman===JACK:  I wonder why three Wise Women didn't come to see Jesus?

FRFOM FACEBOOK LIZ:  my minor in economics, especially.  we need to return to trade schools, and to teaching basics like math, english, instead of making excuses for students as to why they aren’t learning.far too many people have no employable skills, much less $15/hr skills. we’re headed to more despair on this misguided path.===JACK:  I totally agree.  I know a young man who is learning operate all kinds of earth-moving machines.  Pretty soon he'll be getting his "journeyman's" license and will be able to get a good job.

 FROM NORM'S BLOG:  Do you know someone who is never happy with what they have and always searching for ways to get more? Maybe you know someone who claims to be searching to “find myself”, to find some purpose and meaning to their life. It is not unusual for the young to go through phases like that, to have many questions for which there are no apparent answers. This is usually a period of a lapse in faith that occurs between being a child and accepting and understanding your faith as an adult.  As a child you were told about Jesus and the love of God and you just embraced it, not questioning it, just accepting that love as you accepted the love of your parents. So called “child-like innocence” protected you from the doubts that would later creep into your mind.===JACK:  Isn't there a song, Love Is A Many Splendored Thing?  God's love is like that.

FROM JU IN NC:  Studying the Bible has been the best subject for me.  It has helped me study the most important subject, myself.  Geography has been very enjoyable,  I began an interest in it at the age of six.  Math, I must say, has been my least successful.  It was only a few years ago that I learned 2+2 is not 5.  Imagine my surprise when I discovered it really is 6.===JACK:  Math can be a problem, but so can "reading the Bible."   I find that's helpful to have a "good" commentary available to explain some of the stories.  The Bible is a book that is not always to be taken literally.  It can be a Great Book when you understand what it says.

FROM HONEST JOHN:  I think we received a first class education at Augie.    We had some great teachers....Holcomb, Naeseth, Celms, Erickson......===JACK:  Since I went to the same school, I have to agree.  Fine teachers help steer our thoughts and give us new ones.  Sometimes Liberal Arts colleges are looked down upon.  Not for me.  I learned things besides my philosophy major, like how to sing Swedish songs.

FROM LBP:  Gained some new knowledge recently. Flipped some mental models I was holding. Had to take a day to process the now what!? I will not say ignorance is bliss, but it certainly can become comfortable.  Was it the GI Joe tagline “knowing is half the battle”?===JACK:  I've found knowledge in crossword puzzles and in talking with people.===L:  Yes! It was a public service announcement series with GI Joe and crew from my childhood. ===JACK: Yay!  The memory bank is open for withdrawals.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  Love that song! Jan's 4 girls used to sing that for programs, each taking a different animal! "But then if you hate to go to school,   you may grow up ;to be a MULE! Many of us prize knowledge on a broad scale...makes for interesting conversation with others! And if your are in the Ministry, you use every bit of talent and know-how, and liberal ed knowledge you have! So thankful to have been blessed with a good education. So many are denied the chance to really learn in a meaningful way!!===JACK:  Because of a college and seminary like Augie, I didn't grow up to be a mule....Maybe a "Smart A**"  A broad knowledge has been helpful in  many conversations.

FROM GUSTIE:  My Larks were singing that song last Spring when rehearsals were so abruptly suspended.  Wonder if we will ever get back together again.===JACK:  With your enthusiasm, I'm confident that the Larks will "fly" again.  Begin thinking about the music you will use. ===G:  Depending on the time of year we will use what we were working on last Spring when everything shut down.===JACK:  I'd like to be there to hear it.  

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1 comment:

Jj said...

A liberal education dispels your certitude. The more you know about a subject, the more you know how much you don't know. It makes you curious, a life long learner.