Wednesday, February 10, 2021

 Jack’s Winning Words 2/10/21

“The only mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.”  (John Powell)  Written errors can be eliminated by erasers.  But, how do you get rid of life mistakes?  At  times they linger, and you just have to learn to live with them…and living with them can sometimes mean learning from them.  A
 couple whose relationship was “rocky” said that in the end the “bumps” were outweighed by “our commitment to each other.”  Instead of dwelling on our mistakes we can try to embrace them and actually learn from them.    ;-)  Jack


Several years ago a tornado. Swept through my Kansas  community. While driving through an affected neighborhood I observed a gentleman showing his damaged property littered with tree limbs and other items, to another person. Somewhat expressively, may I add.  A few weeks later a home repair van sat parked in front of his neighbors house.  The sound of hammers eminating from inside.  Tree limbs and trash remaining in the other property.  After we experience a setback are we content to spend our days living in leftover debris, or do we call for "home repair"?===JACK:  There could be extenuating circumstances, but, in reality, sometimes we are content to let things go instead of doing the thing that needs doing.

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