Tuesday, February 16, 2021


Jack’s Winning Words 2/16/21

“Don’t give what you think they want.  Give them what they never thought was possible.”  (Orson Welles)  Why do over 100 million people watch the NFL Super Bowl?  Many of them do so to watch the ads.  Coca-Cola usually has good ones.  Budweiser, one of the most popular, did not appear this year.  Instead, the company gave its ad money to a COVID Vaccination Awareness program.  “Bud” did the improbable, giving away ad money to support an eleemosynary cause.  ;-)  Jack 

FROM EDUCATOR PAUL:  Ok!!!! You made me look up eleemosynary! ===JACK:  Success!  😂

FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:  viewership was the lowest since 2007. people don’t want what the nfl is giving them.===JACK:  Times change, don't they?  Even churches have to adjust to change as do restaurants, bars, schools, malls and sports. ===LIZ:  at first i thought “what a typo”.  but, knowing you, i looked up “eleemosanary.”;;;JACK:  It's fun to have fun, isn't it?...and to learn something, too?

FROM WILLMAR REV:  "Bud was Weiser!!" 0;-) ===JACK:  You were weiser when you chose church work  over being a pro bowler.  I'm that there were many "Buds" consumed at the "alleys."

FROM RVB IN WB:  You are always teaching ..."eleemosynary"===JACK:  I appreciate the eleemosynary work that you do...so well! 

FROM LUCIE:  I had to look up eleemosynary  ;-)  Thanks for sharing a new word!===JACK:  It's a word I learned in seminary.  I like the sound of it when you learn how to pronounce it.   Try it now!  ee-lee-MOS-ih--narry. 

FROM JU IN NC:    Thanks Jack!  We could all use some clarity on charity. ===JACK:  Very clever.  You always seem to add something that make Winning Words winninger.

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:  did you ever use that eleemosynary  word in a sermon?===JACK:  I never could pronounce it...until I looked it up today...so, it was not a sermon word.===SP:  your audience would either be impressed or turned off:):):)===JACK:  How can you tell if they're turned off?  Oh, that's right!  You've never had a "turned off" audience.===SP:  you can tell if the offering plate comes back empty:):):)  ===JACK:  Does the fact that 3 of my former churches have closed say something?===SP:  are you serious??   what the %$#$#$%%  are we doing wrong as Lutherans!   we are  pretty good at doing the Great Commandment (love) but we are really crappy at doing the Great Commission (evangelism).   really kind of sad.   is Holy Spirit still up and running?      and does their closing make you feel kind of sad??    also, i know the former SLLC has surely struggled too. ===JACK:  Each closing has "a story<" and there comes a time...for humans and for churches, too.  The two congregations that I started from "scratch" are still in business .===SP:  wow,  how many parishes did you serve in your illustrious career? ===JACK:  Not that many.  I served a 3-point parish as my first call.  3 sermons each Sunday (lots of driving); 3 church council; 3 youth groups; 6 ladies aids; 3 an nual meeting; 3 confirmation classes...etc.  It was a great learning experience.  All 3 churches closed (not because of me, but because of extenuating circumstances).  Next I started a church in a suburb of Chicago.  I then moved to start the church in WB, Michigan, which is not observing it's 50th anniversary.  I retired in 1992, and began my Winning Words ministry at that time.  


FROM FACEBOOK LIZ:   you teach me a lot of good stuff!===JACK:  I want to be a teacher as well as a preacher  I enjoy what I do.===LIZ:  sadly, corrupt govt is a constant thru the ages, and has gotten a toehold here for the time being... but people are witnessing it firsthand, and that is the best teacher. so there are many silver linings to the madness.===JACK:  It is what it is.  We change what we can, and we adapt if we can't.

FROM BLAZING OAKS:  I surmise you made most  of us go to the dictionary this morning! :-) I watch the Superbowl because I love the game; when ads come on I'm apt to turn to my crossword, or book; Guess I miss some fun! Bully for Budweiser for their charity; I'm sure it did more good than Beer ads would! ===JACK:  "Bud", by giving to charity, really was "giving" an ad.  But, that's OK by me.  As for the crossword puzzle, many people tune in to the S B, just for the ads.  Since you missed it, "Old" Tom Brady (from Michigan) did a super job as QB this year ===OAKS:   It'd be interesting to know I I would have become so interested in Football, had I not married an outstanding Football player, and subsequently had 3 sons playing the sport with honors. Tho they were also wrestlers, and I am not addicted to watching wrestling!===JACK: 

FROM ER IN SKO:  Thank you for enlightening me twice. I have never heard or come across that choice eleemosynary word. I also wasn't aware of Budweiser's good deed. Kudos to Budweiser!===JACK:  Evidently someone at "Bud" knew the word, or the spirit of the word.



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