Friday, February 12, 2021


Jack’s Winning Words 2/12/21

“The heart should be cultivated with more assiduity than the head.”  (Noah Webster)  I had to go to Noah’s “book” to discover the meaning of assiduity.  Now, I see how that word can fit into a quote for Valentine’s Day (this Sunday).  Someone said that when you fall in love, you should do it “head first.”   No one has been able to figure out (really) how love works.  Both head and heart need to be involved.  What’s been your experience with love, currently or in the past?  ;-)  Jack

FROM BS IN ENGLAND:  I would say that one should think with the head when falling in love, but really it is the heart that wins.  That is what I  think when falling in love twice  (  so far ) in my life.  Happy St Valentine's  Day ❤===JACK:  I'm wondering if Valentine's Day is a BIG DEAL in England, with candy and flowers and cards?  My experience is that most people fall in love "eyes first."  Later on, it"s..."I should have used my head."

===BS:  Absolutely!  We have in Norfolk Jack Valentine who knocks on a neighbours door, leaves a small gift and runs away before the occupant answers. Great fun when we were children!   Flowers, chocolates and cards are given to your true love.  Our team rector has dedicated his service to love 💘  and will film from my church All Saints Shipdham and All Saints Swanton Morley as he says we have no church  that is named St Valentine in the benifice.  You should be able to see the service anytime on this Sunday on U Tube===JACK:  Hey!  Jack Valentine sounds like a good idea.  I wonder why it has caught on in America.  Has Jack come to your door?===BS:  Probably  because our homes are close together. I'm  hoping Jack Valentine will grace my doorstep tomorrow.❤===JACK:  That's what makes the day so exciting.  You never know. 

FROM WILLMAR REV:  Head and heart, for sure.===JACK:  There's a saying..."Love at first sight."  Is that the way it was for you?  ...and how about your wife?  What attracted you to her?  Your good looks?  Or, because you were a pastor?===REV:  My last year at Bible College and she transferred in from an AG church campus there in the Detroit  area that offered a two-year program of Bible courses that would transfer to one of our 4-year campuses. Fran is two years older than I am and being my last year, she caught my attention right away since I thought I’d better settle into perhaps funding a wife and dear friend before graduating. Fifty years later we are still at it!! 0;-)===JACK:  Yes, indeed.  She is a fine lady.  I didn't know that story.  God works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform.  I hope that when we come to Willmar, we will have a chance to meet her.

FROM THE SHARK:   Tina Turner said, What's love got to do with it? "===JACK:   I like Tina and that song.  I think that I'll YouTube it right now.

FROM SHARIN' SHARON:  I also had to look up "assiduity".  Googled it and it does fit my understanding of love, particularly eros, romantic love.  Falling into it "head first" is exactly right.  Though it seems to have no rhyme or reason and one can't plan for it--in my personal experience anyway--as my life has unrolled, I believe I can see the pattern, that the plan is put into place by God and all that happens to a person, in my case me, are only events and experiences that support, keep viable, and maintain that first vow to another person, in my case Jerry, in the Presence of God. ===JACK:  ===JACK:  I wonder if God has time to intervene when it comes to our "love" choices.  Maybe He leaves us to be on our own.

FROM  PROUD MARY:  Love is all you need. It is the most challenging and rewarding aspect of existence.🏼️🥰===JACK:  Isn't part of the Mary Tyler Moore theme song?  Whether or nopt, it's a good comment.

FROM ST PAUL IN ST PAUL:   are you sure the word is not acidity?? 😀 ===JACK:  You choose your kind of love, and I'll choose mine.  

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